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Thread: if you're not married you're single....

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartIsAching View Post
    Actually, I thought some of this sounded a bit hinky so I did a bit of research...

    Marriage licenses were used as a mechanism to PREVENT interracial (why do we call it interracial? Aren't we all the same race?) marriage. The legality of that was later struck down by the Supreme Court.
    Have you heard of Michael Badnarik? He has a Constitution-based program and breaks it all down.

    Many people think the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776, but it wasn't.
    Many people think we have "Constitutional Rights" -and we do NOT!

  2. #32
    qwertz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    Hah! You think living with someone is any guarantee you "know" them? People evolve over time, and their needs change in ways that cannot be anticipated, whether you live with them before getting married, or not.

    I - for one - do not consider "common law" marriages to be a marriage at all. In fact, I consider it a way for people (usually male) to avoid getting married. Say what you will about marriage, but the truth is that most women want a man who loves them enough to take this step.
    Living with someone doesnt guarantee that you "know" them - but then if you are taking that view on things then neither does marriage. Marriage binds you in many ways and i know for sure i would rather find out i didnt "know" them when living together rather than married.

    I agree with your second paragraph. I dont see common law partners as being married and i could never imagine calling my common law partner my husband.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    Hah! You think living with someone is any guarantee you "know" them? People evolve over time, and their needs change in ways that cannot be anticipated, whether you live with them before getting married, or not.

    I - for one - do not consider "common law" marriages to be a marriage at all. In fact, I consider it a way for people (usually male) to avoid getting married. Say what you will about marriage, but the truth is that most women want a man who loves them enough to take this step.

    Hah, I for one do not give credence to what you think about such a clear cut and factually based assertion that I have made.
    The fact is: YOU (like most girls) have been either programmed/indoctrinated to think and feel: that a marriage says you've taken the ultimate step...

    Another fact: People show you how they are all the time: even more so when you live with them.
    Their efforts, resolve, plan of action (inaction) hidden anger issues, complacency, laziness (if any) ALL come out
    when you live with someone...

    Of course if you aren't all that observant: chances are you miss out on the details coupled to the lack of
    instinct you should have as an (advanced) animal I fail to see your opinion.

    Since you live in America....I ask you this and I dare you to respond!

    Do you have a SSN? Yes? Then guess what?
    YOU are working FOR the Corporation of the U.S. and are therefore a federal employee of such jurisdiction.
    Do you also know that the federal income tax is VOLUNTARY?
    Did you know that you have a right to travel, and when you get a driver's license you are asking the
    state for permission to "drive?" Exactly.

    The fact is:
    You don't ever own your car (once it is paid off)
    You don't ever own your own house and the most serious fact:
    You don't EVER own your own body...The state does because you have allowed to become a "person."

    A person: is a fictitious entity: that is also a Corporation.

    The above proves (if you did not know them) that your mere opinion of marriage does not constitute
    any sort of facts nor legal standing.

  4. #34
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    You are such a dork.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    You are such a dork.
    Aw, tell me how you really feel... (try to include facts if you can) I know it's hard to...but try.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by SelflessnHumble View Post
    Aw, tell me how you really feel... (try to include facts if you can) I know it's hard to...but try.

    We landed on the moon back in 1950 something.

    There is no area 51.

    The jews do not control the media.

    9/11 was not a setup.

    The gold standard is not better.

    Obama's death panels and concentration camps do not exist.

    Obama was born in Hawaii, and is in fact not the Anti-christ.

    And tea baggers are a joke.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by SelflessnHumble View Post
    The fact is: YOU (like most girls) have been either programmed/indoctrinated to think and feel: that a marriage says you've taken the ultimate step...
    It IS the ultimate step. If it were as unimportant as you are claiming it is, then you wouldn't spend so much time arguing against it. When I say it doesn't matter if you wear black pants or blue ones, do you think I spend any time at all arguing about one color or the other?

    Also, like Frasbee, I am not big into conspiracy theories. Actually, they diminish your credibility.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by SelflessnHumble View Post
    Have you heard of Michael Badnarik? He has a Constitution-based program and breaks it all down.

    Many people think the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776, but it wasn't.
    Many people think we have "Constitutional Rights" -and we do NOT!
    [url=http://www.laalmanac.com/vitals/vi70.htm]Perez Versus Sharp - End to California Miscegenation Laws[/url]

    [url=http://www2.facinghistory.org/campus/rm.nsf/0/6279243C0EEE444E85257037004EA259]Anti-miscegenation Laws[/url]

    [url=http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2304489/louisiana_justice_of_the_peace_denies.html]Louisiana Justice of the Peace Denies Marriage License to Interracial Couple - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com[/url]

    [url=http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=388&invol=1]FindLaw | Cases and Codes[/url]

  9. #39
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    This is the stupidest argument I've seen on Loveforum since last Thursday.

