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Thread: Frustration Frustration Frustration

  1. #31
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    Chin up, Tone. I think it's human nature to be down on life now and then.

    I know that I, every few months, go through a breakdown over why I figure my life is a failure and has no direction. I cry and hate myself for a bit. Then I remind myself of all the things I DO have and that some others don't, like family, friends, love, health, and even a little extra money to buy myself the few little materialistic things I desire........and I realize there are people out there that probably envy my life.

    I wish I had the time to volunteer. My choice would be the Third World Eye Care missions, where they go to poor countries and give them glasses and cataract surgeries. I work for an optometrist, so I know what the gift of sight really means to people when they don't have it.

  2. #32
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    Thanks a lot nomas, misombra, and bluesummer, your responses really mean a lot to me.

    And yeah I'm fine, I know. I just had to vent and moreso wanted to let people know why my attitude seemed to have changed, I felt like I was bein a big jerk to people here on LF. But yeah like has been said, it's just natural to worry about the uncertainties of life from time to time. Thanks guys.

  3. #33
    lilwing89's Avatar
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    everyone is a jerk from time to time, it is human nature.

  4. #34
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer
    I wish I had the time to volunteer. My choice would be the Third World Eye Care missions, where they go to poor countries and give them glasses and cataract surgeries. I work for an optometrist, so I know what the gift of sight really means to people when they don't have it.

    I worked on a similar project my 3 years in highschool.

    We recieved used glasses from all over.

    Sorted out the bad ones, from the good.

    Then sorted by type, positives, negatives, bifocals.

    Children's glasses were especially precious.

    Any gold frames we found were put in a special bin, we recieved money (for the organization) any time we shipped those out.

    After the sorting, we'd clean them, then measure them and label them accordingly.

    I was supposed to go to Mexico and help out with givin' out the glasses but there were issues and we didn't get to go.

    I logged many hours on the glasses project.

  5. #35
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    Awesome Fras! You lived my dream buddy.....::sniff::

  6. #36
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer
    Awesome Fras! You lived my dream buddy.....::sniff::
    Hey it's something I'm sure you can still do.

    The Lion's club sponsors it.

    I'm sure if you do a bit of researchin' you could find some place in your area that'll allow you to volunteer.

  7. #37
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    Actually, there is a volunteer warehouse here somewhere in the city where all the donated glasses go to, you just stop in and they put you to work....it's just finding the time....

    Also, the paraoptometric group I belong to sponsors one person every year to go on these missions, so maybe next year, we'll see. I really want to go to India cuz I'm studying Punjabi/Hindi, so I could actually be useful there.

  8. #38
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    Hey Tone... I'm just popping in occasionally.. My work is keeping me so busy.. among other things..

    When are we going to Peru? I think that should give you a big distraction. I noticed you said your boss suggested you should go for business major because it's open for anything. I don't know. They say, it's not the school that you go to for what you study, but eventually you'll find your way there.

    Why do you want to go back to school? To do something more with your life? But what's the more that you want? Meaning, purpose? Will becoming a business major help you get that meaning, that purpose?

    I don't know... will it?
    "Ogres are like onions."

  9. #39
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    Oh man, I'd love to go back to Peru.

    I want to go back to school so I can get into a job of something I like. Meet new people. And C) Because I could be getting a University degree practically free from my job, I'd feel foolish to pass that up.

    And I dunno about the business major :(

  10. #40
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    So, what's stopping you about going back to school?

    It really goes in circle, doesn't it? Go back to school to get into a job of something you like, but you don't know what you like so you don't exactly know to go back to school for.

    Take some random classes. Things that you've always think that you're interested in. Try them out and see.

    Again, I'm a big volunteering person. What do you care about alot..Somethign that touches you all the time..
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  11. #41
    Tone's Avatar
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    That's the whole problem.

    I just... don't... know.

  12. #42
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    Tone.. maybe you're worrying too much about purpose.. Take things as they come..

    I have this thing that I've always wanted to do.. You know, those jobs where you go out and try to document the remaining indiginous (I think I spelled wrong) people and languages that are disappearing.. Oh, I itch to do that...

    But it's okay... I understand that I keep finding excuses not to do it..

    Maybe if you put away the little excuses that you have, you'll be able to try out anything and everything...
    "Ogres are like onions."

  13. #43
    Tone's Avatar
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    Now you understand why I'm frustrated. :)

  14. #44
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    Tone----In my humble opinion.....
    If you want a college education, definately go and pursue it. I think it's good to get a degree, doesn't matter what you study really, just get the education. Most times employers really just want to know that you're not stupid and you can write, so the paper just opens a few more doors for you. Nothing's set in stone.
    Business major, as suggested by your boss, is a pretty general degree but good, cause you learn econs, accounts, stats, marketing, management yada yyada yada. Just stuff you need to know in general, in ANY job you do. In any job you need to know where your money is going and it's certainly going to help if you can read a balance sheet.
    Good luck.

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