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Thread: Lack of physical attraction?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Still BCgirl makes sense. It would be safer for her to dump you. Even if she becomes real hot while in relationship with you its common practice to dump partner afterwards you changed. So its not safe for both of you. She stays the same and you wont care about her or she becomes hot and she dont care about you. However you should do at least something so you can post your progress.

    Anyway bet LoveReject would be happy to bang her if you dont.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    There are all kinds of ppl in this world. Some are more materialistic than others while some tend to value appearances more than others etc. seems like the OP's bf values looks and youth in his mate more than other men. Perhaps he may be more sexually satisfied if he gone off with a trophy wife a girl who values money over other aspects in a relationship (but this means he must have money and be successful). If he is a broke loser with a mediocre job and mediocre looks, he won't be successful in landing a trophy wife. The best matches are those where the couples tend to be on the same attractive level, men several years older than the girl and the man a little bit more successful
    As for only being together for 2 yrs and he is already sexually uninterested and unattracted to you...well this is a major issue. This is NOT a healthy relationship at all. Might as well be friends if the attraction portion of the equation is missing
    Last edited by bcgirl; 25-04-13 at 03:27 AM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    If this girl is overweight now imagine how it'll be a few years down the line. My ex-wife was a little bit overweight. 25 years later and she's obese. Thankfully she's my ex-wife.
    If you don't fancy the fat girl why not bang her anyway? She'd probably welcome the attention.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    he doesnt wany to hurt her and shes a virgin so its not a good idea to sleep with her unless there on the same page

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2010
    "only way for her to know is if I could actually have sex with her. Anything else would never be enough for her"

    Thats sounds enought cock hungry for me. Bet she dont get much offers from other guys - thats why shes still virgin. However overcomplicating things will have the same result - virginity. Everything is very simple.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

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