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Thread: What went wrong ?

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by bethfromEngland View Post
    whoa,i would never do that.

    and erm,i did say i would feel awful if i have done something wrong,and would want to apologise..at least i admit it though

    and excuse me ,i think vulnerable is the word,i am intelligent thank you.i have good quals too

    you are also ' amazingly thick' i am NOT saying i havent done anything wrong,how many more times ?

    you know,i am english,they say we have more intelligence,and SOME americans are arrogant.

    i have friends from america,and they are great,but that is the rep you have here
    ok i've heard too many anti-american bullshit for the past...i dunno...4 years? im not being arrogant here, im just being really pissed because you dont look at what you could have fixed on your own. sure, he's an asshole, forget what he did and move on and that's all you can do. there are so many guys out there and if one guy hold you up this much for this amount of time, then it's a waste. there's plenty of guys out there and if you noticed this by week 4 you shouldve moved on.

    this isnt about "america vs england vs france vs whatever other country"...this is about simple ways of life. dont try to pull this shit off. i'm trying to help you by being honest with you, and i get pointed at for being an "arrogant american."

    honestly, you and other people that hate americans can go **** yourself. i've never thought our country is better than everything else on earth and i never asked for hate from other countries, but do i get it? yes.

    something bad happens, you move on. im giving you the fact that what he did as WRONG honestly. but we're not here to talk about what he did wrong, we're talking here about you to better yourself from not having yourself be followed by this guy: he's an asshole, it's only a first date, move on.

  2. #62
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    hang on,i dont hate americans.i have alot of american friends and have favourite american actors,i just mean other people think that some are.sorry.Its just a fact that they say the english have more intelligence,dont know where it started.Even some americans i've known have said that themselves about their own country.

    oh believe me,i am wondering if there is anything i could have done differently or fixed,thats why i got upset.If i hadnt thought i had done something wrong,it wouldnt have bothered me,unless i thought he had.im not sure who or what it was.i do appreciate honesty,i am honest ,but i just dont think you need to be brutal a the same time.you can be honest without doing that

    do you not think i owe him an apology either ? Even if its just that ?

    Hee's a point,why should you be pissed if you dont know me,just as you say why should i like him if i hardly know him ?
    Last edited by bethfromEngland; 27-10-07 at 10:09 AM.

  3. #63
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    Well let's close the case? Call him, apologize for your behavior even though if you see it is suiting or not. Then ask him if he would like to go out for one last time, if he declines leave it, if he accepts, go for it. I'm curious how this ends. But if he says no, leave it! Don't preassure him any more no matter how much you like him.

    However, everyone on this forum are right, you are obsessing way too much about this guy you don't even know. However, if you feel you should try one last time, give him a CALL. Also, if he dosn't answer or call you back within the day, take that as a hint.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by bethfromEngland View Post
    hang on,i dont hate americans.i have alot of american friends and have favourite american actors,i just mean other people think that.sorry.Its just a fac that they say the english have more intelligence,dont know where it started
    okay that's fine. it's just annoying as shit when you hear another canadian or european who is really ignorant and doesn't understand that 300 million americans are not all stupid. it's absolutely impossible. from an american's perspective, we find the europeans as a whole arrogant because they believe they're intellectually "elite", yet it seems as though europeans find americans to be arrogant because they're the world's sole superpower.

    it's a cycle of death.

  5. #65
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    i apologize for steaming up, but i get really frustrated when a person doesn't see what they could have done better. when they don't, they cant grow as a person. i could have blamed everyone else for the problems in my life, but if i did, i would still be a kiss-ass and probably wouldnt have such great exes if that makes sense.

    btw, ppl do move on after only one date. it happens all the time. even though you dont believe, it already happened. i agree with you that the guy is an asshole and he probably should have apologized, but dont worry about that. worry about what you can do so you dont waste your time over a guy.

