How is he going to be able to trust her if he deletes the pics for her? She needs to face up to her actions, and lying about the type of person she is. She had the OP fooled into thinking she was a good girl until he found those pics, and now he knows the truth, and she has a lot of explaining to do.
I really have no idea how bad those pics are, but from the sounds of things she probably fornicated with several men at that party, had several sets of ugly sweaty men's testicles in her face at one time, and probably had semen from at least 3 of those guys inside her by the morning. She also probably had sex anally while other men spilled their smelly seed on her body, and probably swallowed the semen from at least 4 different men, and she needs to explain all that to her bf before their relationship can possibly progress.
Last edited by Rachel Pierce; 09-11-11 at 02:45 AM.
Why would anyone keep pictures of exes anyway? I have tossed all the pics of my exes (back then there were no digital cameras...hahah). The only picture I have of an ex is my ex-wife, who is the mother of my 2 kids. Not that I want to look at her picture....she is just in so many pictures with my kids in them. Anyone who is unwilling to get rid of old ex pics is basically unwilling to let go of the past. I would never tolerate that from my SO.
All I have to say "judge not,lest ye be judged" to "assume" makes a "ass" out of "u" and "me"
I'm afraid that verse only applies AMONG CHRISTIANS. We should not judge our fellow Christians, as in if they are poor and cannot afford to dress as well as the rest of us, we should not look down our noses at them. However there are several places in the Bible where it TELLS US to judge (John 7:24, 1 Coronthians 2:15, 1 Corinthians 6:2). As a Christian, I am ASKED to judge others, and use Gods righteous judgement as my basis for judgement. Why not crack open the Bible sometime, instead of wildly misquoting what my God says about whores like the OP's gf. Then tell me I have no right judging her. The Bible says that, as a Christian I should judge others who are non-Christians, but they cannot judge us as their opinions don't really matter. A Christian's opinion is ALWAYS better than the skewed opinion of a non-Christian, as we have good morals and decent values that we get through God's word and the Holy Bible.
For goodness sake, this is past history. How old is this girl, possibly she was just experimenting. Keeping photos etc is a bit on the distasteful side but hey, different strokes for different folks. Find out why.
There is no real reason to bring religion and the bible into this, it has nothing to do with old stereotypes. We live in the now and that is what we have to deal with.
Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how it remains so popular?
Doesn't a rainbow represent gay pride?
Hmm, is it possible that Rachel is just a troll or are there really people like her out there?