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Thread: Post here instead of contacting your ex!

  1. #436
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I love you.. I love you .. I love you.. I thought I was ok but I'm not.. I LOVE YOU.. I feel so pathetic.. I love you sooo very much <3

  2. #437
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Sigh ....

    Finally decided this is all a crock of crap.

    You were the one that ****ed this relationship up when you decided to put yourself on a dating site so why do I even care that you want to try again? Seriously you are really not worth it.

    We all make mistakes, granted, but us being back together would just be another one. Really you're not as good as you think you are and I know I can do a lot better, so lets just stop dicking about. You get on with your life and I'll get on with mine.

    And no I don't care that you are hurting because I ended it, that is your pride hurting so deal with it. You should have thought about the consequences before you did what you did, no point crying about it now. And yes I do love the irony that this is hurting you way more than it is me.

    And why is that? Because you lost someone that always treated you right, cared about you, loved you and would have done anything for you and now that has gone. Whereas I have lost someone that was selfish, arrogant, indifferent and who betrayed me and didn't appreciate what they had.

    Your loss not mine.

    I loved you, I cared about you deeply, we had some great times and I don't regret being with you but it's over and I've moved on

  3. #438
    Join Date
    May 2011
    sometimes you would come to me and you would be sooo depressed.. almost wanting to give up on life.. and after spending an hour with me you would be laughing and joking.. and other stuff and you would be full of hope again.. one you said that you were feeling bad because I made you feel better every time.. and what did you ever do for me? I dont know if I told you.. that was it.. I loved being the only one that made you happy.. that made me happy..

    I guess now I am the only one that cant... I dont understand why you let this happen...

  4. #439
    tremolo's Avatar
    tremolo Guest
    Hey dude, guess what? You ****ed this one up. Seriously. You're probably sitting in some strip club tonight boozing with your lame-ass stripper-loving friend, some skanky girl in your lap thinking you're the maaaan, and you *don't even know yet* what a massive mistake you made. You still don't know yet what a mother-****ing prize you gave up. You don't know, and you may not even know for awhile - but you'll figure it out. You're a smart cookie. And then you'll realize the woman who loved you, was committed to you, tried to anticipate your every want and need - you threw her away, and left her for some other guy to snap up. You don't even know how many guys were waiting in the wings. But one of these days, you're going to realize... and by then it will to be too late.
    Last edited by tremolo; 05-06-11 at 11:42 PM.

  5. #440
    Join Date
    May 2011
    i dont like these butteflys in my stomach

  6. #441
    Join Date
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    saratoga springs
    "I dont know how I feel about it?" WTF does taht mean?????? can you talk anymore in code? Im not sherlock holmes.........

  7. #442
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    tomorrow is going to be the first time that we've seen each other since we broke up. I told you you didn't need to come...I thought it was going to be awkward to see you just yet. You said "no, why would it be awkward?" ...umm, because all of my family will be there and they all know or have seen how much you broke my heart. You don't contact me or message me in any form...you've only done it once since we broke up. So why in the world would it be easy for you to waltz into my family's home casually just to catch up and see how everyone is doing. Guess what bud...f you. Seriously, unless you are stopping by to apologize and try and win me back you have no business being here. It's incredibly awkward and I wish I hadn't invited you. I didn't honestly think you'd say yes. What does this all mean? Why are you doing this to me? I have run a million different scenarios through my head for the last two weeks some ending with us getting back together as how a romantic comedy would end and others where you are cold, distant and awkward towards me. Lets be honest...the second option is how it's going to end and I don't know if I'm strong enough to deal with it. I'll tell you one thing though...I'm going to look incredibly hot when you see me...so hot that you'll be saying to yourself "what the f was I thinking".

    What do you tell your friends whom asked what happened between us? Why did we break up? What's your reason? Are you having a hard time coming up with one? I bet you freaking are. It still makes no sense as to why we broke up. We didn't really have any real problems...the only problem is that you were to young and immature to know how to deal with a serious relationship. I'm so pissed that every time that I break down and call you that you seem so together and it seems like you don't miss me at all. I guess tomorrow will show me where you stand. I'm so nervous...yet I can't wait to see you...hell even to smell you again. God Dammit ..... seriously i thought I would have started to move on by now, but you still have my heart. You're such a moron.

