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Thread: Racism no longer exist?

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zilla80 View Post
    That's because historically caucasians have not endured the same suffering and prejudices that other races, specifically blacks, have had to endure.

    So when you are prejudiced against it's a lot easier for you to "not let it get to you". For god's sake how long did white's tell these people they were less than a human being just because of the color of their skin. People tend to forget 1960 wasn't that long ago.

    You taste but a TINY fraction of what others have had to go through. I usually don't get involved in these because their is no arguing with ignorance (see t00lc00l) gets you no where. I just found it quite humorous a white woman being the voice here of how to handle racism.

    Again, what a stupid ****ing thread this is.
    well actually i found it quite irritating when i was in the states and we irish were oppressed by the english for a lot longer than black/mixed race people were in the states; but does that give me the right to look down on the english? NO

    no-one should be allowed to look down their nose at anyone for any silly reason like history.
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  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zilla80 View Post
    That's because historically caucasians have not endured the same suffering and prejudices that other races, specifically blacks, have had to endure.

    So when you are prejudiced against it's a lot easier for you to "not let it get to you". For god's sake how long did white's tell these people they were less than a human being just because of the color of their skin. People tend to forget 1960 wasn't that long ago.

    You taste but a TINY fraction of what others have had to go through. I usually don't get involved in these because their is no arguing with ignorance (see t00lc00l) gets you no where. I just found it quite humorous a white woman being the voice here of how to handle racism.
    I agree with most of what you say, but I have to point out that Jewish people (white or other) have been discriminated against for 2000 years. White people certainly CAN be discriminated against, and obviously to at least as great an extent as black people or any other ethnicity. Hate knows no boundaries.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zilla80 View Post
    That's because historically caucasians have not endured the same suffering and prejudices that other races, specifically blacks, have had to endure.

    So when you are prejudiced against it's a lot easier for you to "not let it get to you". For god's sake how long did white's tell these people they were less than a human being just because of the color of their skin. People tend to forget 1960 wasn't that long ago.

    You taste but a TINY fraction of what others have had to go through. I usually don't get involved in these because their is no arguing with ignorance (see t00lc00l) gets you no where. I just found it quite humorous a white woman being the voice here of how to handle racism.

    Again, what a stupid ****ing thread this is.

    You are a fool.

    There is a world outside of the United States.

    And even so, every ethnicity that has come into our ports have gotten their share of discrimination.

    You find it humorous a white woman was discriminated against? Then you are blind, because I've spoken to several blacks, with African ancestry to Mardis Gras Indians, who have stated that they either are, or used to be very prejudiced towards white people.

    "Back then, I would've hated you just because you were white."

    "But I'm only half white."

    "It wouldn't matter."

    Seriously, in this day and age, who hasn't felt the sting of prejudice?

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    Oh, and hey Indi - I give you kudos for learning Mandarin. I've always wanted to learn, but it looks very intimidating. I learned Punjabi instead.....slightly easier.
    I'm doing it b/c I enjoy languages but mostly to keep my son company. He's enrolling in a Sat am school later this year. Its more for his benefit & I plan to help him study.

    Its funny how Chinese ppl think its weird tho they don't mind their kids learning engrish.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zilla80 View Post
    I just found it quite humorous a white woman being the voice here of how to handle racism.
    Well, that's a silly comment^ Zilla. Who cares where good advice comes from? Sense is sense, no matter the source.

    You young ones don't seem to understand the dynamics of oppression. ALL repressed groups, historically, required more enlightened elements of the oppressing group to help them in order to gain their freedom. That is not a justification for the repression, just a statement of fact about how progress is made in these areas.

    Or do american blacks deny that without white ppl they wouldn't have gained their freedom either? Certainly women required the help of men in power to gain their rights. Circumstance also plays a role, as does the role of individuals increasing awareness through protest.

    A more recent example: gay ppl will NOT be granted their right to marry without the help of the majority, straight liberal population who believe they have a case.

