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Thread: SCORP: 1 - 10 Scale

  1. #46
    Join Date
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    Aussie Aussie Aussie
    Tiay, I've seen your photo. You'd be very high on my list
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    Accept all as it is and do not blame
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    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

  2. #47
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiay View Post
    well, now i'm jealous. These girls are all so pretty.
    The best-looking girl I ever met in my life, was in Tampa, FL.. hands down a 10, no question about it.. As a guy, you could sit there all day trying to imagine what the perfect girl would look like, and when you'd settle on an image in your mind, you'd gladly trade your "perfect" girl.. for Tampa-girl..

    We went to some Pirate festival they have at Tampa during January.. it's basically an excuse for guys to get flashed, girls to flash guys, and for people to exchange beeds and get drunk.. All you would see were great-looking people.. guys and girls.. all over the place.. All of a sudden.. all these great-looking girls start to feel insecure.. they start to feel that they are not as "pretty" as all the other women around them.. and one of those girls was Tampa-girl..

    Irrational? Yeah.. a little bit.. a lot actually.. But it's normal..

    I never understood what it really felt like from a guy's point of view until I walked into a place on Ludlow Street called Pianos.. The bouncers at the door will litterally tell you to leave or "you can't come in" if you don't have a certain "look".. Talk about having your ego shot down at the door.. Needless to say, when you walk inside.. you're surrounded by gorgeous guys and girls from all over NYC.. The initial thrill of making it past the door is already gone.. All of a sudden you're looking at these other guys with their finely-chizzled jaws, rugged facial hair, bronze tans, that look like thay all acted in 300.. You start to look at how some of these guys dress, and nearly all of them have a great sense of fashion.. You now start to think to yourself where on earth he got those shoes from.. that suit from.. "that cunning b@stard, what a brilliant idea to match a shirt in that color with the rest of that outfit, what an amazing look, why didn't I think of that?".. Eventually, you start to realize that some of these guys, are there with other guys.. and they're NOT looking at girls.. You also start to notice that these "perfect, strait out of 300" guys can't even hold up a conversation.. you notice how they have no idea how the other person is feeling, or what they're thinking.. And all of a sudden, you stop feeling so special about getting past the door.. and start heading out to catch all those wonderful people they didn't let in, in the first place.. But what struck me as very interesting.. was how the women in there must feel.. I would usually strike up a conversation via.. "How did you manage to get past the door? Do you know the owner or something?" and after some nagging and yapping.. "You know..., I think we got off on the wrong foot..., I'll give this an other chance, Hi i'm ___..".. I actually realized why this worked so well in this setting after a couple of goes..

    As a guy, you honestly don't care about looks.. there's no reason to.. sure, there's AnF, and movies like 300, and great-looking guys.. but when you take a look at the celebs women like.. or better yet, the men they all compete and fight over to marry.. It's not the end of the world if you're not perfectly cut, toned, and tanned.. Guys don't worry about such things, that's chick-stuff.. and that's exactly the point! Between the fashion, cosmetic, diet, nutition, and fitness industry.. there's been so much pressure on women when it comes to looks.. From an early age, girls are made to think "rather worse, come to think on their own" that if their face, butt, breats, legs, waist, hips, tummy, etc.. doesn't conform to some ideal standard.. they are "not attractive" or "ugly".. and it matters so much because 100 industries say so.. it's part of the culture in society.. it's a constant pressure they have to endure every day.. and if guys were under the same pressure, and caring about looks was not considered a female-only or gay-only thing to do.. guys would probably feel just as insecure.. (though some femenists have tried to put this in motion, and it failed misserably; it created a new class of gay.. "metro")

    "Call a woman a b*tch, and it'll roll off her back while she laughs on the inside.. but make her feel ugly, and try not to laugh too hard about how much it bothers her, for even the most beautiful women will find it impossible to ignore, a feeling so intoxicating, to surrender to her deepest insecurities" - Ben

    Now, I find it hilarious and unfortunate at the same time when girls like Tiay question how they look, just by seeing other women.. they always seem to ignore how the other side of the grass always looks greener.. and I suppose it's that illusion which gives the impression that your side of the grass is less green, or not green enough..

    But if I had to say anything about the way Tiay looks on the outside, I think words like.. beautiful, cute, adorable, pretty, sweet, expressive, and even enchanting wouldn't lack or fail to capture just that.. If I had to say anything about how she was on the inside, I wouldn't be able to find my way around any language to capture that exactly.. I'm not a poet or a writer.. so words aren't my domain.. but i'm good with numbers.. and if I had to pick one for Tiay.. I'd have to easily say, 10
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  3. #48
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    Nice post, GrkScorp.

    You know what else makes a person more attractive? A sense of security. A person who likes themselves just as they are is infinitely more attractive than a '10' with visible self esteem issues.
    Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mohandas Gandhi

  4. #49
    Join Date
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    scorp, you sure know how to make me smile. You seem pretty good at the words to me.

    It totally agree with you, guys would be dieting and exercising and possibly even plucking like crazy too if they were under as much pressure. And it seems like it's gradually getting there, too. The cosmetics (well.. skincare etc) industry is targeting men these days.

    you're right, it doesn't really matter what you say- I will never think that I am as anywhere near as attractive - physically - as that last 9.5 on your list. That thing weighs like 100 pounds. You haven't seen me lean forward in a skimpy bikini, either, lol. I guess us girls can always justify our own disbelief in ourselves. It's not like miss 9.5 is going to post a photo of how she looks sitting down after a giant meal.
    Last edited by Tiay; 29-02-08 at 01:39 AM.

  5. #50
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    I don't know what makes a girl attractive for me. There isn't a scale of 1-10 for me. Some girls have really unique features that stand out and some have something else. There are different types of attractions, but the most powerful one I have ever felt would make me leave a wife and kids behind for. Personality is great and something to really look for in a person you want to live with and have a relationship with but I don't think attraction and personality mix like some of you make it sound. Maybe for women but not for me, I definitely believe that attraction comes first...than you get to meet the personality.
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 29-02-08 at 11:00 AM.
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  6. #51
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    leah dizon- 10

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