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Thread: Remember how much high school sucked?

  1. #46
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    I think the most valuable things you learn in high school is how to handle difficult social settings. This is an important skill that will be utilized when employed. I learned a lot about treachery, loyalty, loving the wrong people, the value of good character, the negative aspects of drug and alcohol abuse, and lots more in high school, with a little academia mixed in. I hated high school, but I sure learned a lot.

  2. #47
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    University is to teach you to THINK. And to develop some self-discipline. Do not believe for an instant you are binned by whatever major you happen to graduate with. I speak from personal experience & those around me. The best minds are what I call 'generalists'.

    If you want to learn a practical trade, a college or trade school will teach you this, and cheaper w/better connections upon graduating.
    That was ma point Thanks indie

  3. #48
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    High school is the time for men's balls to drop.

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by shh! View Post
    I think the most valuable things you learn in high school is how to handle difficult social settings.
    I agree ^. Social skills was about the most useful thing about these years. Hormonal awareness & Redirection 101.

    As far as actually learning anything, I spent my entire high school years bored out of my gourd in class. I actually skipped a lot of classes, tho I probably shouldn't admit it. The fact I still did really well, despite this, just goes to show how little actual content they teach at that level.
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  5. #50
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    *thinks back to all those beautiful bodies of college girls*

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    I agree ^. Social skills was about the most useful thing about these years. Hormonal awareness & Redirection 101.

    As far as actually learning anything, I spent my entire high school years bored out of my gourd in class. I actually skipped a lot of classes, tho I probably shouldn't admit it. The fact I still did really well, despite this, just goes to show how little actual content they teach at that level.

    Same here Indi. I skipped 50% of my grade twelve year and still graduated with honours standing. My parents tried to get mad at me for it, but really, they couldn't.....it didn't affect my grades.

    I found the one thing that got me teased all those years in school - intelligence - got me respect in university.
    Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mohandas Gandhi

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    Same here Indi. I skipped 50% of my grade twelve year and still graduated with honours standing. My parents tried to get mad at me for it, but really, they couldn't.....it didn't affect my grades.
    Its interesting, isn't it? So long as you passed the exams, didn't matter what or where you were for the rest of the time. There was a whole clique of 'smarties' that did this at my school, it wasn't just the 'bad kids' did this. Often, we were still at school (so technically not absent, I guess) but just doing other things. In my case it was the music dept, the science labs & the tennis club. Tho we did skip many classes also for long lunches & the like.

    My neighbour is a high school teacher, tho & apparently these days class attendance *does* count. I guess its to keep all the trouble makers babysat. High school is a lot different these days, it seems.

    High school is still really education for the masses, tho. That hasn't changed. Both the highest & lowest ends of the bell curve get neglected, IMO. Tho perhaps it is different in a private school (Lipp?). College/uni is more based on personal motivation than babysitting, tho it is unfortunately getting moreso the latter.
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  8. #53
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    Not only was attending class MANDATORY at my high school, if you were even 10 seconds late you would have to stay after school or be punished by means of a lower grade. If you didn't show up to class you'd get into all types of trouble. If it looked like you weren't paying attention in class the teachers would get pissed. Of course, none of these rules applied to the ghetto kids who could do whatever the hell they wanted

  9. #54
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    Based on the kids I know, I think the smart kids are getting a much better education nowadays than they did back in my day, and they work a lot harder.

  10. #55
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    I couldn't afford to skip my senior year; my math teacher was very comedic, and a retired engineer from NASA believe it or not.

    I was also the class assistant in German; I even taught the class a few times. And I always met with the chorus instructor every day.... especially the days before my solos. I had to practice every morning from 6:30am until school began. After my solos, I met with her every day to talk about music and the 60s and shit like that.

    My history teacher, even though he had the most monotone voice, he told the greatest jokes. He was a really brilliant guy.

    I couldn't ever skip out of English... that might have disappointed the English teacher; I was one of the three class poets. Usually there are a few 'poets' in each class she has. I loved to hear what she had to say in class; we had all kinds of debates. She was fired this year, so I heard.

    The one part I hated about high school was the snotty kids. I never had more than 5 friends. During my SD high school years, I only had 1 friend. **** everybody else.

    So I really got a lot out of my high school education. During my freshman year of college is when I learned to be more social.

  11. #56
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    That is true because of AP classes, the only classes that were even remotely worth sitting through

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoesntMatter View Post
    That is true because of AP classes, the only classes that were even remotely worth sitting through
    Yes, the kids that hang around here are all taking APs or college courses, and have been since 10th grade.

  13. #58
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    Where do you mean by "here"?

  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoesntMatter View Post
    Where do you mean by "here"?
    My house. My older kid is a smarty pants, and we have a lot of study groups here because I converted our garage into a lounge area for them to hang in and I provide pizza and soda for their study groups.

  15. #60
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    That's a nice thing to do

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