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Thread: Does he want to have sex before we marry or not?

  1. #61
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Not necessarily.

    There are people that enjoy what I consider dumb movies but I generally don't think any less of them.

    Now, were you devout Catholic that was incapable of reason, it would be a different story, but I already know you're of sound mind, for the most part.

    Look at it this way, one of my biggest qualms with my upbringing, and of those brought up like me, is that there was never a question, it was forced upon me.

    Just like how a year ago, politicians were (and still are) considering making community service mandatory, removing the volunteer aspect, which makes service so great and unique. Why would anyone cry out against it? Because it squanders free will. It removes a key component to service. And at the base of it all, conscious adults rebel at the very idea of being forced to do anything. What is so cunning about the way I was raised is that they attempted to remove any doubt that I would stray. I was Confirmed by 5th grade. 5th grade! There were SO many things I didn't understand at that age!

    My girlfriend was raised in a very religious community, but one that did not condone baptism until individuals were old enough to make the decision themselves (a heavily influenced and encouraged decision, but one nonetheless).

    I have many words for the Catholic system, but "dumb" was the easiest to sum them all up. So unless you've helped manufacture what is the Catholic machine today you needn't take my ridicule so personally, especially since I did not call you dumb.
    I was confirmed in 2nd Grade And I'm glad it was like that.It brought me much joy,every kid is happy about it, if I would be confirmed later, I wouldn't be happy that much.I wouldn't give a damn,like most teens
    Quote Originally Posted by Rollerderby View Post
    Pettit, I hope this doesn't insult you, but I imagine you saying this with a heavy French accent, and in my head it sounds more cute than threatening
    No,no. So You better start to imagine me reading this with a strong and heavy polish accent. HAHA
    No I hope it's not THAT bad

    Quote Originally Posted by Yggdrasil View Post
    Never mind having the surviving brother finding a wife "east of eden".. wherever the eff that may be... Where did she come from?

    Not wanting to bash Christians here, but those stories are full of inconsistencies and when you ask intelligent questions about them, the only reply you get is: "god's ways are unknown to mankind"...

    I guess that's their way of saying: we don't have a darn clue....
    Nope, there are always answers, I actually always got my answer from a priest.But it depends on who You ask. Some just don't feel like thinking But most priests at schools in Poland are prepared for hard questions.

    I was once very surprised. I asked if I will have a sin if I start to take baby pills. He said no if I'm taking it to stop for example some pain or a sickness Voila. So each time I took a pill I said to myself: It's to not have painful periods No I'm joking,but tho I didn't know it before. And I didn't know actually a lot of things before I started to ask and get answers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rollerderby View Post
    Yggdrasil, tell me about the Eden stuff. I remember reading the part after Cain killed Abel, and God marked him and all that. God said something like, "anyone who harms you will have seven-fold punishment," and I'm like... who the hell else is supposed to be walking around? Nevermind that some sects of the KKK think that black people are descendents of Cain,which obviously is even more ridiculous, and follows even less logic.

    Have you read anything on Adam's first wife Lilith? I've found a few things, but no hardcopies that supports that was in the bible. That's a whole other weird twist though, isn't it?

    Gnosticism is interesting. I've only read some of the gospels, but I wasn't aware people were still practicing. I thought all the heretics were wiped out in the Spanish Inquisition and Crusades.
    Wait a minute.... How Adam could have first wife before Eva, if Adam (that's in a Bible) was the first man on the earth, and from his rib. So she was the first woman on earth as well. Mmm I think You have read the third book of Da vinci code But for sure nothing that has to do with catholic bible and the poeple from the bible. Maybe it was other Adam, from other movie?
    Leave our Bible and Eva alone!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    And now you have a bad back.
    No, now we have imprints on our laps
    I wazzzz here

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pettit-Papillon View Post
    Wait a minute.... How Adam could have first wife before Eva, if Adam (that's in a Bible) was the first man on the earth, and from his rib. So she was the first woman on earth as well.
    She's referring to a story that Adam and Lilith were created equal, but Lilith was fiercely independent like a man so she was caste out and God took Adam's rib to create a more submissive partner.

    More or less.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    She's referring to a story that Adam and Lilith were created equal, but Lilith was fiercely independent like a man so she was caste out and God took Adam's rib to create a more submissive partner.

    More or less.
    Caste out where? He said go to to hell or what? Ah come on. Crap.
    Actually I have right and You have right, And we won't find out till we die,because anyway we all belive in something that someone said or wrote. So I think it's really time to stop this discuss becaue soon You start to tell me what about is the secon da vinci code and i don't like this movie(like matrix or texas chainsaw massacre) .Why do not nobody do a movie about islam religion? There are also things which aren't sure or normal.
    I go to sleep people, it's fuking 5 am here :/
    I wazzzz here

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rollerderby View Post
    Have you read anything on Adam's first wife Lilith? I've found a few things, but no hardcopies that supports that was in the bible. That's a whole other weird twist though, isn't it?
    There are stories about Lilith in the Talmud and in other Jewish midrashim/texts. The story goes like this:

    Lilith was Adam's first wife, the one made out of clay. Since she was made the same way as Adam, she declared herself his equal, and refused to lay beneath him - only wanting to go on top. Adam objected, and Lilith flew away. Lilith was given the opportunity to return to Adam, but she refused, and so God punished her, saying that 100 of her children would die every day. Lilith is allowed to take Jewish babies for the first 8 days of life if the baby is male, and for the first 20 days if the baby is female, UNLESS they wear a protective amulet.

    Then God made Adam a new wife out of his rib so Adam would stop whining about his first woman running away.

  5. #65
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    That's just the story off the top of my head, I don't believe any of that stuff anyway. Wikipedia, it.

    What's this about the davinci code you keep bringing up?

    I've never seen either movie.

    These are just things I've read on the internet and seen on the history channel.

    Regardless what you believe however, there are many "books" that have been edited out of the King James version of the bible.


  6. #66
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    Why does God have to be so sadistic in these ancient books

    Let's make God nicer
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  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post
    Why does God have to be so sadistic in these ancient books

    Let's make God nicer
    Let's make God nicer? That kind of defeats the purpose, don't you think? Supposedly since we didn't create God, he created us, right? But hey, we control what's being written down, so if we're going to start taking holy books out of the bible, why don't we start re-writing them to fit our liking? ;-)

    Pettit, the Davinci code is just a book that is mostly fiction with a little fact sprinkled in everywhere. But it did popularize the idea that Mary was Jesus's wife. Which, you know, people would still believe that those books not been taken out of the bible, and considered heresy. Who decided what is true and what is false when it's all supposed to be God's word? Better to know all the facts and decide for yourself than to be misinformed.

    However, the Church has done some great brainwashing things, like banning books (in the 1960s, if you read certain books you could be automatically excommunicated. So much for free will which was written into the whole divine plan, huh?) among other things.

    I don't believe the whole creation story, so the part about Lilith and Eve is really more a lesson for women to remain subservient to their husbands. Every religion has their creation story.

    [url]http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/gop.html[/url] <---- this, imho, is one of the more important gnostic texts. It talks a lot about Jesus's humanity, the mysteries of the Trinity, as well as his relationship with Mary magdalene. The Nag Hammadi is a very reliable source on this stuff.
    Last edited by Rollerderby; 22-05-09 at 12:15 PM.
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  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rollerderby View Post
    I feel kind of bad for the fat jokes, those are never nice, guys.

    But something in my gut just told me that he's in the closet.
    Where was the joke?
    Don't expect anything.

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