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Thread: Racism no longer exist?

  1. #31
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post
    Wow, I practically live in asian restaurants when I go out with friends and I've never seen THAT before. And this was in Vancouver?

    Richmond, more specifically. It wasn't just me, it's happened to friends of mine too.
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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post

    Registered white voters who voted for white presidents in all past elecetions before 2008 = 100%

    Registered black voters who voted for white presidents in all past elecetions before 2008 = 100%

    How does that compute into your definition of racism?
    Are you ****ing serious?

    So because there hasn't been a black Presidential nominee, that means this entire country was racist up until the year 2008?

    Those numbers are absolutely PATHETIC .. A ****ing 95 year old black woman voted for the first time in her life because a black man was running..

    This race was about nothing but race to the "black people" and those numbers show it perfectly clear..

    Way to go America, voting on whats really important!

  3. #33
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    Mishanya's point was that your statistics were also ambiguous.

  4. #34
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    Those stats are taken directly off of MSNBC.com

    There is nothing ambiguous about them.. Its pretty point blank..

  5. #35
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    Yes ambiguous, because a ****ing population of people who vote for a certain candidate does not mean they are racist or have a prejudice against a candidate because of the color of their skin. For example, I voted for Obama simply because I think he's a ****ing great candidate who will get the damn job done. I'm 'white' and I'm not racist.

    Are you serious?

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by To0C0oL View Post
    Are you ****ing serious?

    So because there hasn't been a black Presidential nominee, that means this entire country was racist up until the year 2008?
    Your words not mine

    That's pretty much what you're saying according to your interprettation of statistics
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  7. #37
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    i hope he's drunk or sleep-deprived or something. wowwwww

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadieNisha4u2nv View Post
    This is probably one of the most ignorant threads i have read on here so far. Please tell me you are joking.

    Anyway, I'm obviously offended by this thread because I am black. Other than that, it pisses me off when people make such ignorant remarks speaking as an outsider(another race). Even here in St Thomas there'sracism against blacks and majority of the population is black. Go into a jewelry store JUST to look around and they follow you around with their eyes and you get so uncomfortable that you end up just leaving. Being constantly looked down upon makes it even harder. Dont even let me get on getting jobs.

    Now I know there are some black people who use slavery days and all that bullshit as an excuse, but not all. So grouping all black people as failures because of making excuses was really shitty on your part.

    Anyway, as for racism, it will never be over. There will still be tons of stereotypes, racial remarks, and prejudice people. Matter of fact it just may get worse. One slip up from Obama and I wont hear the end of "Well what do you expect from a nigger" comments.

    I hope what I said didn't come out as offensive. I just know too many people who are black or Hispanic and who feel they can't make it because of XYZ and I think that's the biggest crock ever. They don't make it because they never try. My dad came from Cuba and busted his ass to make good money. My friend's dad came from Estonia without a penny in his pocket. He couldn't speak a word of English but he busted his own ass, went to college and became a rocket scientist. Just because you're an immigrant or your skin tone is darker than another man's does NOT mean you can't become whatever you want and it does not mean you can't earn a good living.
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  9. #39
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    A lot of these people aren't looking for excuses; they genuinely believe that there is no hope for them, hence why they don't try harder. I mean, yeah the truth is that anyone can make whatever they want of themselves - the unfortunate thing is so few people are aware of this; even people who go to college.

    It's sad to see this happen with native Americans in the area, as they continue to make bad decisions; these people were out hunting buffalo on horseback in harsh weather, were masters of living off the land. Look at them now, though, gambling all of their money at casinos, buying cheap booze so they can be too drunk to ignore their kids when they get home. It's sad. I mean, we have only one thing to blame for that; and they honestly don't have much of a choice.
    Last edited by doppelgaenger; 07-11-08 at 03:36 PM.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post
    I hope what I said didn't come out as offensive. I just know too many people who are black or Hispanic and who feel they can't make it because of XYZ and I think that's the biggest crock ever. They don't make it because they never try. My dad came from Cuba and busted his ass to make good money. My friend's dad came from Estonia without a penny in his pocket. He couldn't speak a word of English but he busted his own ass, went to college and became a rocket scientist. Just because you're an immigrant or your skin tone is darker than another man's does NOT mean you can't become whatever you want and it does not mean you can't earn a good living.
    Hey Grib, my post was towards the OP's post. I didnt take yours to offense seeing as you didnt label all black people as the people who blame white people for why they arent making it. Like I said in my post, there are black people like that, but the OP made it to seem as if ALL black people are that way, so thats why I got offended. I know I'm bussin my ass to make it somewhere in life specifically for my daughter, so for someone to sit behind their computer screen and talk shit like that, I'm bound to get offended.

    You know it's all love from me to you Gribble

    EDIT: Ok, I looked back at the original post and saw that he said some in his post, so I guess my being offended can come to an end cuz I'm not in the percentage of some black people who arent taking an initiative to better themselves.
    Last edited by LadieNisha4u2nv; 07-11-08 at 03:34 PM.
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  11. #41
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    [ame="http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=s7b2oCYgfik"]YouTube - Chris Rock - Black People[/ame]


  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    Richmond, more specifically. It wasn't just me, it's happened to friends of mine too.
    Hasn't happen to me, but I'm not surprised. I've been shopping at some of those asian strip malls (not Rmd centre) and man, its weird being the only caucasian person in some of those places. I love going tho, b/c where else but an asian mall can you find a musical water fountain timed to lights, lol. Good deals, too.

    Of course, now I'm learning Mandarin it will be even more fun, lol.

  13. #43
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    It boils down to the old: don't worry about what you can't change.

    There will always be someone who will dislike you for being white/black/rich/poor/clever/stupid/man/woman.

    Lots of ppl just like to bitch about things, and I mean that generally. EVERYONE has a sob story, just stand in a grocery checkout line long enough & look interested and you'll hear them. Most of the time its someone elses fault.

    If *Obama* blows it, I predict he will NEVER claim its b/c he was black & discriminated against. He will take personal responsibility and try harder/be smarter the next time.

  14. #44
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    TooCool - I don't believe your statistics are correct, unless they are referring to a specific precinct. I read that Obama took about half of the white vote. Maybe you can post a link?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by doppelgaenger View Post
    It's sad to see this happen with native Americans in the area, as they continue to make bad decisions; It's sad. I mean, we have only one thing to blame for that; and they honestly don't have much of a choice.

    I'm sorry, they have just as much of a choice as anyone else. My aunt is native, and she's a well educated playwright and author. I have a friend who put herself through accounting programs to get off the reserve. They had a choice and they took it.

    I liked the video Lipp posted, because although it's funny, it's TRUE of every race/culture in the world. There's always the whiny ignorant bunch that spoil it for the ones that are out doing well for themselves and representing their community well.

    Oh, and hey Indi - I give you kudos for learning Mandarin. I've always wanted to learn, but it looks very intimidating. I learned Punjabi instead.....slightly easier.
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