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Thread: dumped for cheating..long* (prefer 4 girls responses)

  1. #31
    Illusional's Avatar
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    firmjerm: haha you crack me up. yes i did call you a cry baby and i'm still waiting for your bitchslap... however it took you a really long time to understand your actions were wrong. i'm not gonna give advice to you on a silver platter, so you can still attempt to ***** slap me if you want.

    and with my 8000 posts, yes, i have given so much advice here, that i'm rather blunt about the info that i give. i've told so many other members here before you the same advice, and i'll just add you to the numbers of another immature teen. how about drinking to that buddy??

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  2. #32
    firmjerm's Avatar
    firmjerm Guest
    well you can go ahead and diagnose me as immature, you know, as you are a liscenced therapist and all...and who said anything about a bitchslap? that was a response to someone else that said they would to me, so i said they wouldnt and that was the end of it. besides i knew ALL along that my actions were wrong, who in their right mind couldnt? f*ck it, lets drink to that...what will you be drinking tonight?

  3. #33
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by firmjerm
    all i want is a chance, so it is stereotypical. but tell me, how long do i need to go without sex (even if she took me back) to prove myself worthy. so if she were to say, ex. "hey, i think we can try this again" and i said, "yes, i agree. but theres something you have to know, i had sex with her again not thinking it was a big deal. so to prove im worth it im going to show you i can go (days* months*) without it any sex". will this work?

    Why is SEX so important knowing what you know now? I think that you need to visit a whore house and not EXPECT sex from HER. There must be a reason you NEED sex from someone else. Maybe your EX feels you should love her for her and NOT for sex. You seem very, very selfish to me.

  4. #34
    Illusional's Avatar
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    haha i don't need to be a "liscenced therapist" to call you immature. it's my opinion and i will say how i feel.

    as for drinking, hrmm...that is a very good question. what should i drink tonight??

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  5. #35
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    firmjerm Guest
    coors light is always good...

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