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Thread: Choi's Update

  1. #46
    Junket's Avatar
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    I think he should be either 18 or 19 now.

    I miss that british bastard.

    EDIT: By the way Shh, yeah, just PM me your e-mail and I'll put you on the mailin' list.

  2. #47
    Junket's Avatar
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    My next project will be spent in Key West, Florida for 6 weeks working on an environmental project.

    Internet access will be much more limited on this SPIKE as we will be camping out in tents. Seems as though the only access we will have is when we are able to get to the closest library.

    I've also been chosen ATL for this SPIKE (Assistant Team Leader), so I will have a few more responsibilities this time around. From the sounds of it, this project will be a breeze in comparison to the education project in Jackson, MS. Then again, I love physical projects.

    For the most part we will be helping restore areas that were heavily damaged during the hurricanes, so it's environmental/disaster relief.

    I'll try to keep you all updated as much as possible. Hopefully I'll be able to get in some pictures too...

    - Fras/Choi

  3. #48
    Join Date
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    Florida: rain, alligators, humid weather, and gay men in thongs. Enjoy, Frasbee!

  4. #49
    Join Date
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    not all true shh!

    Florida: RSK (ok, maybe not for everyone)..........

    but how about this: Sun. Beaches. Ocean. Miami. Disney. Space Stations. Women walking around half naked. It's a very relaxing place...

    ...things move SLOOOOOOOOWLY over here...

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by RSK
    ...things move SLOOOOOOOOWLY over here...
    That's because 18% of the population is over 65.
    True stat, I didn't make it up.

  6. #51
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    The women aren't afraid to walk around half naked because of the large homosexual population.

  7. #52
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by shh!
    Florida: gay men in thongs.
    This makes me think of Neo's avatar for some reason.

  8. #53
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    That made me laugh.

  9. #54
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    Frasbee----"I've also been chosen ATL for this SPIKE (Assistant Team Leader)"

    Hey, leadership qualities eh? Good on ya. Keep the updates coming.

  10. #55
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    Where you live
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee

    My next project will be spent in Key West, Florida for 6 weeks working on an environmental project.

    Internet access will be much more limited on this SPIKE as we will be camping out in tents. Seems as though the only access we will have is when we are able to get to the closest library.

    I've also been chosen ATL for this SPIKE (Assistant Team Leader), so I will have a few more responsibilities this time around. From the sounds of it, this project will be a breeze in comparison to the education project in Jackson, MS. Then again, I love physical projects.

    For the most part we will be helping restore areas that were heavily damaged during the hurricanes, so it's environmental/disaster relief.

    I'll try to keep you all updated as much as possible. Hopefully I'll be able to get in some pictures too...

    - Fras/Choi
    I'll eat my jerky to you, friend on a a lonely bus.

    Umm, gee, that makes no sense. Well, see, I'm going hiking on the White Mountains, in the rain, this weekend for 7.4 miles all for no reason, just for recreation, and you are helping out a small piece of the US.
    "Ogres are like onions."

  11. #56
    Junket's Avatar
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    Hey guys!

    It's been what...5 weeks since I last talked to you all?

    Long ass story short.

    The Keys were awesome.

    The project had it's ups and downs, but our R&R time on the weekends easily made up for and surpassed any issues we might have had during the work week.

    We were livin' always within' a 2 minute walk wherever we were staying, first in tents at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park in Key West (I got to sleep in a "haunted" fortess) then at a girl scout camp on Big Pine Key. The tourist attractions were fun, Malory Square at sunset was a blast. And there's a constant night life. Albeit drunk night life.

    I got a kickass tan, (pictures to you ASAP...which may not be very soon at all) and my hair has grown out. However I will be shavin' it all off again soon.

    So all and all the Key West project was more a free vacation than anything else. Most of our work was environmental with some Wilma disaster clean up here and there.

    However, our next project will be in................NEW ORLEANS!

    Yep, we're finally gonna get our hand at some direct disaster relief for 8 weeks (aka 2 months). In fact we'll actually be leading teams of volunteers. So it's a step up for sure in terms of responsibility. We're planned to be workin' 6 days a week and there's a chance we might not get a spring break like most of the campus will. That's all I really know right now, but I'll try to update you guys again when the info becomes available. Sorry it's been so long guys, I hope all the regulars are doin' great.

    - Fras/Choi

  12. #57
    Junket's Avatar
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    ::bumps thread::

    EDIT: Sorry about the bump, for whatever reason when I posted the update, it didn't bump the thread up to the first page.

  13. #58
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Awesome Fras!!

    Sounds like you're really enjoyin yourself.

    What was sleepin in the haunted forest like?? Got any stories for us about that??

  14. #59
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    Awesome Fras!!

    Sounds like you're really enjoyin yourself.

    What was sleepin in the haunted forest like?? Got any stories for us about that??
    Ah, the fort was fun.

    No ghosts or anything, (I'm a skeptic, apparently that state of mind "scares them away" or somethin' like that), but we watched the Ghostbusters DVD on a portable dvd player and slept outside on the walls of the fort. It was a blast. I have stories up the ass from this place, which is why my update was so short, so much, too much that I don't know where to start.

    One of the most memorable moments though, was our first night there, we had set up our tents but few of us had staked them down, 'cause...who knew the Keys got so much damn wind? At around 3AM we were gettin' 35 mph gusts of wind, and these tents just weren't holdin' up. I was woken up by all the flappin' of the tent, I heard Amy and Kenda talkin' in their tent next to ours. So I snuck up and well...scared the crap out of them, never heard any of them scream so loud. So I hung out in their tent for a bit, poor Kenda man, didn't like camping to begin with. As we're talkin' we get this major gust of wind, and it literally snaps one of the polls holdin' up the tent, and it collapses all around us. As soon as we step out of the tent it starts to frikkin' rain! I couldn't help but laugh my ass off, I had 'em get their stuff and run it to the vans so it doesn't get all wet. As we're loadin' it up, we look over to our left and we see a boat (a fake styrofoam boat) but a boat nonetheless go flyin' by! CRAZY!

    I had 'em stay in me and Ari's tent the rest of the night (though Ari didn't appreciate bein' woken up) and helped them fix their their tent the best we could the next morning.

    That was just one story, so as you can see man, there'd be pages if I were able to recall and post them all. Hope it was enjoyable to you nonetheless though!

  15. #60
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Why can't I see Fras' post? It says on the main page Frasbee is the last poster, but I come into the thread and my post is the last one?

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