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Thread: Do a lot of guys go to Strip clubs?

  1. #31
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by COAD
    One thing I dont understand, why if a guy loves you he needs to look at other girls, especially stripping.....
    Watching strippers has nothing to do with love. It's just visual stimulation. The male psyche is hardwired to be sexually driven by erotic or sensual IMAGES, where females are more EMOTIONALLY stimulated (men look at porn, women read romance novels, in the end it's all the same shit).

    Women who can't undertand this or get past it are either very insecure, or in a relationship that's not solid anyway. I'm so tired of hearing girls say "A man who would look at another woman really doesn't love you." Please. It's called human nature.

  2. #32
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    do u read romance novels bluesummer?

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  3. #33
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    No i don't, but I know many girls that do. Is that question pertinant to something specific?

  4. #34
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    i was just trying to make the point that u dont read them coz maybe because u r in a relationship where u dont have to read one ... same for men who go to strip clubs ...

    if i am wrong .. then i am sorry .. didnt mean to offend

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  5. #35
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    It's all good, I understand your point. Don't worry, it takes a lot to offend me, really

    I don't know...I have a fabulous relationship with a wonderful man who respects me, loves me, and desires me to a level that most other women would envy....and he's gone to a strip bar or two. So I solidly disagree with the whole idea of a man going to a strip bar being a misogynist dirty pig who doesn't respect his relationship. That's all.

  6. #36
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    If my bf ever got a lapdance I would seriously be pissed and he knows that.

    Ugh. Boys!

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  7. #37
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    if you really trust somebody then why would it matter if they went to a strip club and even got a lap dance? that's just stupid, shallow entertainment for them. i wouldn't care if my guy was out with his friends and those little perverts decided to go to the strip club. those girls can try whatever they want with him but he still thinks i'm much much much sexier and wouldn't do shit with them. it's called trust and security.

  8. #38
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    We've grown up looking at women.
    It's naive to think that meeting you will instantly shut off a lifetime behavior of looking at, admiring, fantasizing, etc other women not to mention the other factors of 1000s of years of genetic and behaviorial development.

    Most of us will never act on those impulses (ie - cheat on our gfs), but that doesn't stop the impulses.

    As far as strip clubs, they're pretty silly. Victims? Definitely the guys. They make complete fools of themselves (as I'm sure I've done myself before when I was younger) and walk out loosing lots of cash. Dumb, but hey, everyone needs an outlet.

    Ever see women at a male strip club? Yowza! Guys look comatose at stripclubs compared to women at male strip clubs.

    I honestly don't see the big deal. If my gf wants to go to some beefcake club with her friends, so be it. It's all stupid, harmless fun (as long as she's blowing her money, not mine).

    If you deny a guy going to a strip club with his friends, you'll just build resentment and increase the desire to go. Just nonchalantly say, "ok" and maybe tease him afterwards about how much money he wasted and how he just makes a fool out of himself and eventually he'll not want to go back because you've taken the fun out of it for him.

  9. #39
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    I find it completely amazing that there are people out there who wouldnt think logically enough to realize that someone who gets off at looking at someone else (whether it be a strip club or porn) is someone whos looking for a lustful feeling! There ARE men out there who believe that when they are in a committed relationship that they shouldnt lustfully look at another woman. Lets get real here! I keep seeing all this "its just looking..." No its not! There is a reason a person goes to a strip club or looks at porn and that is for a lustful feeling which you should be getting from your own lover or wife or girlfriend.
    This had absolutely zero to do with insecurity. As a matter of fact its opposite. A woman who wont deal with that is a woman with standards and I give props to her. I, for one, am a very secure person in my relationships. I dont have trust issues or the such, but if I found out my man wanted to look at other women naked and even touch them I would number one be asking myself whats missing in our relationship and number two I'd be gone. Thats security because a woman who isnt secure would stay through it and tell herself he loves her <--a joke to me

  10. #40
    Tone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALovelyLady86
    There is a reason a person goes to a strip club or looks at porn and that is for a lustful feeling which you should be getting from your own lover or wife or girlfriend.
    I've never once been turned on from going to the strip club, and I've never once said "Hey I'm horny, let me call up the fellas and go to the strip club" - the only reason I ever go is cause my friends go and it's just for something to do and have a good time at...

    But don't take that as I'm some kinda creep who goes all the time... I've only been there 4 or 5 times since I turned 18 (now 22).

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    Then why go to that particular place? If its just hanging out why not go to Chili's or something lol

  12. #42
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    Cause they're guys LoL..

    I was just making the point not ALL guys are motivated to go because of lust.

  13. #43
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    its not normal for guys under 18 to go to strip clubs...

  14. #44
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    Cause theyre guys...
    Alrighty then... lol
    I'm sorry but I'm not seeing a legit argument..please explain.

    I mean to me I might as well be saying girls are allowed to PMS because theyre girls.. make sense?

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    My man went to the strip club last nite and did get a lap dance more. He did spend like 200 $ canadian on it on two girls that crazy. I guess it better that he got that then what some of this friends did they got a blow job. damm this sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by ALovelyLady86
    Cause theyre guys...
    Alrighty then... lol
    I'm sorry but I'm not seeing a legit argument..please explain.

    I mean to me I might as well be saying girls are allowed to PMS because theyre girls.. make sense?

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