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Thread: I didn't mean to cheat

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    omfg - just tell the ****ing girl that you have a girlfriend and that what happened WAS WAY WRONG and a HUGE mistake. Then go to your g/f and tell her what happened and what you learned from it and how you feel. Then if you truely feel that you would never, EVER ! do it again, then tell her that.

    Will she get mad ? Yes. Will she be hurt ? Yes. Will she get over it ? Possibly. Odds are good since its just a kiss. Will she break up with you ? Possibly. Odds are slim seeing it was just a kiss.

    The longer you hold something in the bigger it becomes. No matter how small of a situation it might have been. Things grow under pressure. Tell her before it becomes so big that it will break you two apart in the future.

    OR (there is always another way out)

    You can hold this in forever, let it rip at your insides all the time, knwoing what you did. and knowing she doesnt know. And all your friends are saying rumors, and everything you do wont let you forget what you did while it ticks away in your head and heart for years to come. Then finally one day - out of the blue - you cant take it any longer and you just explode because its killing you to hold such a thing from her - so you tell her everything - you go out on a truth spree confessing everything you've ever done wrong. And she will alugh at the kiss because its been so damned long since it happened and never happened since. And you will both move on, and you'll feel free - like it was lifted from your shoulders. But this hardly ever happens for alot of reasons. You will burst too soon. A rumor will reveal the truth before you're ready. The girl will find out about your g/f and tell her. It may get you in a depression and become suicidal. There's no telling what could happen. Too many variables at play with this one to come out very often working.

    My advice is to take the option with the least amount of variables - because at least then you will know what can happen. And I don't deal in odds that I don't know everything of. One of the things that keeps me on top in this world.

    Take the easier path. It will be easier for everyone. That girl, your g/f, yourself, and the others spreading rumors.

    Just tell the truth and good shall rein.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    London, England
    Billy, that was exactly what I was trying to say but far more eloquently put.

    Maybe I'll do better next time

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