  8. #443
    Join Date
    May 2011
    "I learned to live half alive".. a line from one of my recent songs..this is what I have been my entire life.. half alive.. I always envied other people.. how could they be so happy? even those who have less than I have.. yet .. they were happy.. how? then I met you.. and for the first time in my life, I was one of those happy people.. some days I felt like I was walking on clouds.. and then you were gone... you left such a hole in my life that I wonder if I will ever get up to the point of being 'half alive' again.........

  9. #444
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    So here we are 3 weeks on after you broke up with me..

    Thanks for texting me on Monday for the first time, now I cant stop thinking about you anymore. You said you saw me in the club a fortnight ago but didnt say hi. You text me saying you would love it if we were mates and then say the ball is in my court. I don't know if you're just saying that just to clear your concious or if you really mean it. You've said in the past you're a crap liar but you're definitely better than you give yourself credit for.

    That aside, part of me still has feelings for you, part of me genuinely wants to give the mates thing a go but the other part of me it still really f*cked off at the way you treated me in the past 5/6 weeks of our relationship. I want to get into it all with you but there's no point going over things again. Maybe I just have to accept that maybe you're not the person I thought you were, which is probably why I was thinking about breaking up with you anyway.

    I really dont know if the friends thing will work but I'll meet up with you when I back in town in a couple of weeks once and then see how that works out. Anymore of your gameplaying and 'one-upping' and you can go f*ck yourself. Right now, I'd be happy if we were just civil to each other when we bump into one another. Worst thing about this is, I can see you bailing on a meet up even at this early stage.

    I'm finding this a little tough, I feel like a need a rebound or something as I feel like I've been losing my mind thinking about you all the time. Or maybe with the next girl I need to be a bit of a dick again since I stupidly let you walk all over me. Its not who I am or something I'd be proud of but its been pretty successful in the past. I guess I'm a little annoyed at myself for letting it happen as I could see how much respect I had lost from you as a result.

    I know I'll be fine with time. Having said all of the above, I still think you have amazing qualities and wish you all the best.

    I guess what hurt the most about the break up was that it was definitely the right thing for both of us.

  10. #445
    tremolo's Avatar
    tremolo Guest
    As you've not contacted me in over a week now, I'm guessing you're quite pleased with the decision you made to cut me out of your life. Undoubtedly, you're filling up your weekends trawling for hot women and zoning out in front of ESPN. You can trawl all you want, and you might even get lucky and manage to bed a few babes. But you know what? It's not going to make you happy, and it's not going to be fulfilling. You had such an amazing girlfriend in me... I know I could be difficult sometimes, and I know at times I drove you crazy... but I treated you so well and loved you so much, despite all your own flaws. You never understood just how good you had it - or what a great catch I was. I'm guessing you've shut off any and all feeling you once had for me... it always amazes me how men are able to do that - just shut off and disengage when something unpleasant arises. Unfortunately, I don't have that ability. Which means I've been thinking about you often and missing you... But whether or not you still feel anything for me, I hope and pray it sinks in one of these days that you let go of a *one-in-a-million* girl. I hope one day, when there is no ball game to go to, when all your friends are busy with their significant others, when you are alone in your apartment with your dogs wishing you had someone to fill the great void in your life - the void that only a special woman can fill - I hope you realize how much I added to your life, and how totally unnecessary and stupid it was for you to throw me away. I hope you realize that a girl like me isn't so disposable - that you may never find again, in one woman - particularly, in a woman who will give you the time of day - all the wonderful qualities I had. I hope it sinks in and I hope you kick yourself for being such a stubborn fool. And if that day should come soon, I hope you call me and let me know. I still think we could work this out...
    Last edited by tremolo; 06-06-11 at 03:13 AM.

