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Thread: No contact from girlfriend...Should I be worried?

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by franklinmount View Post
    For a day and a half actually heh
    What has made me worry sooo much, is how often she would text me for the 2-3 weeks prior to Sunday. It was out of this world good, every hour she would text me and stuff. Sent heaps of texts to each other.
    So it seemed so unusual not to get anything from her, for 1.5 days, would have been longer if i hadn't messaged her...
    wow....srsly...i duno wot to say. lol
    is she like your first or something? how old r u? chill out..your obsessive dude.

  2. #32
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    lol i know i know.
    Its been a fair while since my last girlfriend. And I haven't had many. I have chosen not to have one due to uni commitments and the like.
    And I have finally found one that is really nice and likes me etc etc.
    So I don't want to lose that. I just feel bad right now that I am losing that.
    It just seems so 'cold'' the past 2 days...

    Tell me what I should be doing? Or what this situation means.
    I am finding it hard to steer myself in the appropriate directions, and thoughts!!!
    Have I ruined it?

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartIsAching View Post
    Everybody's different. My wife loves that I text and call her several times a day, and I love it that she does the same for me.
    Exactly. I love it when a partner will call every day. NOT obsessive, it shows he cares and is interested to talk to me. Plus I like to hear from him every day...and if he wants to call/text more than once, it isn't a problem either. Anybody in love, wouldn't mind regularly hearing from their partner IMO.

    Frequent and regular calling would only get on my nerves and if it was a guy I wasn't 'that' interested in.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by franklinmount View Post
    yeh i would have thought the whole point of a relationship, is to be in constant contact with your partner?
    Dont you want to know everything about them and what they get upto?
    If we are REALLY interested, then yeah...course we want to call them.

    There would be something sadly wrong IMO, if we didn't want to hear from them and it was a problem for us and when they called, as and when they felt like it. IMO anyway.

    My ex would call me/text me a few times a day and I NEVER got pissed off or bored with him - nor did I think he was obsessed. I loved to hear his voice, listen to him laugh and know how his day was going, what he was up too, etc, etc.
    We could talk for hours about anything and everything and shared the same sense of humour - it was never dull.
    Last edited by xxazurexx; 01-02-11 at 08:52 PM.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by GK001 View Post
    wow....srsly...i duno wot to say. lol
    is she like your first or something? how old r u? chill out..your obsessive dude.
    When we get used to a particular pattern, like he became used to her regular pattern of calling/texting and regularly, of course he is going to notice that this pattern changes and now he's getting 'nothing'....Of course he is going to wonder why it's gone from regular and consistant contact, to NOTHING....

    This woman went from showing a huge interest over 3 weeks, to 'nothing'......

    3 weeks is neither here or there, but still, it is long enough and to notice a change in a pattern.

    The guy wants to know where he stands.
    Last edited by xxazurexx; 01-02-11 at 08:56 PM.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by franklinmount View Post
    Okay, she said that she was having a bad day yesterday so I was considering sending her a text tomorrow morning wishing her a better day, etc.
    Is this a no go?
    Dude. Chill out. If you are worried things are going south then smothering her isn't going to improve things. Just wait for her to contact you. Go read a book or something. Draw yourself a hot bath. Watch old seasons of Dr. Who.

  7. #37
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    Okay well, thanks for your advice, but its over.
    I dont know what it was that I did, but I am pretty sure I did nothing wrong!

    Anyways, ended up talking to her towards the end of last week. Turns out she is busy with family politics and problems like this...She said there was something that was keeping her real busy but she swore to them that she would keep it a secret, so she cant tell me..
    It did seem she was still keen at this stage and we were meant to see each other tonight, Monday.
    I text her asking what time would be like me to come over, she text back canceling the night..
    So I then went ahead and we ended up having this text convo:
    Me: "I understand you're having family issues right now. But im getting mixed feelings, and i just would like to know straight up if you're actually interested in me, and want to take things further, i really do, because i think there is an awesome spark there, however, i wont be offended if you don't..."
    Her: "I'm sorry but im not sure. Ive got too much going on right now, and its not fair on you. its not your fault, your lovely, but i have my hands full here. i just need some time to sort my own things out. sorry "
    Me: "i like you enough to wait and help where i can,, if you need time that's okay. i just wanted to know if im wasting my time with someone that doesn't feel the same way as myself...if your willing too, we can find a way!"
    Her: "that's very sweet of you, but i cant do it right now. i just need some time by myself. i don't want to lead you on but i don't know where im going. thanks for everything and i hope your not angry"
    Me: "This is so odd, what happened. From last week with it being so awesome, to this? you said you were really happy because of me, I met your friends and family and they liked me. I played with George, i am somewhat astonished by it all. I thought we had something special going"
    Her: "I understand, i have my hands full with private family matters. I cant spare the time or energy. im overwhelmed with a few things and i cant deal with starting something up with you because i need to focus on my things. im sorry if that seems unfair but i cant do more"
    Me: "Yeh i can understand, it seems like such a pity to let this go to waste, things this good don't come often, but not much i can do now."
    Her: "I'm sorry that its this way. I hope your not hurt. Sorry again"

    This is so shit. I finally meet someone I like and get along with, and that seems to like me back just as much. Only for something to get in the way.

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