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Thread: Should I stay or should I go? (Very Long Post)

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Sometimes it's not about half cup full or half cup empty. It is about your own self worth and I'm starting to wonder if yours needs a hefty dose of a little something something, get you back on track.
    May I ask why you spend time with what seems like little miss wrong? Are you treading lightly due to fear of being alone?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    Some great follow-up advice you are getting. At this time, all I really have to add is regarding her "story" behind kissing some guy.

    To me, that story sounds like complete bull crap, regardless of whether you think "then why would she even bother to say it?" So, according to her the guy is a complete scumbag..... so she responds to that by kissing him. Uh huh. That makes a lot of sense.

    Why would she make up that story? Sounds like she's trying to make herself look like the white knight here. Like she expects you to believe she did it out of the kindness of her heart, trying to help her friend avoid a loser. Uh huh. But, hey, I have a creative imagination. Let's pretend for a moment that was true.... There are a million better ways to achieve that end rather than that, which I'm sure would even occur to somebody who is drunk. So, I'm not buying it. She kissed the guy because she wanted to kiss him. The "it made me realize how much I want you" is not only bullcrap, but also not a reasonable excuse in the least. Why were you a secondary thought in the first place? Why should she have to kiss a guy just to realize how much you mean to her? So, even if that IS the truth (and that is a BIG if), that's not okay anyway.

    Best of luck to you. I hope you do find somebody who will treat you with the respect you deserve. I just find it highly doubtful that will be her.

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