  6. #66
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    No problem.i didnt come here to look for an arguement.I would like us to be friends,really.I can also get carried away when i am angry.

    you do bring up some good points,Michael,and thank you

    I just find it hard to believe that even if you like someone,whether its for their looks or personality or both,that someone could only want to see them once.just seems strange,but then i dont understand it because i havent done that to someone.i do want to improve,and i do hate myself when i do things wrong,but i know you cant change what you have done in the past.i just didnt want him to think badly of me,thats all.i dont do it intentionally.

    i think i am moving on in a way now though,but not completely yet.i will try

    promiscuousboy,im not sure,ive had mixed reactions here
    Last edited by bethfromEngland; 27-10-07 at 10:20 AM.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by bethfromEngland View Post
    No problem.i didnt come here to look for an arguement.I would like us to be friends,really.I can also get carried away when i am angry.

    you do bring up some good points,Michael,and thank you

    i do want to improve,and i do hate myself when i do things wrong,but i know you cant change what you have done in the past.i just didnt want him to think badly of me,thats all.i dont do it intentionally.
    ah thank you. i'm glad we could come to a consensus.

  8. #68
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    you'll find a good guy, it'll just take some time and patience.

  9. #69
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    yeah.i dont know if i should make that call as promiscuosboy said,i think i have tried with him enough now,more than enough,and he isnt trying at all.he should be doing the running now.i dont know if we will ever become friends or just chat in afew weeks or months..who k nows i might not want to then or he might not,but i might be curious about what he is doing or how he is.wont know till the time comes really

    for now i will swoon over a certain american actor i have a crush on,hehe.just had to say it.at least its fun having crushes on them.i've liked afew in the past,and some from other countries
    Last edited by bethfromEngland; 27-10-07 at 10:27 AM.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by bethfromEngland View Post
    yeah.i dont know if i should make that call as promiscuosboy said,i think i have tried with him enough now,more than enough,and he isnt trying at all.he should be doing the running now.i dont know if we will ever become friends or just chat in afew weeks or months..who k nows i might not want to then or he might not,but i might be curious about what he is doing or how he is.wont know till the time comes really
    i think go ahead and give it one more shot at least just to see and wait a couple days. then after that, move on. then if he ever tries to come to you, at least you can say that you tried. just dont count on it and make other guys to date possible, ya know?
    Last edited by Michael6084; 27-10-07 at 10:28 AM. Reason: typo

  11. #71
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    whats best do you think,a text or a phone call ,and should i ring on my mobile,but then he will know its me ringing coz i ring his mobile,or ring on my house phone then he wont know its me till he answers as he doesnt know that number? i dont know what i would say,and in my last text i said i wasnt gonna contact him again didnt i ?.not sure what to do yet.it's his day off work tomorow so that might be a good time.nearly saturday again,i cant believe it

    i could be wrong,but he might be embarrassed or feel awkward about getting intouch for some reason,and might be glad i contacted him,although i shouldnt be makin all the contact
    Last edited by bethfromEngland; 27-10-07 at 10:48 AM.

  12. #72
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    i'd call in person. he can't really get away with anything if you got him there on the phone. what are you calling him for anyway? to see why he didnt end up making up another date when he said he wanted to or would?

  13. #73
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    the only problem is if he doesnt answer the phone.i would only try ringing once then wouldnt try again.should i ring him on my mobile ? it would be cheaper ringing on the house phone but he doesnt know that number.i would like to apologise if i have done anything wrong to him,and ask him why he didnt make another date,and why he hasnt spoke to me for awhile.plus i can say im calling because i couldnt talk to him by text and wanted to speak to him properly

    dont know if i will yet

    its wrong if people think you will assume they dont want to see you or speak to you if they dont reply.i cant read someone's mind and plus you can still have hope that they will contact you if they dont say anything

    should i tell him how bad i felt,or not give him the satisfaction ?
    Last edited by bethfromEngland; 27-10-07 at 11:04 AM.

  14. #74
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    Michael, I am disapointed you so easily changed position, and Beth? I don't think your fellow Brits would think you are representing the English well. In fact, one of your fellow Brits posted on this thread, and said it was a mistake this guy ever dated you. I can assure you he doesn't think I am stupid.
    Last edited by vashti; 27-10-07 at 12:45 PM.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  15. #75
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    All over the damn place.
    I hope you do get in touch with him and I hope that he cruelly lists each and every reason he has for not wanting to contact you. Not because I want you to suffer, but because I think maybe that's the only thing that will get through to you. Maybe if you experience the alternative you won't feel so bad the next time a guy politely bows out of your life after a single insignificant date.
    Last edited by Gribble; 27-10-07 at 01:03 PM.
    God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, so attractive in the New--the Jekyl and Hyde of sacred romance.
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