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Thread: Biggest date turn offs

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    The happy instagramer, who takes pictures of you, each other, his food, the restaurant ( inside and out) everything to memorialize your date with them and shares it with the world. I don't like that.

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Surrey, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertWQ View Post
    Same. Why should the guy pay for the date?
    Be careful what you wish for.....if a girl jumps in to pay for a date YOU asked her out on that usually (not always) means she doesn't want to feel obligated because she isn't that into you.

    It should be: girls should step up and take guys out on dates too.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Texarkana, AR
    My rule-of-thumb always was: If you ask HER out, you pay. If she asks YOU out, she pays.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    1. Her expecting me to pay things for her
    A huge turn off which just means she's not into me that much.
    2. Her doing some negative behaviour and expressing negative vibe, because I didn't pay her things.
    When girls aren't attracted to you (so much), they do this so often it makes me puke. In case she's very attracted to you, you can say you forgot a wallet at home and she'll pay everything with pleasure, and even ask you, if you want anything else. It's a day and night difference in treatment from her side, depending on how much she's attracted to you - this varies from her leaving you with comment "what kind of guy are you?!" and a sex on first date.
    3. Her not giving me attention, like checking phone, long talking with people who just came by
    I hate this so much I may say I'm going to toilette but in reality, I'm going home.
    4. Flirting with hot guys.
    Seriously?On first date?You already got my "A HO" sticker.
    5. Acting like she's an innocent angel to me, while on the other hand, she's releasing her sexual hell with random guys on ONS.
    This is where my sl#t detector starts beeping. One of the worst thing for a female is to lie about her crazy sexual past and at the same time blocking my c#ck, because she "Isn't like that" or "we're still knowing each other". Doing ONS, pretending and lying at same time, not a winning combo.
    6. Obviously sniffing about my wealth and social status and her getting to much excited if I tell I own good car/motor or if I tell I'm well with money
    Not a turn off, but some yellow sign shows up with writing "Proceed with caution, may be gold digger". I might try to use her for getting her into bed though.

  5. #35
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    Never date a nurse! lol
    Hah, I have once before. She wasn't near as bad as some other women with their gross tales.

  6. #36
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    Aug 2013
    got a new one, chomping furiously & loudly on gum
    When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do.
    William Blake

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    my biggest turnoff would have to be when the girl thinks shes the best thing ever. nothing wrong with being confident but they're limits to how egotastic you can be. Also she has to have a sense of humor and funny atleast and b open minded

  8. #38
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    Nov 2013
    When your date flirts with the waitress.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    When he bores you to tears you just wana smash your head off the table...

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    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

  10. #40
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    Feb 2013
    Or if he was too forward. Try groping me and ill break your fingers >

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
    "Don't ask a question if you can't handle the answer".

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    With women - Biggest is if I am telling her something I like about her and she puts herself down. "Your (whatever) is so pretty" and she be like, "Oh it is terrible". Bitch, quit ruining the moment. Slobby-ass dressers kind of put me off too. I don't expect Armani but don't be showing up in some crap that came off the Walmart clearance racks. Or if they are afraid to eat. when we are at dinner.

    With men - cheapness or bad hygiene are HUGE no-no's. I once was gonna go out with this guy and said, "We can hang at your place, would you grab us some Wendy's for dinner?" He said he was broke. All I wanted was some god damn carry-out and he could not get that? CHEAPO! And the worst of the worst - if he starts talking about politics.

    With both - drunk or on drugs, stares at the TV the whole "evening in" dates. Boring me with stories about people I do not even know. If it's someone close like family great but I do not care about your room mate's boyfriend's mom's ex husband...

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    That dot on the map
    I'm a unique kind of guy, or so I think, to me the biggest turn off is if the girl doesn't understand my humor. I can be funny... sometimes, but my jokes are usually really difficult and require a lot of attention for others to fully understand, or so I've been told. So if I see that it's not working, the deal's off. My humor is about 40% of what I am. I'm not a clown though..
    Another thing that turns me off, is if the girl expects something grand on the first date. I prefer a simple walk and talk, through the old city or shore. Not movies, attractions or events in general.
    And then there's the before mentioned gold digging, overconfidence and rudeness.
    Oh, one more thing, I'd hate to be compared to someone in anything.

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    Ordering the most expensive dish on the menu and most expensive wine etcs because they are not paying. Gives me alot of insight into who they are though.

  14. #44
    Join Date
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    Surrey, BC
    Here is a bad date: guy asks girl out. Takes her to a high end restaurant. He starts to order expensive wines. About 3 bottles in he gets kicked out for being intoxicated and hops into a cab, goes home. She's left with the bill.

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