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Thread: Judgement!

  1. #46
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    LoL I love how this thread got turned into "Post the reasons you think you're a great person!"

    And, again, why is everyone bustin RSK's balls so bad? I mean yeah he posts a lot but I notice a lot of his posts usually have some kind of meaning behind them (not all, but really how many of us can honestly say we haven't posted just to post before?) and he just is really confused and like the other people seeks advice... but Cybog got pissed at him and did his usual thing, and for some reason EVERYONE decided to jump on the bandwagon and most people dislike him and can't even explain why... and when asked they'd just say somethin like "Cause he's a forum whore".. when most his posts ARE relavent, he's a young guy looking to find himself and if he uses this forum as an outlet to that, why not let him? If you don't like his threads, don't post in them.. he's not posting anything inappropriate, he's not slamming anyone, why is this forum so discriminant that one person can post something, then another can post something similair but just because the "mods" and the "in crowd" doesn't like the person suddenly it's labeled as "polluting the forums"...

    I mean none of us are perfect, but it just bugs me that so many people just jumped on the "Hate on RSK" bandwagon for no valid reason.
    and yea i like rk, hes not such a bad guy...theres other people i wish that would go

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    what is the big deal? are we all supposed to be nice and polite all the time here? what is the fuss over? anybody who is overly mean here usually gets it right back. i think people should say whatever they feel and not worry about how it's received. everybody reads things differently. a lot of times when i'm being 'mean' to somebody i'm just joking around with them. complaining that somebody is "too mean" reminds me of elementary school. come on people, get a sense of humor. quit taking yourselves so damn seriously. lighten up.

    my 2 cents.

  3. #48
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Zekk_T_Strife
    Tone: I have to say that I really didn't think you were such a moron. You quoted me and yet said something entirely unrelated. For whatever reason you've chosen to single me out, please attempt an intelligible rebuttal to what I have to say. Otherwise you're just desperately trying to be confrontational and, quite horribly, failing.
    LoL I KNEW you were going to bring up how they are TOTALLY unrelated and completely ignore that while the conditions are completely different - the reasoning and justification behind each situation are both the same - there is none.

    I'm not singling you out - just stickin up for what I think is right and of course I had to comment on something silly like "well if everyone else sees something obviously you're just not listening". That's why I used the example I did, do you not see what I'm sayin there? Are you that embarrassed that you have to resort to name calling? Afterall what would a moron like me know? ^_^

    Anyways - I think what's even more stupid than insulting people and arguing on the internet, is arguing with someone in two different threads, about the same subject. ;p

    Let's be friends. :)

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    It's the same reason why there are so many people who buy into being Politically Correct. It's completely unecessary. It's up to the individual whether they want to say something tactful and proper or if they really don't give a damn and just wanna get their point across. A lot of people are just overly sensitive, I agree with that.
    Heit ist mein taug.

  5. #50
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Hey Zekk, in all seriousness - if I offended you or came off like an a$$hole - I just want to say sorry.

  6. #51
    Ellynn's Avatar
    Ellynn is offline Love Gurus
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    Why can't we be friends.......why can't we be friends.....

    We are the world.....We are the people......

    Lets get together yeah yeah yeah.......

    Peace peace peace on earth and good will to all....this is a time for love...
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  7. #52
    Join Date
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    See, I think the majority of people are basically good. But, boy, do we love to argue! Especially when your stance is clear. And most of us don't want to budge right at the instant..even when you see the other person's logic..we won't let them know right then that they make sense..instead we'll desperately search for an opposing argument, but our minds may be changed when we truly consider what the other person is saying.

    Sooner or later we all evolve...that's why our mentalities should be as one in his/her deathbed: What was truly important and what was just extra and stupid things that we should not have wasted time on??

  8. #53
    Ellynn's Avatar
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    Yeah its fun to be opinionated and have debates. If it was always peaches and tea it would suck....and get boring really fast!

    I know a forum like that. Its a forum run by a celebrity. If anyone says anything negative at all about the celebrity ....it gets erased or the person gets banned. I mean its not even like they insult her. They just ask a question about if she had botox.....or if a rumor they heard was true.... Just regular questions. It got boring really fast when all you could do was compliment her and ask her questions that were considered "positive" in her eyes.
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  9. #54
    Join Date
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    sugar and spice..

    sweet and sour...

    so let's all grow up already.
    "Ogres are like onions."

  10. #55
    Join Date
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    This thread sucks. Let's kill it.

  11. #56
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    we can't kill everything shh! we gotta same some for the nuclear warheads we're building.
    "Ogres are like onions."

  12. #57
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    Let's Fly... Away From Here. Anywhere, Yeah I don't care... We Just Fly Away From Here, Hopes And Dreams Are Out There Somewhere...

    RSK is at the moment gone. Let's just all move on now.
    Live together. Die alone - [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvi_RCM3FAM[/url]

  13. #58
    Join Date
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    Debating over a subject is fine. BUT singling people out in a thread and having an argument with them can be quite annoying.

    Evil School!!
    May not be on LF as much, due to unforeseen circumstances.
    Blame College and Homework for Everything!!

  14. #59
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by shh!
    This thread sucks. Let's kill it.
    I agree with this post.

  15. #60
    Join Date
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    Oh the drama...
    Live together. Die alone - [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvi_RCM3FAM[/url]

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