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Thread: crazy jealous or reasonable?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Time to compromise. If they rekindle their friendship then don't you think that it would be a good idea that the two of you set up some very fundamental boundaries to this friendship... Like no going on one-on-one outings with each other. Keeping their get togethers when you're also invited. No spending time texting and emailing to the point of distracting away from your union. Maybe you can think of some of your own boundaries that you'd like to see in place that aren't toooo unflexible.

    Good luck.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    So now that it's been over a month since I posted here...here is an update:

    After this last fight we had (discussed above), things were going well for a couple of weeks, until I left to travel in Europe. This vacation was planned before we met, and I was really looking forward to it. Long story short, the last week of my travels he is really difficult... not responding to my texts. He is distant and cold. I tried being extra sweet, calling him to check up on him (MIND YOU I'M THE ONE TRAVELLING), and he is still not reciprocating my care.

    When I return, I obviously want to talk about what happened, even though I haven't slept in 24 hours, but the fact that something is up bugs me enough to bring it up.

    Another long story short, he wants to move out. He doesn't want to live with me any more, feels like he is losing a sense of self while living with me, feels like our relationship has been too difficult. But he wants to still stay together and try and make it work, just not living together... or getting married, both of which, mind you, HE wanted. HE suggested to move in. HE proposed. Which was freaky, I admit, but hey... who's to say we always have to do things the standard way. (Turns out, we do... in hindsight.)

    So, I tell him he is free to move out, and that I have no desire to continue this relationship at all... Not while we're not living together. Not because we're not living together, but simply because I felt betrayed and that I won't ever be sure what he is thinking or up to.

    A month goes by, during which I did not contact him at all, since he wanted his freedom... only to get an email from him in which he confesses that he misses me and that there's a void ever since I left his life that he cannot seem to fill.

    What. the. heck. do. I. do. now?!?!?!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Ignore it. Do not respond to him at all, ever.

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