    Think about it, and think about how change is actually made to happen. Obama had a lot of powerful WHITE supporters.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    I'm doing it b/c I enjoy languages but mostly to keep my son company. He's enrolling in a Sat am school later this year. Its more for his benefit & I plan to help him study.

    Its funny how Chinese ppl think its weird tho they don't mind their kids learning engrish.
    Any idea of how tough it is to learn compared to germanic languages? Given the different ways of intonation, pronouncation, grammar system, alphabet...Ugh...

    But considering picking up mandarin as a uni subject next year, and if I like it I'd might keep going at it. English and mandarin would cover a whole lot of people, and then chuck in swedish for good measure and have an easier time expanding to japanese if desirable. Possibilities, possibilities

  7. #67
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    My family growing up spoke German, so its not really a good comparison for me (LW, forget it, I don't remember anything anymore except hello/goodbye and things relating to xmas). I think Mandarin is a lot harder, it contains various intonations in addition to the words.

    Japanese is a lot easier, IMO. I don't really speak it, but I know enough to get me by and I pick up those phrases a lot faster than Mandarin.

    But it does stretch ones brain & I think it would be a good asset for several careers, so take it if you have the chance.

  8. #68
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    Yeah, think Ill go for it, so few other breadth (choice of a single subject that has to be outside of your major) subjects that interest me.

    I just hope it doesn't turn out like any of my other language studies that got wrecked from moving around - french for a year lost, then german for two years lost.

  9. #69
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    I would think that your travelling would provide a unique opportunity to practice? You must have the chance to interact w/lots of officials or their staff from other cultures? Esp now you are older?

  10. #70
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    Swahili and sinhala aren't the easiest to pick up on, unfortunately, and rarely long enough of a stay to learn it properly so focused on english instead, which was the language of instruction. It's coming close to beating my swedish by now.

    But there are loads of asians here in melbourne who are fun to hang out with (turned out that aussies don't appeal to me much) so at least I have people around to speak to and a chance to open up a few more options to move on in the future - maybe Singapore or something for a master's degree, unless I find someone here who's worth staying for.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by To0C0oL View Post
    White people who voted for McCain = 65%
    White people who voted for Obama = 35%

    Black people who voted for McCain = 5%
    Black people who voted for Obama = 95%

    Racism is 2 ways.............
    Obama lost the white vote to Republican John McCain by 12 percentage points, according to exit polls of voters — a better showing than Democrat John Kerry's 17-point deficit with whites four years ago. [url]http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081108/ap_on_el_pr/mutts_like_me[/url]

    As for the majority of black people voting for a black person. This is a historic event, yes, but Obama is a qualified black person. Were you expecting a 95% for McCain and 5% for Obama? Similar results would have happened for a female if she had qualities that many felt are needed for president at this time of crisis.
    Last edited by lesa; 09-11-08 at 11:38 AM. Reason: adding back original comment
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  12. #72
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    i still don't like white people.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  13. #73
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    The reason this is historic is because he is black, but why are we still on that? I mean it's great that he's black, but do we really need to be on this topic all the time? What about what he can do for our country? Believe me or not, if he was black and wasnt gonna do shit for our country other than **** it up like George Bush, I would've hoped he didnt make it in, seriously. So for me, it's not about him being black. I kinda wish he didnt win because I honestly dont think this man is going to live. Assasination, anyone? Plus, like I stated before, I really think that the slightest **** up from this man and he wont hear the end of it. I wonder if being the first black president will be worth it in the long run.
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  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadieNisha4u2nv View Post
    I really think that the slightest **** up from this man and he wont hear the end of it. I wonder if being the first black president will be worth it in the long run.
    I really worry about this, too. I think it takes a great amount of courage to be the first to do something... so much public scrutiny, and so many people ready to jump on you for the slightest error in judgement.

    Misombra - does your white boyfriend know you feel that way?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  15. #75
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    he does. he's been warned that he will be the first to die in the race wars.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

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