    Quote Originally Posted by HeartIsAching View Post
    I don't know about Canada, but here in most states, Common-Law marriages have to be filed for. The difference is that there need be no ceremony, and both parties do not have to sign/agree to it. If you can prove that you've been cohabiting (and the term varies from state to state) for __ years, you can go to the court, get the papers, fill them out and file them... and that's it. You're done, no matter what the other party wants. After that you DO need a divorce if you split.
    I don't like it when people make arguments based on fallacies. Common-law marriages do not have to be "filed for". Furthermore, not all jurisdictions recognize them (because common-law marriage implies that no civil marriage contract has been signed) And proof of cohabitation does not mean there is a legal divorce process following separation. On the other hand, if a civil marriage contract is signed, it must be signed by both parties in order to be valid. Otherwise, there is simply no agreement/contract, and no "divorce process".

    There are others, but I'm not going to waste my time.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post

    We landed on the moon back in 1950 something.

    There is no area 51.

    The jews do not control the media.

    9/11 was not a setup.

    The gold standard is not better.

    Obama's death panels and concentration camps do not exist.

    Obama was born in Hawaii, and is in fact not the Anti-christ.

    And tea baggers are a joke.
    Mmmmkay...and what does that have anything to do with what I just said? Nothing.

    Actually it does: it proves that you cannot give me a direct answer because your asinine attempt at categorizing me
    as a conspiracy theorist FAILED. Nice try though...Good of you to use anything but FACT to refute my claim(s)

    Are you doppelgaenger's doppelganger?

    A few more questions before you're outed as a know-nothing...

    -Are you aware of the American financial system and HOW it is a fraud? Yes or No?
    If you feel it is not a fraud; please...Say so...and without googling it: say why.

    -Do we have a right to travel? Do you know the definition of the word drive? (Black's law, or Bouvie, not Websters)
    -Where is the LAW that mandates the average American to pay a federal income tax?
    Last edited by SelflessnHumble; 16-02-11 at 11:08 AM.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    It IS the ultimate step. If it were as unimportant as you are claiming it is, then you wouldn't spend so much time arguing against it. When I say it doesn't matter if you wear black pants or blue ones, do you think I spend any time at all arguing about one color or the other?

    Also, like Frasbee, I am not big into conspiracy theories. Actually, they diminish your credibility.
    Precisely my point. You feel it is the ultimate step. To me: it's not.
    This is what people refer to as a difference of opinion, and before religion got their hands on it: I would agree with you.

    As to the 2nd part of your statement: I have no doubt I've shaken up your "conventional" stereotypical views that stem from
    ANYTHING but original thought....however the fact is: I'm an iconoclast, and unfortunately: you don't know who you are: as an "American."

    We should just leave it at that, because I wouldn't want to unravel your opinions of which you were told how to arrive at instead of thinking outside the box
    you've been trapped in since they took your birth certificate: and made you a number: liable for your part in the scheme.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by doppelgaenger View Post
    This is the stupidest argument I've seen on Loveforum since last Thursday.

    I don't like it when people make arguments based on fallacies. Common-law marriages do not have to be "filed for". Furthermore, not all jurisdictions recognize them (because common-law marriage implies that no civil marriage contract has been signed) And proof of cohabitation does not mean there is a legal divorce process following separation. On the other hand, if a civil marriage contract is signed, it must be signed by both parties in order to be valid. Otherwise, there is simply no agreement/contract, and no "divorce process".

    There are others, but I'm not going to waste my time.
    I'm impressed you know that! That is great news.
    Most states do not recognize Common Law Marriages period.
    BUT, they do recognize Common Law.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by SelflessnHumble View Post
    I'm impressed you know that! That is great news.
    Most states do not recognize Common Law Marriages period.
    BUT, they do recognize Common Law.
    Your point?

  14. #44
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    I don't care if you're married, common-law or just trying it out.
    My list of what's appropriate is simple.

    You take responsibility for your choices.
    You choose to be with a single person, you stay with only them. Marriage is just a piece of paper.
    You have sex, you damn well better be prepared to raise a kid. (Unless you're fixed, then I guess you just need to be faithful)

    I've been living common law for 17 years, and we'd like to get married one day, but it's got nothing to do with being official, it's about what we want as the celebration.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by doppelgaenger View Post
    This is the stupidest argument I've seen on Loveforum since last Thursday.

    I don't like it when people make arguments based on fallacies. Common-law marriages do not have to be "filed for". Furthermore, not all jurisdictions recognize them (because common-law marriage implies that no civil marriage contract has been signed) And proof of cohabitation does not mean there is a legal divorce process following separation. On the other hand, if a civil marriage contract is signed, it must be signed by both parties in order to be valid. Otherwise, there is simply no agreement/contract, and no "divorce process".

    There are others, but I'm not going to waste my time.
    Why? What did you say last Thursday?

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