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Thread: A Guy's Career

  1. #46
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Chlorine

    think that pots of money will bring a smorgasbord of choices (indigo's)
    I never said anything about pots of money. In fact, I believe I was arguing AGAINST extremes of anything.

    I'm saying that there is a hierarchy of basic needs for every person that will strongly influence the types of choices you make. And that having money helps facilitate some of these. You're definitely not going to be worrying about which Hawaiian Island you'll be staying at this Xmas if you aren't earning enough money to adequately feed one's family, for example. Anyone who has been poor and has become even moderately wealthy will tell you that money definitely does provide options you otherwise wouldn't have.

    It still boils down to choice. If financial security and all its trappings means more than committed partnership, then that person will put work/career above an SO. If changing the world by "saving lives", "selling a million widgets" or "curing cancer" means more to someone than a committed partnership, then that person will put their work/career above an SO. If love/marriage/relationship means more than a huge house, fancy car, and Hawaiian holidays, then this person may choose to emphasize career slightly less. There's no right or wrong; its a question of where love/relationship, etc. falls in an individuals hierarchy of basics needs. An EXCELLENT point of discussion for those considering a longterm relationship, BTW.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    shh!---Mistake(?). You didn't make one

    Indigosoul---I probably didn't quite understand your first post.

    In short, this whole thing of men and career is bothering me. Sometimes I feel like moving out into the styx. Or go live in the mountains. The further away from the city, the better.

    Misombra----Some women are so poor, they wash their clothes in the drain and take showers in the drain. Seen it with my own eyes. With so little money to spare, they're focused on food and shelter. Not birthcontrol. That said, they still have spare change to buy cigarettes.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    ...don't forget the vodka.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Los Angeles
    If I had to live like that, I would need vodka and cigarettes, too.

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