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Thread: Is there anyone of you affraid to go to the dentist?

  1. #31
    Rosebud's Avatar
    Rosebud is offline Love Gurus
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    RSK, I think you would be a great Dentist, if that was really what you wanted to do.
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Georgia, USA
    Yes. But only because I'm afraid to look at the bill. (Don't ANYone DARE to lob over ANY kind of 'old man and long-in-the-tooth' quip!)
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  3. #33
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Bill?? No way - RK would give us the hook up.

  4. #34
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    Nov 2003
    *enters Squirrley*...uh yea Ive been in the dentistry field for 9 years now and I love it. Although the dentists Ive worked for in the past were real asses, Ive FINALLY found a man whose genuinely honest and caring and not a jerk. Ive assisted for all these years and have ran the front office.

    MOST people who loathe dentist its due to the "sound" of the dreaded drill. Its a high speed motor which makes the sound so ucky. You'd WANT the high speed vs the low speed trust me, it makes the process less eventfull. Injections I cant stand either, theres nothing or next to nothing anyone can do to eliviate that poke or pinch. Even the topicals dont do too much.

    Ive had wisdom teeth extracted and in general IF you find a great dentist with a great deal of experience in THAT field youre going in for or whatever treatment the easier the visit also. I STRONGLY recommend if you have a Root canal, see an endodontist, wisdom teeth that are impacted, see an Oral Surgeon. General dentists are great, but watch for and or ask the dentists if youre having these kinds of treatments done in his/her office WHAT equipment they use. For root canals you do WANT someone who has high tech stuff, those arent something you just mess around with, TRUST ME, Ive seen it all!

    I saw some of you guys mentioned bringing in your mp3's awesome idea and it does help. Also those of you who DO have high anxieties ask the dentist for a valium ahead of time or a relaxer, shouldnt be a problem, and or nitrous gas, that helps too.

    Good luck to you guys! And uh, yea heres another helpful hint, "floss only the teeth you want to keep!" haha. Its so much easier to see the dentist for a cleaning twice a year then have to end up in the chair several visits with several injections and tons of money. DONT blame the dentist for your lack of taking care of your own teeth. Its bogus when people ***** about the money they have to spend when in REALITY IF you wouldve brushed and flossed in the meantime there wouldnt be the expense.

    Most dentists can be jerks, wouldnt ever date one. They have the highest suicide rate amongst health professionals. They spend countless years in school like attorneys or MD's and arent overpaid. You will find that you pay for what you buy for. EXPERIENCE or there lack of...and the majority of your bill reflects their overhead and the expense of the materials that are used during the visits. If you could see JUST how much is spent to keep the office running it would blow your mind.

    So, in a nutshell, you guys brush and floss!!! IT will keep your ass out their chair! ITs worth it in the long run, Ive seen my share of crap over the years and thumbs up to those who do visit often. The biggest thing I can advise to NOT get those cavities is to floss like the dickens! FLOSS FLOSS FLOSS!!!!

    K~theres my contribution for the month! Too busy to get it on most of whats going on, but hey to ya'll!!!!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  5. #35
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    The most sunny place in Canada
    Well shitty, I am going tomorrow, one of my wisdom tooth if bleeding like crazy over night and during the day.. I had a root canal done there about 1 years but I never cap it so the tooth broke and then I let it go because I am so stuborn of going to the dentist.. but now I got it infected real good and bleeding with this.. so I think that I am in for a ride tomorrow...I look with a mirror and it seem that the gum is like going un top of the rest of the tooth.. grrrr... stupid me I shold of when there when it was not that bad...

  6. #36
    Junket's Avatar
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    Wow, French.

    You're really bad at English.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee
    Wow, French.

    You're really bad at English.
    lol , i think she was trying to imitate her speaking skills with her mouth all screwed up now .

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Georgia, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    Bill?? No way - RK would give us the hook up.
    Hey! Hadn't thought of that.
    Speak less. Say more.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I hate it and I dont go anymore.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    The most sunny place in Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee
    Wow, French.

    You're really bad at English.
    Never took an english course, did it on my own

    No offence but, do you speak perfectly french?

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    The most sunny place in Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Late_vamp
    lol , i think she was trying to imitate her speaking skills with her mouth all screwed up now .
    Yep you got it Vamp, that right that's what i am doing...imitate my skills with my mouth all screwed up...

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    Philly, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by FrenchMaid
    Never took an english course, did it on my own

    No offence but, do you speak perfectly french?
    He has no raisin too


    EDIT: Lay off Frenchy. Only I can make fun of her!

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    The most sunny place in Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Lloyd95
    He has no raisin too


    EDIT: Lay off Frenchy. Only I can make fun of her!
    LIOYD, you are killing me... LMAO

    I guess you did good on your little french course

    EDIT: Lay off Frenchy. Only I can make fun of her!
    yep you are right, only you can make fun of me....well that ok I am use to it, everyone I hang around with do the same, bug me about my english speaking or writing....lol

  14. #44
    Join Date
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    Lubbock, TX
    I think your english is pretty good for never taking an english course. It's a hard language.

  15. #45
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    I think you're english is ****in sexy, Frenchy.

    Mostly cause everytime I picture you talkin I picture a cute french accent.

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