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Thread: Post here instead of contacting your ex!

  1. #361
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I'm finally ready to let you go.

    I forgive you for all that you did that was wrong and hurtful and I thank you for all of the things that you did that made me feel good.

    I have become a better person for knowing you and will take so much from what we had with me in to the future.

    You were not right for me but I will never regret loving you or regret the time we had together.

    I hope you can work out what it is you really want from life and get to a better place than you are now.

    I wish you happiness and I hope you can find the love you so desperately seek with someone else.

    Thank you Karen, I'm sure I will think of you in the years ahead and reflect on the good times we had and I hope you can think back on our time together with fondness.

    I loved you with all my heart and I loved loving you.

    Farewell x

  2. #362
    Join Date
    May 2011
    you havent asked me if I ate in over a week... you know what I ate for dinner? a can of black olives! u know why? because if I didnt eat something I might have starved to death! or died of a vodka overdose.. not that you would care..

  3. #363
    Join Date
    May 2011
    i tried and tried to move on but today i snapped by a stuck stapler, i really tired of pretending im fine and all i really do..very tired now...heart so painful its to much to bare. Shit tears are falling down now...i wish to sleep and never wakes up anymore...i cant live without you, How can you ever ignore me and just move on with your life? 4 years of tears and joy together ..........please come back to me before its to late baby..

  4. #364
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I love you.. I need you.. I cant face my shitty life without you.. I havent needed vodka for over a year.. didnt want it.. but I need it now.. remember when u told me to not drink anymore wine? I said ok.. I still have a bottle in the fridge from then.. I didnt need anything else when I had you.. had no problems sleeping.. remember when you told me to stop taking the pills? I did..didnt need them.. I could sleep as long as I was with you.. I was happy.. you used to worry about me eating.. well that has just gone to shit.. I am only eating enough now to survive.. who cares anyway? I was so happy with you.. I didnt care that you were different.. I loved that actually.. but now you would rather be alone than to be with me.. and the only way I can face that is with vodka and sleeping pills..

  5. #365
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    saratoga springs
    im nervous about this.. i already know the result, but i need to try

  6. #366
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I miss you ... I miss you... I miss you... thank you for finally answering my stupid msg.. you didnt ask how I was, or if I ate.. you were so cold... dead... like me... how did you do that? our endless hours into nothingness.. maybe i wil never understand.. I just feel like I cant go that long without talking to you.. I always meant every word I said... I love you soooo very much :* :* :* :* these are all only for you :* :* :* <3 sweet dreams.. feel me there...

  7. #367
    Join Date
    May 2011
    just reading some of your old fb status..about some of the ones that left you, for whatever reason..one died.. one moved away with her bf.. one just didnt care enough about you to stick around.. god, you care so much.. still.. and here I am, the only one who always stuck by you no matter what.. I will never read about me in your status..

  8. #368
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    saratoga springs
    i have a feeling this will work out.. dont know why... i hope im right.. but I am prepared for it not too..

  9. #369
    Join Date
    May 2011
    It's depressing to come home to the same queen sized bed and not see you sleeping there. It pains me to walk around anywhere and instantly think of times we've been down that same road or ate at that same restaurant. The relationship only lasted 4 months but I liked you when we first met 7+ years ago. I can't stand the thought of losing you but I think I already have. All my friends are with me... Even some of YOUR friends have sided with me. These friends have known you for just as long as I have and they can't stand what you did to someone as good as me. I tell myself this all the time: "She cheated on you." I repeat it over and over in my head but my heart still pains. I have little confidence in myself anymore and I've lost so much weight because all I do is mope around, sleep and refuse to eat. I want to tell you how much I miss you and love you.

    I'm not at all trying to hurt you because I'm still in love with you. I want you to be happy with me... but then I get a harsh feeling in my stomach; it twists and turns, like I need to vomit. It does this because I know you've made up your mind and are moving thousands upon thousands of miles away to be with this new guy. I can't stand the thought of you with someone else... how can you do this to me? I did everything you wanted and treated you exactly how you wanted. Can't you see that you were in the wrong? My friends see it. Your friends see it. Everyone I've talk to has seen it. I can only imagine what's going through your head as you probably tell people lies about why we broke up in the first place.

    I can't fathom what you were thinking about when you decided it was okay for you or your friends to prank call me 3 times. I just don't know what to do anymore. I miss you so much. I'm still in love with you and it hurts because all I can think about are the happy times we had.

  10. #370
    Join Date
    May 2011
    feels like I am shaking a dead body when I msg you.. and then you answer.. like a dead body "I'm alright."
    HOW THE HELL ARE YOU ALRIGHT??? I wanna be alright too.. dammit..

  11. #371
    Join Date
    May 2011
    today i felt so weird and its nearly 1 month now we being apart from each other, Saturday i watched Jim Carrey Yes Man movie, even him self took 3 dam years to recover from a divorce...and this weird feeling of calm and finally can sleep more then 2 hours...does this means i finally getting over you? i dont know how will i be if you come back to me? hmm or maybe ill back to square one in few more days? like getting lost in this love maze..i really wonder how are you doing now and your facebook so quiet and empty..are you suffering like i do? do you wanted to be back with me again so bad?....please God release me from this torment..

  12. #372
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    PUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What? Seriously? You are kidding right? You want to do what? PUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  13. #373
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Oh Horsey.. ya gotta share!!
    Some people are drains and some are radiators... Keep clear of the drains and hug the radiators!

  14. #374
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I'll be your prize if you want

    STOP FLIRTING GAHHHHHHHH - control yourself woman!! Only gonna get myself hurt
    Please just dont play with me, my paper heart will bleed...

  15. #375
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Well, we talked, you didn't entirely throw me away. We're just on a "break". Not sure what that means. Still, we changed our relationship statuses to "single", and I would've rather changed it to "it's complicated". But, I know that you love me, and are in love with me, and I know that you're going through something. Hopefully, through all of this, we'll have a better chance together in the future.

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