
Dude, youre priceless.

Love only can mean one thing...there are different forms of love though and love doesnt always work out. The only two girls Ive ever loved it hasnt worked out with because of geography and life issues...neither of us in either situation wanted it to end and we both were very much in love. Despite the girl wanting it to work out and being the major proponent of having it work SHE was the one to call it quits in both cases, go figure. Weird.

As far as this second time, it isnt over just yet. I anticipate much more to come with this one as a friend/lover/girlfriend or all of the above. This kind of love cant just be forgotten.

Im currently tryin to see what I can do about/for her. I want to get back together but dont want to push the issue. I really just want her to get better, that way there wont be an issue in us being together cuz we would be uninhibited by thigns, ie she could travel with me. She is still unsure whether or not she can see me yet, cuz she is still very sad about us. These are the moments that define our lives though, me and her, this is what life is all about, will you take a stand for something true and pure? or let it crumble.

Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins View Post
Wikipedia is a place where EVERYONE gets to contribute something about a term. It would only make sense that the garbage added on definitions to love that do not belong with it would make it on there. Wikipedia makes it sound like the freaking word was invented in the English language yesterday...who are the people making that stuff up? Looking at old English poetry and articles it is clear what the original meaning of the word is. William Shakespeare > Wikipedia.

No it isn't, you can't alter and change the meaning of words to whatever you like. I guess if so than I can believe that a$$ means face too. Hey! its my interpretation ok!