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Thread: She can't date yet, how do I show her I'm interested...

  1. #31
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueRaven View Post
    Although in somewhat of a less extreme way, I was actually thinking the same thing.

    By going through her parents I face the possibility of getting a "No" on more than one front. By just asking her, if she says "I'd really like to, but I'll have to ask my parents" it for one, saves me some trouble, and two, if she's willing to try and convince her parents to let her go out with me, that shows how interested she actually is.

    Of course, that also leaves me with the possibility that she could claim her parents said no, when in fact she never asked and is just looking for an excuse not to go out with me. Although I consider that possibility extremely slim, it's a possibility nontheless.

    I dunno, maybe I'm just overthinking this whole thing now. Maybe it's as simple as just asking her out like I would any other girl.
    You avoid this ENTIRE situation with the following:

    You: Say, baby! How 'bout we, uh, get jiggy this weekend?
    Her: I'd love to [bullshit], but I have to ask my parents first.
    You: Oh no bitch, I'LL ask your parents.

    You: Hey, your daughter and I are going to get jiggy tonight. I said I'd ask and pretend it really matters.
    Parents: Sure thing! Go for it.

    You: Your parents were fine with it, and you have no excuse to get away from me now. Now, my overanalytical conscience can finally calm the **** down and I can continue my pursuit of a warm, moist pussy.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zarathu View Post
    You avoid this ENTIRE situation with the following:

    You: Say, baby! How 'bout we, uh, get jiggy this weekend?
    Her: I'd love to [bullshit], but I have to ask my parents first.
    You: Oh no bitch, I'LL ask your parents.

    You: Hey, your daughter and I are going to get jiggy tonight. I said I'd ask and pretend it really matters.
    Parents: Sure thing! Go for it.

    You: Your parents were fine with it, and you have no excuse to get away from me now. Now, my overanalytical conscience can finally calm the **** down and I can continue my pursuit of a warm, moist pussy.
    I have to hand it to you, Z. That's damn funny!

  3. #33
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueRaven View Post
    Although in somewhat of a less extreme way, I was actually thinking the same thing.

    By going through her parents I face the possibility of getting a "No" on more than one front. By just asking her, if she says "I'd really like to, but I'll have to ask my parents" it for one, saves me some trouble, and two, if she's willing to try and convince her parents to let her go out with me, that shows how interested she actually is.

    Of course, that also leaves me with the possibility that she could claim her parents said no, when in fact she never asked and is just looking for an excuse not to go out with me. Although I consider that possibility extremely slim, it's a possibility nontheless.

    I dunno, maybe I'm just overthinking this whole thing now. Maybe it's as simple as just asking her out like I would any other girl.
    Ask her parents for permission to ask her out. You will need to make a good impression. If you are a good, responsible student, tell them. If you have younger sisters you worry about when they are around boys like Zarathu, tell them. Look them in the eye and be respectful, and be sure they know you are interested in their daughter's best interests. Parents LOVE this. I swear.

    If they give you permission, then you can ask her out.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    Ask her parents for permission to ask her out. You will need to make a good impression. If you are a good, responsible student, tell them. If you have younger sisters you worry about when they are around boys like Zarathu, tell them. Look them in the eye and be respectful, and be sure they know you are interested in their daughter's best interests. Parents LOVE this. I swear.

    If they give you permission, then you can ask her out.
    I think this is me being overanalytical again, but I'll ask anyway.

    Isn't there a possibility that asking her parents, before I ask her, could bother her? I mean, since her parents have not laid down any clear-cut rules regarding how old she needs to be, couldn't she perceive me asking her parents first as a knock on her own maturity level? Keep in mind, this girl is very mature for a 15 year old. She knows it, and is proud of it. I realize it, and it's one of the main things drawing me to her. I've actually told her something to that effect.

    Again, probably me just thinking too damn much, and just not being thrilled about asking her parents first, but I think it's a possibility.

  5. #35
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueRaven View Post
    Isn't there a possibility that asking her parents, before I ask her, could bother her? I mean, since her parents have not laid down any clear-cut rules regarding how old she needs to be, couldn't she perceive me asking her parents first as a knock on her own maturity level?
    Is it *possible*? Yes, but I don't think it is likely. Why don't you tell her you intend to do it before you do it?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    Is it *possible*? Yes, but I don't think it is likely. Why don't you tell her you intend to do it before you do it?
    You know, that's a really good idea. I feel like I should have come up with that one myself, but I've been having a difficult time thinking clearly lately...

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