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Thread: Who Cares About Culture?

  1. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Y'know how ethnics will immigrate to a different country and then fight the assimilation into the domestic culture? What's up with that? In fact it seems many groups try to assimilate the domestics into their culture.

    Why can't people just let their cultures die?

    Worse is when individuals will try to change common law to accommodate their groups "needs".
    *sigh* Someday you'll understand.
    Something went terribly wrong

  2. #47
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy1218 View Post
    *sigh* Someday you'll understand.
    someday, you will too.

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilwing View Post
    someday, you will too.
    everyone will, someday.
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  4. #49
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy1218 View Post
    everyone will, someday.
    no, actually some people never know. there are very ignorant, closeminded people in this world.

  5. #50
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    yeah. all this culture talk's reminding me of why quebec wants to separate from canada...but thats another story,
    Something went terribly wrong

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy1218 View Post
    *sigh* Someday you'll understand.
    I understand more than you know.

    It's not even a matter of understanding, it's more a matter of preference.

    Has your family ever told you that you were "exempt" because you were "only half chinese"?

    Culture can divide as much as it can bring together.

  7. #52
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    Has your family ever told you that you were "exempt" because you were "only half chinese"
    now that is truly ridiculous. tell me who this person is so i can slap them upside the head.

  8. #53
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    Well last night I had another 2 hour orientation thing where we learned why phrases such as "bottom of the totem pole" were offensive and politically incorrect. They talked all about race relations on college campus, almost every aspect, except for affirmative action. Funny how they left that out...

    But maybe the biggest problem with the whole "cultural tolerance" thing is that the suppossed "victims" are many, many times way too sensitive. I mean, at school people confessed to me how much they hate guineas and wops and how stupid we are. While I would consider that crossing the line, I didn't run to mommy and daddy like a little bitch and cry that some bully at school hurt my feelings so they could phone the administrators and have those kids kicked out of school. That's life.

    I've been to other countries before and can say that the US is definitely the best place in the world to live, without question. My dad is from Italy and easily admits how much better the US is than Italy. He came here with literally almost no money and is now making a lot. How did he do it? Easy, just worked his ass off in high school and got pretty much a full ride to UB for undergrad, then went to Northwestern for grad school and did research type stuff, therefore getting paid. Nobody handed it to him, he worked for ALL of it himself. Yeah, I admire my dad for that.

    But you know what else? He adopted the US culture, knew how important English was and learned it perfectly, etc. New immigrants should do the same. I think the reason some of the illegal Mexicans don't is because they are illegal and live in their own communities, so are alienated that way. But here on campus there are people (mainly Muslims) who refuse to adopt to our ways.

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Y'know how ethnics will immigrate to a different country and then fight the assimilation into the domestic culture? What's up with that? In fact it seems many groups try to assimilate the domestics into their culture.

    Why can't people just let their cultures die?

    Worse is when individuals will try to change common law to accommodate their groups "needs".
    Frasbee----Culture defines who you are. The best is when you can keep your own culture; and be considerate and understanding of another person's culture. That way you get the best of both worlds.

  10. #55
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    b-b-b-b-b-BAY AREA!
    Well, my belief is that when people of other cultures move to the U.S., they basically just want to be given the opportunity to survive. Not necessarily become American. Money plays a big part. Do you realize how many Filipino nurses are in the States only because of money? Most of them didn't want to be nurses in the first place, but many times in the Philippines, you're born into poverty and America has always been known as a place full of dollars.

    I don't think immigrants want to just ignore all that is American. I believe they place themselves in a community of their peers and just get stuck. If I were to move to another country when I'm 40 years old, I'd have a hell of time trying to get over my anxiety ... there ain't no "Americatown" in the Philippines, that's for sure. I'm only talking about those who move into areas with their race as the majority.

    The United States does not breed the most accepting citizens in the world. When an Asian person moves to the United States, they're on someone else's home turf. So, in order to feel safe, he/she will move into a community with more Asians. Being proactive in meeting new in hopes of acceptance is something we learn to do in America. So, it's no surprise that lilwing says that he'd go to Japan and try to interact with the culture as much as possible. We, in America, are taught to do it ourselves. Many cultures are not accustomed to making the first move.

    It's so hard to fit in. I may speak with a perfect California accent and was born here, but in the end, I'm Asian-American ... I wish I was simply labelled American like I am in other countries (like the Philippines or Ireland). But we even segregate our races right from the getgo. African-American, Latino-American ... we never say Euro-American, or whatnot. My point? Just by the labels, we're not completely accepted in our own country.
    Last edited by tooxshort; 03-09-07 at 01:19 PM. Reason: grammar
    no autographs, please!

    The more I see, the more I don't know for sure. - John Lennon

    Life is ... Too Short.

    "It seems we living the 'American Dream', but the people highest up got the lowest self-esteem. The prettiest people do the ugliest things ... for the road to riches and diamond rings."

  11. #56
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    I'm completely with Fras on this. And it's worse in America than anywhere.

    We do more as a country to assimilate immigrants than any other place on Earth (actual statistic) and yet people STILL bitch and moan that they have to change.

    Well f*ck them.

    Of course they have to change.

    If you walk into my home and I ask you to take your shoes off and you go "NO! That is against my cultural beliefs!" then I'll tell you to get the f*ck out and you'll have to leave.

    Shit, I'm a tolerant person but all this new-agey crap about accepting everything about everyone and being forever accommodating is almost too much to take.
    Last edited by TDurden; 03-09-07 at 08:41 AM.
    People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by tooxshort View Post

    It's so hard to fit in. I may speak with a perfect California accent and was born here, but in the end, I'm Asian-American ... I wish I was simply labelled American like I am in other countries (like the Philippines or Ireland). But we even segregate our races right from the getgo. African-American, Latino-American ... we never say Euro-American, or whatnot. My point? Just by the labels, we're not completely accepting in our own country.
    Those labels were made up when civil rights leaders started having an identity crisis. First, it was politically correct to call black people Negroes, then colored people, then blacks, now African-Americans. To me, you are just American. The labels were made up by people wishing to identity themselves.

  13. #58
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