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Thread: GF Cleaning Your House...yay or nay?

  1. #31
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    Boise, Idaho (huge town USA)
    Swing through Idaho, I have a bathroom that could use a woman's touch and I wont expect it again.

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    You fear your own anger, the drive to do great and terrible things."

    The Warmonger

  2. #32
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dewilliams2 View Post
    I totally get where she could be taken advantage of and not appreciated...that happens but with that said, if she cleans his bathroom and he changes her motor oil isn't that fair? Thats what I meant about doing things for each other. I mean if one person cooks the other should clean the kitchen and do the dishes.

    I'm sure he does other things for her as well. My dad does none of the grocery shopping but he is always the one to fix things when they break and every morning in the winter time he gets up 3 hours before he has to and gets ready for work so he can go and warm up and deice my moms car so its ready for her when she gets ready to leave.

    Its a lot of stuff like that. He balance the checkbook...I mean as long as both parties are collectively helping each other and doing little things for each other then its not a problem. Its when one person is doing all or more than the other person that it becomes a problem.
    You have some interesting stereotypes happening there. In my house I am the one who maintains our cars (its not that hard) and I 'balance the checkbook'. Grocery shopping has been somewhat random lately and I am thinking of setting us up on a schedule for it. I also arranged to hire our house cleaner. I also bring in as much income as he does.

    But I'll tell you when my ex gf was working at a paper factory and I was laid off for a time I made sure that her house was clean, food was cooked, and a bathtub of warm water was drawn and waiting on her when she got home. So I did more but she was also hooking me up with some cash at the time to. So if somebody stays home then that is a totally different story.
    Well, this^ seems fair. But, is QofC staying home and living off his salary? I didn't think so.
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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by QueenofCorona View Post
    I have Friday off and want to either offer to clean it or just clean it when he's at work. My intentions aren't "You are a nasty, lazy, pig," but more so, "You do lots of nice things for me, let me help you." I'm happy to help him out. I bought some fun cleaning supplies (yeah thats strange but I kind of like cleaning) and didn't spend a fortune. I'm moving in with him in a few months so whatever, its an investment the toiletbrush and whatnot.

    I just don't want him to feel embarassed if I do this. I mean I'm there every weekend and use the bathroom too so I'm part of the problem, another set of girls hair shedding on the bathroom floors.

    Guys, what are your thoughts?
    If you are OK with it, and the relationship feels like there is a balance of mutual giving and receiving, why not? The warning I would give would be, don't do it if you'll resent him for it; or if you think he's taking advantage of you without reciprocating your generosity.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    You have some interesting stereotypes happening there. In my house I am the one who maintains our cars (its not that hard) and I 'balance the checkbook'. Grocery shopping has been somewhat random lately and I am thinking of setting us up on a schedule for it. I also arranged to hire our house cleaner. I also bring in as much income as he does.

    Well, this^ seems fair. But, is QofC staying home and living off his salary? I didn't think so.
    Ha, this looks like the start of another argument....
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  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    You have some interesting stereotypes happening there. In my house I am the one who maintains our cars (its not that hard) and I 'balance the checkbook'. Grocery shopping has been somewhat random lately and I am thinking of setting us up on a schedule for it. I also arranged to hire our house cleaner. I also bring in as much income as he does.

    Well, this^ seems fair. But, is QofC staying home and living off his salary? I didn't think so.
    I don't think they are stereotypes. I never said those roles couldn't be reversed...I'm simply saying they are the way things worked in my house growing up. My dad is an ASE certified heavy truck mechanic and licensed electrician so it makes sense for him to fix things.

    Mom used to balance the checkbook but she got to stressed out so she likes it better not really knowing....like I said its just the way things work in our house. Dad also cooks usually 2-3 nights a week and mom the other nights....it just varies.

    My point was not that jobs have to be done by one person or the other and always but as long as both parties are contributing to the overall care of things they share or even things they don't just to be nice then there should be no problem in doing it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Incognito View Post
    Ha, this looks like the start of another argument....
    Not argument...discussion with differing views.
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  6. #36
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastwish View Post
    Bathrooms are gross to clean. You must love him alot to do that for him.
    I like to clean bathrooms And it's so quick. Bath,toilet,sink and mirror and the floor Little carpet to the washing machine and tadaaa

    I like to clean home and do the laundry,ironing etc. I prefer to do it by myself than to give this task to my bf Besides, I have here some serious question (and issue) to everybody who has something to do with male boxers. While you do the laundry or iron them, do you find big holes right in the middle??? Why this happens? I talked about it to few people and everybody agreed that they (guys) or their partners/bfs/husbands have holes in boxers . I still didn't find the answer as to why it happens? Guys? How do you do that?
    And the best is, I need to throw torn boxers alone or my bf would never do that Well... I'm not sure if he knows how to do laundry hahahaha I'm really his savior, if not me , he would have to buy new clothes few times a month After I'm gone for few weeks, there is a mount everest of laundry awaiting my come back Guys,guys,guys... =)
    I wazzzz here

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastwish View Post
    Bathrooms are gross to clean. You must love him alot to do that for him.
    I do. VERY much.
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    Do you think you can tell?
    And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
    Hot ashes for trees?
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    Cold comfort for change?
    And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petit Papillon View Post
    I like to clean bathrooms And it's so quick. Bath,toilet,sink and mirror and the floor Little carpet to the washing machine and tadaaa

