agreed. very harsh.
agreed. very harsh.
i wouldn't be surprized if innova had blue balls by now... hurry up and wack it while you're doing your email thang.
...this is just my perspective on the situation...
now why would he have blue balls eh?
gee... that is a really hard one... you tell me why he would have blue balls..
...this is just my perspective on the situation...
sorry, no can do. i have a massive hungover and pissed off.
Why don't you just say "Because I don't know what blue balls are" instead.
i know what they are. i ain't that stupid.
Enlighten me?
blah blah blah horny for too long blah blah blah doesn't cum causes discomfort blah blah blah
couldn't you have done that without all those "blahs"?? it would've been a must quicker and shorter response.
...this is just my perspective on the situation...
sorry, couldn't help it. i like the blahs.
you mean the constant thoughts that run through your minds?? just a bunch of blahs huh?? nothing really that makes any sense whatsoever.
...this is just my perspective on the situation...
indeedie, i don't make sense.