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Thread: French kissing a friend...

  1. #46
    peshkunta's Avatar
    peshkunta Guest
    Thanks...I'd better write this down

  2. #47
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Let me know what haapens next...

    good luck
    Jay-tea :0)

  3. #48
    peshkunta's Avatar
    peshkunta Guest
    I sure will, but I haven't talked or seen her in a some time now and I think it would be best for me to talk to her when I see her next and we have time to ourselves.
    Last edited by peshkunta; 06-06-03 at 06:51 PM.

  4. #49
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    i wish you the best
    Jay-tea :0)

  5. #50
    Illusional's Avatar
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    i would still make out with a lot of my female friends... raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  6. #51
    peshkunta's Avatar
    peshkunta Guest
    Have you ever?

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Whats love gotta do with it!

  8. #53
    peshkunta's Avatar
    peshkunta Guest
    I don't think I will call her. I think she had a chance and I tried. I have let go. But what do you mean it will hurt us both?

    But, at the same time, what about you? I could say the same thing about your guy and you. Why don't you forget him? All of a sudden it feels different doesn't it. And perhaps yours was "just for fun" too? Huh?

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    No. You pretty much have to be physically attracted to each other (or think about chocolate all the while) in order for the kiss to last that long.

    Whether physical attraction alone warrants starting a relationship is an entirely different story, however.

  10. #55
    peshkunta's Avatar
    peshkunta Guest
    I don't know. I'm not sure if you read the whole thing, but I had posted where she told me she got a boyfriend and when I asked her if he was cute she was like..."uhhh...he treats me nice." I mean, she couldn't even say he was cute. Then she goes, "Hot guys, they treat you like crap!"

    Like I've said, she always thought I was conceited and a lot of times when I would go out with a girl I would get complimented on my looks instead of the girl, or get picked up (she knows about that) and I've noticed the girls to get very irritated with that. So, I might be wrong but I have always wondered if she felt uncomfortable with me because of stuff like that although she is very beautiful. If that is the case, that would be SOOOO STUPID and I would be so mad at her!!!

  11. #56
    Join Date
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    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
    Dude, did she tell you she wasn't attracted to you ?
    "I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see."
    - John Burroughs

  12. #57
    peshkunta's Avatar
    peshkunta Guest
    Well, I don't know how much you've read, but I explain everything in my posts.
    She has told me that I have "very beautiful eyes," and that I "look like a Cavlin Klein model," and one time, as we are friends, she told me that she met some guy at a party that was good-looking and then she said, "But he was not as beautiful as you"

    But when I asked her if she likes me as more than a friend this is what she replied:
    ************************************************** **
    "....... no, i don't like you and i'm sorry i blew you off. but i
    know you are never serious about things, and, as you said, wouldn't really care either way so i just didn't even address it.
    i've got a headache so i'm going to go bury my head in a pillow and cry, or just smash it to pieces w/ a hammer. i havn't decided yet. you have a good night."
    ************************************************** **

    She has not told me that she phisically doesn't like me, although this letter might suggest that.

    You really need to read the whole thing shafkore to get what's the situation.
    Last edited by peshkunta; 29-06-03 at 07:27 PM.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Hello??? Is Pesh still around??

    It's been a while ...but I'm back missed this site

    How are you??

    Hope you're doin' so much better than the last time I was here.
    Jay-tea :0)

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    ok...i havnt read through all the posts on here...they are kinda long...

    but to answer the first post, yes you can french kiss a friend that you are not physically attracted to...ive done it...

    1) the friend was still pretty...but REALLY not my type..basically just important that the person is the right gender...
    2) you emotionally are hung up on someone else (rebound)
    3) your friend has feelings for you
    4) you two get alone time

    ok maybe its not so much the physcial attraction...as it is possible to get it on with a friend that you don't like, I would have shagged my friend if I'd have had the oppertunity, while I was on the rebound. It turns out she had a crush on me for years, and Ive never been interested, but we ended up making out for a weekend when she came to visit me, about a month after I got dumped...I really didnt enjoy any of it, because I had ruined a friendship and I just wanted to be withsomeone else....AND after ruining all that, the weekend visit was still PG-13

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    hmm my situation is somewhat like yours. I have a friend whom i've been making out with for the past few weeks. I started developing feeling for her and did confessed it but she told me only sees me as a friend. When we hung out with each other, she would say thigns like "I like you alot" and "you're fun to be with, i like hanging out with you" which led me to believe that she does have feeling for me.... but when i asked her where this is heading she'd say "We're buddies" and told me not to think about her and that i should go out with other girls. I went on explaining to her that its really hard being friedn with someone you have feeling for and asked "if we made out then there should be some feeling involve right?"
    she replied "yeah making out with you makes me have feelings for you" and continued saying that she only wants friendship.

    So what do you guy think... is there still a chance for me to get with her or should i move on?

    She does not have any reboudning problem. We're still making out that why it doesn't hurt that much. What do you think i should do?

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