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Thread: Sex once a month is acceptable?

  1. #46
    qwertz's Avatar
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    ^and who could blame him!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  2. #47
    Join Date
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    I could, once a month is plently. I am lucky if I get it once a year.

  3. #48
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    A good friend of mine and his wife have an interesting theory when it comes to sex in a relationship.

    If one wants it then the other should oblige as it is important to keep your partner satisfied sexually throughout. He states its not difficult to spend 10 mins or so of your day making your partner happy. Him and his wife strongly believe in this and are both very happy.

    Whilst i am sure this wont work in every relationship its an interesting theory and although i have never met anyone else who feels like that im sure there are some that work on that basis.

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrtdg82 View Post
    A good friend of mine and his wife have an interesting theory when it comes to sex in a relationship.

    If one wants it then the other should oblige as it is important to keep your partner satisfied sexually throughout. He states its not difficult to spend 10 mins or so of your day making your partner happy. Him and his wife strongly believe in this and are both very happy.

    Whilst i am sure this wont work in every relationship its an interesting theory and although i have never met anyone else who feels like that im sure there are some that work on that basis.
    Yeah, well the feminists made sure this wouldn't happen so that women could use sex as a weapon against men.

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrtdg82 View Post
    A good friend of mine and his wife have an interesting theory when it comes to sex in a relationship.

    If one wants it then the other should oblige as it is important to keep your partner satisfied sexually throughout. He states its not difficult to spend 10 mins or so of your day making your partner happy. Him and his wife strongly believe in this and are both very happy.

    Whilst i am sure this wont work in every relationship its an interesting theory and although i have never met anyone else who feels like that im sure there are some that work on that basis.
    No, I think that's the flip side of the coin, and that's just a recipe for bad things to happen. As in, it flirts with the boundaries of rape.

    When there's such an imbalance going on in an established relationship, communication is vital to moving forward. It's not necessarily a deal-breaker, so long as both parties can be both honest with their own needs and understanding of their partners'.

    Early on though, if such a thing comes up, it's very unlikely that the relationship is worth pursuing. Especially if you have a psycho lady like the one described in the OP or a guy who doesn't understand that No Means No.

  6. #51
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    If you like who you're with... you'll want to jump their bones... it's just one of those things. Eh... physical expression of love more or less.

    This woman was willing to turn herself into a whore so she could assume control over you. She was willing to sell sexual services to you in exchange for a noose around your neck. As much as I hate to admit it, BoredGeorge's misogynistic hatred is aimed at the kind of woman your girlfriend/ex fundamentally is. And for good reason, such a woman can crush your soul and leave you a pussy-whipped living corpse.

    Get out now... run for the bloody hills. When you get there... do a dick check... and make sure she didn't swipe your balls either. And of course --- GET LAID!
    "The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong."

    - James Allen

  7. #52
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    once a month does seem a bit too long to wait, altho the anticipation can be mind blowing. i had to wait once with a guy and holy moly it was incredible when we were in the same room let alone when we barely touched. the electricity was incredible and unbearable.

    aw gawd i miss sensual electric sex, it's been exactly 15 months and 5 days. i figure i'll never have that kind of connection ever again.

    anyway if you aren;t happy then talk out your problems until it's solved or break up
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  8. #53
    kms's Avatar
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    ^ uhmm where can I get some of that?!?

  9. #54
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecojeanne View Post
    aw gawd i miss sensual electric sex, it's been exactly 15 months and 5 days. i figure i'll never have that kind of connection ever again.
    yeah, I wonder how many times in one person's life this is meant to happen? It's only happend twice to me, both times with completely unsuitable people. The first guy was a musician (blah), and the second was (get this!) a married clergy man (never had sex with him, obviously).

    I sure know how to pick 'em!

  10. #55
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    Aren't you married Vashti?
    "The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong."

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  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    yeah, I wonder how many times in one person's life this is meant to happen? It's only happend twice to me, both times with completely unsuitable people. The first guy was a musician (blah), and the second was (get this!) a married clergy man (never had sex with him, obviously).

    I sure know how to pick 'em!
    Did you ever want to give them another shot? I'm sure my ex thinks I'm unsuitable considering she just dumped me but for a girl who slept around a good amount, I was her first real connection. I guess I can't help but wonder if it's enough motivation to give a guy a second look/chance.
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  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Punk18 View Post
    For the first year we were having sex five times a week, easily. Sometimes doing it three or four times a day and then this summer it all just ended abruptly. It started going down to once a week, then every two weeks and now it's every month if I'm lucky.
    She knowingly went into a relationship having sex with you multiple times a week and then decides to pull off the mask to show you the other person (true colors) you weren't attracted to. That was selfish of her to do that. She should have been honest with you up front instead by making things worse by ridiculing you.

    "Ooooh, you thought you were having sex tonight. DENIED!!!" Then she laughs like it's some big hysterical joke

    ^ This message basically says she doesn't care about your needs and isn't taking you serious. Yeah, if she had a condition like low sex drive or was secretly cheating on you she have at least been honestly up front with you by telling you the truth so you aren't wasting each other's time. Something just isn't adding up. It seems like you are trying to get through to her but she doesn't seem like she is making any "honest" effort to resolve this issue. If you really love each other sit down and talk about what you both reeaaally want in the relationship. There may be an unresolved issue of a need she may have that may explain less sexual activity. Ask her why? Be honest...if one of you aren't then the problem will only get worse not better. As for commitment, if she can't make an effort in resolving the sex issue with you then she has no room talk about it. Walk the walk first then commit. If she doesn't there's plenty of women out there who will be happy to fill her role. In that case, just move on. It's one thing if you both are married and have children. Nothing gained...nothing lost

  13. #58
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    Roymax has the right idea, and I agree when he says something does not add up.

    to go from sex multiple times a week to barely once a month and even ridiculing you for trying makes me think she may be having an affair with some other guy. just think, has there been any times she's been home way late from work or made herself unavailable overnights for any given reasons like "going to a friend's house or anything like that?

    just think back and watch for small details like that. If she goes to so-and-so's house, follow up on it by calling so-and-so(be polite about it) and mabe get to know a co-worker or two of hers and ask once in a while when she leaves in casual conversation and ask it right.

    You: so, you guys been busy as of late?
    Co-worker:no, not really.
    You: I guess it would be, seeing how my girl gets off at (insert time here) on such and such night

    If the co-worker corrects you to an earlier time, I got bad news for you.

  14. #59
    Join Date
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    1) Should sex be happening more than once a month?
    Definitely. For me sex should at least 1-2 times a week. The exact amount would depend on how often we actually see each other.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I think once per week is good, but once per month is just tooooooooo lessss. she should approve you to have it more times, best of lucky anways.
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