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Thread: r.i.p. coretta scott king

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    In front of this screen.
    I LOVE it! Some comedian was talkin about that (DL Hughley I think?) about how white people always do the "I'm not racist... I have 3 black friends!"... PUH-LEASE!
    I've heard the same thing and I assumed your rebuttal would be something similar. I wasn't trying to tote my own "Look at me I'm not racist!" but rather the fact that I have been around people of every race and color. I get along with everyone, until you start toting all the racist bullshit.

    My old roommate and I used to talk about it and he is exactly the same way. His belief was that there are 2 kinds of black people - African Americans and "Niggas". The "Nigga" as he would call it is like Whayward described - The angry young black gangster thug wannabe who thinks the world owes him something and the fact he is walking around with a loaded gun selling drugs is something he "has to do to get by".

    Do you know what the REST of the world would have done to that guy in your video? Think about his actions in Africa, or Iran, or Beirut, or Lebanon, or any other country that isn't as much of a pussy as America is becoming because of Democratic like you who cringe at the thought of a guy getting his ass kicked for running from the cops.

    What kind of society do we live in where Running from cops = Ok, getting your ass kicked after you did it = not ok. I don't care if you shoplifted a Snickers Bar. When the cops tell you to stop - you ****ing do it. And if you don't, get ready for the hurt. This wasn't abour race. This shit happens all the time to white, black, Chinese...you name it. It just so happens a black guy got caught on film, so of COURSE it was racially motivated! (gag)

    Do we have crooked bastard cops? Sure. SOME. Do we have unjustified racism in America? You bet. But in that river, the water is going both ways.


  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cybog
    I've heard the same thing and I assumed your rebuttal would be something similar. I wasn't trying to tote my own "Look at me I'm not racist!" but rather the fact that I have been around people of every race and color. I get along with everyone, until you start toting all the racist bullshit.

    My old roommate and I used to talk about it and he is exactly the same way. His belief was that there are 2 kinds of black people - African Americans and "Niggas". The "Nigga" as he would call it is like Whayward described - The angry young black gangster thug wannabe who thinks the world owes him something and the fact he is walking around with a loaded gun selling drugs is something he "has to do to get by".

    Do you know what the REST of the world would have done to that guy in your video? Think about his actions in Africa, or Iran, or Beirut, or Lebanon, or any other country that isn't as much of a pussy as America is becoming because of Democratic like you who cringe at the thought of a guy getting his ass kicked for running from the cops.

    What kind of society do we live in where Running from cops = Ok, getting your ass kicked after you did it = not ok. I don't care if you shoplifted a Snickers Bar. When the cops tell you to stop - you ****ing do it. And if you don't, get ready for the hurt. This wasn't abour race. This shit happens all the time to white, black, Chinese...you name it. It just so happens a black guy got caught on film, so of COURSE it was racially motivated! (gag)

    Do we have crooked bastard cops? Sure. SOME. Do we have unjustified racism in America? You bet. But in that river, the water is going both ways.
    Don't worry cy, nobody thinks you are racist. You didn't have to back anything up.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    hmm, now that I think about it, isn't Beirut IN Lebanon?


  4. #34
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Ladies and gentlemen, Cybog use to live with a BLACK PERSON and watches the news. He KNOWS about racism. Your roommate sounds just as ignorant as you. Here, I'll take a similar standpoint - there are only two kinds of white people. Bigot rednecks and caucasion-Americans.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cybog
    I get along with everyone, until you start toting all the racist bullshit.
    And why is that? Why is it "racist bullshit?" You end this post with:
    Quote Originally Posted by Cybog
    Do we have unjustified racism in America? You bet.
    which makes that prior statement interesting. So why don't you get along with people if they start "toting all the racist bullshit" if it does actually exist - according to you. What could you, Mr. White-As-They-Come possibly know about racism and be the self-appointed truth about racism and what blacks are going through?

