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Thread: Developed a bad opinion of Sexual Activity

  1. #31
    Gribble's Avatar
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    All over the damn place.
    You said the clitoris serves no reproductive function. In my opinion it does. Pleasure encourages us to have sex. That's all I'm trying to say.

    Bah. Women don't have orgasms because their equipment is overly complicated and, for whatever reason, many of them never try to educate their lovers. I would love nothing more than for a girl to show me what does it for her. I want her to have a great time. I don't want her giggling with her girlfriends over how pathetic I am.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Great OV!!! View Post
    Where do you shop?
    Same place you do, C-mart. See you in Toledo.
    Last edited by Gribble; 09-02-07 at 12:57 PM.

  2. #32
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    point taken...but still, i mean cmon, im religious, and i never said anything about following those ways did i? im just statin my opinion.
    and listen, if you have anything against my beliefs just pm me...mmk?
    cause i dont really care enough anymore to respond in a thread...


  3. #33
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    I think Vashti's made a good point, Varulfr. You do seem to have a double standard with your "beliefs" and the porn collection.

    However, the term "making love" carries a very sensual tone. And women, the incredibly sensual beings that they are-wouldn't you say that lesbian porn carries a lot of this sensuality as well? Perhaps that's what you are looking for?

    In response to Koolwhip:
    You hold a very old view of the Church. (Unless this has changed, the Catholic Church allows only timing as a contraceptive method-which would be completely hypocritical if sex organs were meant only for procreation). I'm sure there are sects that still hold to that doctrine, but if you research Church theology today, you will find that many have changed to something more along the lines of, "Sex for pleasure is a beautiful and pleasing thing to God, so long as it is in the confines of a marriage." The last part could very well change in the coming times as Christian marriage is showing a downward trend.

  4. #34
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    ...im basically following the "so long as it is in the confines of a marriage." If that gets changed then ill stop arguing.
    and listen, if you have anything against my beliefs just pm me...mmk?
    cause i dont really care enough anymore to respond in a thread...


  5. #35
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    well, not arguing, but stating my opinion about "that"

    they will still be religous based though
    and listen, if you have anything against my beliefs just pm me...mmk?
    cause i dont really care enough anymore to respond in a thread...


  6. #36
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolwhip View Post
    well, not arguing, but stating my opinion about "that"

    they will still be religous based though
    My religion dictates that you're wrong.

    That's not my opinion, that's truth.

  7. #37
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    whats your problem dood, im just saying what i think its best.

    just because you have your own religion doesnt mean you should get mad at others for not believeing in what you believe.

    and isnt there something in the rules about deleting religion talkbacks?
    and listen, if you have anything against my beliefs just pm me...mmk?
    cause i dont really care enough anymore to respond in a thread...


  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolwhip View Post
    and isnt there something in the rules about deleting religion talkbacks?
    No, but there is something about deleting irrelivent religious posts. I didn't notice Fras getting mad anywhere, he just gave you a statment.
    Last edited by The Great OV!!!; 10-02-07 at 11:27 AM.


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