    I like to clean home and do the laundry,ironing etc. I prefer to do it by myself than to give this task to my bf Besides, I have here some serious question (and issue) to everybody who has something to do with male boxers. While you do the laundry or iron them, do you find big holes right in the middle??? Why this happens? I talked about it to few people and everybody agreed that they (guys) or their partners/bfs/husbands have holes in boxers . I still didn't find the answer as to why it happens? Guys? How do you do that?
    And the best is, I need to throw torn boxers alone or my bf would never do that Well... I'm not sure if he knows how to do laundry hahahaha I'm really his savior, if not me , he would have to buy new clothes few times a month After I'm gone for few weeks, there is a mount everest of laundry awaiting my come back Guys,guys,guys... =)
    Every once in awhile I wake up totally uncoordinated and try to put my boxers back on and stick a foot right through the crotch hole that is supposed to be there and rip the hell out of them.

    Others I just wear until I have had them for like 2 years and there is nothing left of them...I hate to throw worn in clothes away...if I have worn them that much they are obviously comfortable...so eventually the material just breaks down from so much wearing and washing.

    Other than that I have no idea what holes you refer to....but I've seriously ripped the whole crotch out of boxers before sticking my foot through them....and usually I still wear them long enough to get to the bathroom or where ever I'm heading in the house.
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  9. #39
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    I'm a little bit confused about the holes as well. I suppose that if he only has a few pairs of boxers that constantly wearing them can cause holes. That is why I typically buy around 20 pairs of boxers at a time. It takes a few years for them to wear out because each pair isn't worn every week. Keys in the pocket can cause gradual wear. Tight pants can cause gradual wear in multiple places. Urine can cause material breakdown too, especially if he doesn't drink enough water.
    ...one can be sure of nothing until it has already happened...

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by QueenofCorona View Post
    I do. VERY much.
    i just love clean bathrooms. my entire house could look like a pig pen but my bathroom always has to be tidy. otherwise i feel gross.

    BUT if i would've heard these warnings sooner i would've been more aware. because i am the only person who cleans the bathroom now.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  11. #41
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    It looks like the key is to do it every so often without anyone asking, but all the other times do it together or have a schedule where one person does it one day and the other person the next. Even if you love cleaning (like PP) a day will come when you will resent the fact that you are expected to do it, and I'm sure that PP will be there one day too.
    ...one can be sure of nothing until it has already happened...

  12. #42
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    yeah, i think this was made into a way bigger deal than it needs to. if you want to help him out, go ahead and do it. it's a nice gesture, and i'm sure he'd be appreciative. if he gets weirded out, just say that you know he's been really busy and that his parents are in town and you wanted to do something nice to help him out. make sure you reiterate that you did it because you wanted to do something nice for him like he does for you, not because you want to become the permanent bathroom cleaner haha.

    when you move in, make sure you sit down and talk to him and come to some kind of arrangement regarding chores...that's all. no big deal.

    personally, to each their own. i'm a crazy cleaner, and i definitely hate a dirty bathroom. my bf's mom was the one who did all the cleaning and would complain about how messy he was but would clean after him anyway. i moved in with him knowing that he was like this and didn't think too much of it because i'm a control freak anyway. even when he does try helping, i'll always find that he didn't do it the way i would like it and i'd end up doing it again myself anyway haha. maybe i'm a bit OCD. i try pretty hard to get my bf to change some of his dirty habits, and some have changed while others have persisted. it's just something you have to be patient with if you really love them. if it's something you can't deal with, then maybe you just aren't right for each other...
    the love you take is equal to the love you make

  13. #43
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    Yeah, it was cool. I just cleand for a couple hours around the house while he was at work. Actually I would have felt guilty not doing something while he was at work. I probably shouldn't have even posted about it in hindsight. I didn't mention that it all started with me letting him know I was going to clean out his oven. I'd spilled something at the bottom and everytime we'd bake something (which is usually when I'm around, thats not to say he expects me to bake, he's more of a grilling/stovetop guy) the smoke detector would go off and the house would get all smokey. It was me who caused the issue so I said I'd correct it. Just like the bathroom. I shower there a few times a week so why not do my part?
    Last edited by QueenofCorona; 08-06-10 at 11:58 PM.
    So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,
    blue skies from pain.
    Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
    A smile from a veil?
    Do you think you can tell?
    And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
    Hot ashes for trees?
    Hot air for a cool breeze?
    Cold comfort for change?
    And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

  14. #44
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Incognito View Post
    I'm a little bit confused about the holes as well. I suppose that if he only has a few pairs of boxers that constantly wearing them can cause holes. That is why I typically buy around 20 pairs of boxers at a time. It takes a few years for them to wear out because each pair isn't worn every week. Keys in the pocket can cause gradual wear. Tight pants can cause gradual wear in multiple places. Urine can cause material breakdown too, especially if he doesn't drink enough water.
    Haaha nooo he has like 20 pairs or even more , it just happens lol Well we bought some new boxers for him ouuuff
    Quote Originally Posted by Incognito View Post
    It looks like the key is to do it every so often without anyone asking, but all the other times do it together or have a schedule where one person does it one day and the other person the next. Even if you love cleaning (like PP) a day will come when you will resent the fact that you are expected to do it, and I'm sure that PP will be there one day too.
    Hahaha of course i'm expected to do it,but i don't care cause i like it i turn on some tv series and do my cleaning Oh,and I prefer to be alone at home, don't like others to disturb me
    I wazzzz here

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