    Oh my bad, I forgot - you had a BLACK ROOMMATE once.

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Philly, PA
    This is great; whenever I'm bored, I'm going into "Racist" mode and watch Tone go crazy.

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Hey. Now THERE'S a thought, Lloyd. ::making note::
    Speak less. Say more.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by whaywardj
    Hey. Now THERE'S a thought, Lloyd. ::making note::
    It'll be fun. Consider February "Racist and get tone aggravated" month.

    We need to shake things up around here.

    Psst-any Mods here black?

  8. #38
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Lloyd95
    This is great; whenever I'm bored, I'm going into "Racist" mode and watch Tone go crazy.
    LOL! This made me really laugh out loud.

    Quote Originally Posted by whaywardj
    Hey. Now THERE'S a thought, Lloyd. ::making note::
    Arrogant little shit, aren't you?


  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hehehe that LIoyd is pretty funny. That's all I have to contribute.

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Georgia, USA
    LOL! Yeah, Tone. Guess so.

    But it's like my mom used to say about me: "He may be an a**hole, but he's a perfect a**hole."
    Speak less. Say more.

  11. #41
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    Ahem. Back to the thread. _I_ had some words for Mrs. King (I think I was the last so far):

    Quote Originally Posted by indigosoul
    For me, there are a couple of reasons that I think we should honor such ppl:

    1. They inspire others to do good.

    2. It gets the media reporting something other than their usual fearmongering.

    I would be equally happy if the media reported the fact that Joe Blow from Nowhereville decided to start a business that would help the local poor to become more self-sufficient (just an example, OK, don't flame me I haven't thought it through).

    But those stories aren't as catchy to the general public for whatever reason.

    So, to CSK, RIP and thanks to all those you have inspired (including me).

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cybog
    If blacks want equality, then the ones who cry ABOUT equality need to shut the **** up. Disband all of their little groups and sects. Dissolve all of their college funds. Get rid of BLACK entertainment Television. Get rid of BLACK history month. The only segregation I see here is FROM THE BLACKS. If the Big Evil White man were to start any of this - suddenly HE is the racist one.
    the big evil white man has started this some i-don't-know-how-many hundreds of years ago and hasn't stopped since.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cybog
    But the people who piss me off more than ANYTHING are the people who sit around crying about being oppressed over something that happened 50 years ago and has absolutely no effect on them whatsoever anymore.
    yeah, just like nazi germany. we better forget about everything and just keep our mouths shut.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cybog
    It's my fault your daddy left your worthless ass mom who DECIDES to live in the ghetto because she was too godamn lazy to get off her ass and get a decent education...?

    You are "repressed" because you live in a shit part of America and haven't got off YOUR lazy ass to go get a decent job, and suddenly you HAVE to do illegal things to survive...?

    The only segregation against ANY minority is from those who want to make an excuse for themselves. Welcome to the land of opportunity. Now may the best man win.

    P.S. - If America is such a segregated and repressed society for the black, the option to return to Africa is always on the table. Im sure Africa would be a much better place to live, full of all kinds of opportunity....hah
    your arrogance is quite unbelievable.

  13. #43
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by indigosoul
    Ahem. Back to the thread. _I_ had some words for Mrs. King (I think I was the last so far):
    I think anyone who advocates racial peace and non-violent methods of producing social change is worth acknowledging. Certainly we acknowledge people who are less deserving.

    May Mrs. King rest in peace.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  14. #44
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by alice
    your arrogance is quite unbelievable.
    Cybog became a mod through nepotism, I'm sure of it. Or he paid his way in. There is no other rational explanation.

    Not arrogance. Stupidity. Call a spade a spade, Alice. It hasn't ever stopped others around here.

  15. #45
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    I'm not good with condolences....

    And as I could take a very big part in this nice little conversation here....I'm going to keep my comments to myself!
    Last edited by Rosebud; 02-02-06 at 09:21 AM.
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

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