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Thread: Going home

  1. #31
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    yeah no way am I going to go into specifics. The term "brazillian girl", especially, has all kinds of connotations. Anyway I just spoke to her and she was fine. We've agreed never to bring up that stuff again though. There's just no need.

  2. #32
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    Only ten days and plane ride till I see Kristin again! Yew! Soon, in preparation, I will enter a period of non-masturbation. I'll step off the plane a bulging mass of testosterone.
    Last edited by Charlie Boy II; 15-08-08 at 04:47 AM.

  3. #33
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    You sure you want to do that? Aren't you worried you will bust in < 30 seconds when the time is right?

  4. #34
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    nah, I've never had that problem. If it's been a while it just turns me into an animal. Max turgidity and size as well.

  5. #35
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    Whoa... impressive.

  6. #36
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    Pix or it never happened. j/k. I don't actually want to see that, but I'll bet Kristin does! I'll bet she's trying to figure out what to wear, too.
    Spammer Spanker

  7. #37
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    I'm home! Spent the last few days in London and just spent 24 hours on a plane with a short stop-over in Hong Kong. My parents picked me up from the airport and then we went and had breakfast down at the beach. A lovely late winter's morning. Sun was out, and everything looked so beautiful.

    It feels strange to be back. Half of me feels like I'm still overseas and the other half like I never actually went anywhere.

    It's about 10.30am here. I'm going to go surfing and then Kristen and I are meeting up at 7.30 this evening. She had an exam this morning so she couldn't come to the airport , but this gives me a chance to get my head together. We're not talking on the phone to maximise suspense. Also, I've stuck to my plan and haven't masturbated since last Thursday.... I can't believe I'm seeing her today....

  8. #38
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    there's gonna be some mad lovin coming from charliboys house tonight!!!
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  9. #39
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    I was just wondering if you were home yet! Wahoo!

    Are you a bit nervous?

  10. #40
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    Hey - it's been three days. Do you think they've come up for air yet?

  11. #41
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    Alright - a bit of an update. Kristin and I met down at the beach as planned. Meeting each other for the first time was the most wonderfully bizarre experience. And to touch each other! Dinner was great too, but I don't travel well and I started getting sleepy halfway through (its a 24 hour flight from London to Australia don't forget) which irked her a bit. Anyway, we shared a bed that night which was, again, incredible. We fooled around but didn't have sex. I don't know why, I guess physically it was like our bodies were getting to know one another again. Like a couple of dogs sniffing around in circles. Still it was a lot of fun and when I came it was the most incredible eruption. We actully had to change the sheets.

    Since then, things have been a bit up and down. I'm great today, but it has taken me a while to settle in. I've felt very out of sorts, for some reason. A sort of travel come down that I know is very common for people that have been away. Kristin got a bit annoyed that I didn't seem as exuberant as I ought to. For her part she's seemed, just not quite herself.

    Then last night, Kristin called me and told me that she's been suffering depression for the last six weeks or so. Not a "I just want to end it all," case more of an extended period of the blues, except the blues shouldn't last six weeks. This explained a lot. Before I left she was the sort of girl that radiated energy. In fact "radiant" is a perfect word to describe her. But now it's like her light's been dimmed a little.

    I'm not the cause, she assures me. Though I suppose the stress of having me come back might not have helped. I know a bit about depression, having battled with it for about six months in my early twenties. And I know that sustained anxiety can bring it on, which both she and I think is the cause in this case. She's in the last semester of a science/psychology degree and I've never seen a girl stress over uni work like this one. For example, she always brings her uni notes to the beach which I know is just a sort of anti-anxiety security blanket. During exam times it becomes quite maladaptive: panic attacks, sleeplesness etc. Given my own experience, I'm at least in a position to understand how she's feeling. But still, I'm not sure exactly how to help either.

    Anyhow, so that's where we're at.

  12. #42
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    As I recall, you both needed a bit of time to adjust to each other when you first started dating, too. You'll be back to normal soon, I think.

    I suppose coming home after such an adventure would be a little anticlimactic. It always takes me a couple of days to "come down" after I go out of town, and I've never done anything nearly so big as this trip. I assume after being gone so long, you are back at your parent's... Do you have plans for yourself now that you are home? Work, school, relocate, whatever? Sometimes planning for the next phase of your life can lift your spirits.

    About Kristen - I suppose it's possible she is mourning her change in status, too. I mean, she's had to build up a whole new identity while you were gone... she was the loyal girl in love with - and patiently waiting for - a man who was overseas for a long time. It's kind of romantic and tragic, in a way, but now that's over. She's going to have to remake herself again, and she's going to have to give up a certain amount of the independence and identity that she enjoyed while you were gone. It's not that the trade off (having you) isn't worth it, but there is still a bit of a loss.

    Or maybe I am barking up the entirely wrong tree in my attempt to be helpful. Anyway, you know I'm in your corner. Thanks for the update. I'm watching your story closely, you know.
    Last edited by shh!; 01-09-08 at 09:17 PM.

  13. #43
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    yeah I've said I reckon we should give it a month to get totally back to the way we were before I left. I'll start worrying then if there's still some distance.

    Yeah I'm back at my parent's place. I'm very close to my parents and its been great to see them again. And I am planning for the next phase of my life. I'm actually at quite a crossroads.I'm deciding between doing an MBA with a view to becoming a financial analyst/investment manager or a juris doctor, which is a post graduate degree that enables you to become a lawyer. My family is full of lawyers: both my grandfathers were barristers, both my parents are lawyers and my sister has just finished her law degree. I know I'd be suited to law (some parts of it anyhow), it's just a question as to whether I might like to do something a bit different.

    You're right about Kristen, she said to me herself she built up a new life and a new identity while I was gone. Although she would strongly argue with the "tragic waiting girlfriend" bit. She's much to proud for that, hahaha.

  14. #44
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    well it's a bit of a down time and recover period for everybody. things will become more normal eventually.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie Boy II View Post
    You're right about Kristen, she said to me herself she built up a new life and a new identity while I was gone. Although she would strongly argue with the "tragic waiting girlfriend" bit. She's much to proud for that, hahaha.
    Okay, how about the "pissed off, I'm gonna get even with you for leaving me home for almost a year" girlfriend?

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