  11. #446
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    (Wow!! Very Long )

    For some reason you sabataged our relationship and I am not the one that is going to be able to figure out why you did that. Obviously in our relationship I just wanted you to be happy and to have the best. I felt completely content with the person you are, with all the good and bad. I was ready for that in my life and can honestly say that my intentions were good and I don't regret anything. I guess at first when you turned a 180 for no apparent reason I wanted to question everything that I have done or said, but I need to realize that I did my best and gave you the true me, something I have had a hard time doing in the past with other people. You just may have not been ready for what you thought you were ready for. I guess I understand that, because here I sit not truly ready to move on. I won't date anyone else because I know I am not over you. I know it is not because I don't think I am worthy, but just because I do not want to do the same thing to someone else and hurt them when I am not emotionally ready and I am sure that I am not ready. I'll know when I am ready and I am going to stop beating myself up over that too. Other people can not answer what will make me feel better at this point. I am the only one that knows that.

    So as for getting asked out, and having people try to set me up with people days after I broke up with you, when all I really need is a friend to listen. I will just chalk that up to people trying to be there for me but just not understanding me and not knowing what I need right now. I'll stick to my guns.

    I'll admit that I would still want to get back together with you in a heartbeat if it could just be OK. I know that you have problems though and there is nothing I can do about them. It's like you said "another person can not make you happy, you have to do that for yourself" It's weird as I think back to how perfect you would say I was and how easy it felt to be with you, I never felt so comfortable in a relationship, but that is because I was in such a great place in my life and was ready for a relationship. Now I suspect that you were just trying to convince yourself. It's so ironic that you moved the relationship to be serious first. You told ME that you loved me. For your own sake, I waited and made sure in good contience I could tell you that. I think this is where you sabataged us, because when you really got what you wanted and we mutually told each other that we loved each other that's when you self-destructed and caused this break-up. You said you always wanted to communicate and work things out in our relationship, but when it was all on the line, that is the exsact thing you refused to do. I hope you question that when you look back. As for me, I don't want to stop communicating in my life now that I have grown and am capable of it, when I'll admit in my past I was not capable. I don't want to let this experience ruin that progress I made for myself.

    I hope you find what you need in your life. I would never want anything to hurt you and that is why I would have been there for you and done right by you. It's a big decision though to not be there for me in return and balk like this, because it's a hard thing to come back from, because having faith in someone is not an easy thing for me. I had so much faith in you. How would I believe in you again if we tried to work this out???? That would be the question. I know you didn't cheat or lie and do any of the absolute deal breakers but one of the things I cherished was how solid I felt with you. I would not settle for not having that feeling or trust in a person having my back no matter what and that peace of mind.

    To sum it up, I wish you well. No situation, material thing, work, or trivial bull shit will ever be more important to me than a person I care about. God bless.
    Last edited by KelE; 06-06-11 at 06:56 AM.

  12. #447
    Join Date
    May 2011
    ^^^ did I write that?!?!?


  13. #448
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    saratoga springs
    im done.. good luck with finding happiness

  14. #449
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    That was interesting. You actually showed up. You were slightly awkward at first but you started to relax the longer you stayed. I asked you to stay for like 20 mins and you ended up staying for 2 hours and only after I asked if you need to leave. I feel pretty damn good about things. I managed to keep my cool and look insanely hot all at the same time. I didn't mention our relationship once and made you feel comfortable. I FINALLY feel like I gained some of the power back and I feel like you were the one struggling this time. Maybe I am wrong...maybe you felt fine and gave a huge sigh of relief after you left. But all I know is that you told me twice that it was good to see me and insisted in giving me a hug before you left. Then you had to drive 5 hours home...by yourself and you probably thought about me for the majority of the trip. Damn it feels good to be the one with the power again. After we talk tomorrow I finally feel good about not talking to you anymore........you can miss me for a change.....suck on that punk....whose sorry now.

  15. #450
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I talked to my ex's sister yesterday. She said to me that "it will all get better soon" now I don't know if that means time heals all wounds or that my ex is missing me and still needs a little more time

    I'm going to put a positive spin on this and think she is missing me and this will all work out soon.

    No contact for 2 weeks bring on week no. 3

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