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Thread: Are there any decent guys out there?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    George, you are going to have to post a pic soon b/c, frankly, I very much doubt you are ugly.

    Cranky, lacking in social skills, perhaps. But those are things you can do something about.

    I'm going to start calling you George Doolittle.
    I did everything you people are telling me to do and I was met with nothing but rejection and the same old 'no feelings' line. What am I supposed to do ?

    There were strong personal connections but they never wanted my cock.

    You have no idea what it is like to be turned down by everyone you have ever had feelings for when you are ugly that is what it is like. You can meet a wonderful person but nothing will ever happen because of the way you look..
    Last edited by BoredGeorge; 29-06-09 at 06:16 PM.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by BoredGeorge View Post
    I did everything you people are telling me to do and I was met with nothing but rejection and the same old 'no feelings' line. What am I supposed to do ?

    There were strong personal connections but they never wanted my cock.

    You have no idea what it is like to be turned down by everyone you have ever had feelings for when you are ugly that is what it is like. You can meet a wonderful person but nothing will ever happen because of the way you look..
    i've kissed ugly men because ----wait for it-------------they had a fantastic personality and made me laugh. lighten up george and learn a few jokes
    Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Nice, France
    Quote Originally Posted by BoredGeorge View Post
    I did everything you people are telling me to do and I was met with nothing but rejection and the same old 'no feelings' line. What am I supposed to do ?

    There were strong personal connections but they never wanted my cock.

    You have no idea what it is like to be turned down by everyone you have ever had feelings for when you are ugly that is what it is like. You can meet a wonderful person but nothing will ever happen because of the way you look..
    I have read a couple of your posts,and you sound like your a bit past the nice guy stage, go get it back and maybe you will have some luck.

    You cannot claim to be a 'decent' or a 'nice' whilst spitting out insults at women. So your Ugly...get over it, this self indulgent pity is what's ruining your chances, not the hot chicks you seem to hit on and then get rejected (as if by surprise)

  4. #64
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Your ugliness is on the inside. It clearly shows in your posts.

    Maybe you should work on that?

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post
    Awww, you poor person! You have to do so much work waiting for the phone to ring. While the bastard men, all they have to do is build up enough confidence to approach you, suck it up, look good, be prepared for rejection, know what things to say at the right time and what not to say, be ready to do and repeat the same with multiple people like you until they hear a yes and at the same time be cautious as not to upset your delicate feelings. Those bastards! Why do they have it so easy?
    Thank you!
    I want a girl who likes to talk. ......I just dont know what to say sometimes and would rather just listen.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Decent Guys? I am sure they exist....somewhere

    Interesting perspective, hence I dont know you or where you meet these guys but the best peice of advice that I can give you is this.

    Learn and know thine ownself. Learn what you are looking for in a guy what type of person you want him to be and then cultivate parts of your life around that very same goal.

    If you are looking for a guy to treat you a certain way than you need to search in different places. You wouldn't look for a tiffany's ring in a Kmart would you? You might search every Kmart in the country but you would never find one....It goes the same with guys, in order for you to find that ideal person who will treat you the way you want to be treated you have to tweak your life a little bit
    Life is a journey, dont forget your hang glider, parachute and drink....


  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    If you are meeting guys at clubs and bars than duh thats whats gonna happen.

    Try meeting guys in other places.

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    Edmonton Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by BoredGeorge View Post
    I am a decent guy. I am a nice guy. I would not want to use you or hurt you in anyway. I would want you to be my companion and to share my life. I would want to love you.

    But you would not want me because I am ugly and not trendy nor do I make overt displays claiming to be intelligent or wealthy.

    You would ignore me and continue to date men who only want to use you. So this is all your own fault and you should be ashamed of yourself for being a 'slut' because only sluts will go with those sorts of men in the first place and you want us to feel sorry for you, why exactly ?

    You probably wear your little skirt and think you are better than everyone including me. Well I hope you very lously and used, and I hope the night is very cold and I hope that men continue to use you, and I hope that it is degrading. I hope that you are ashamed. I hope you are degradated by your experiences until you decide to change yourself.
    You're whining you are having no luck, and yet the way you type, you make it very obvious why.

    And the advice the board gave you, you pretty much nitpicked it and refused to take anything with a grain of salt, so chances are, you did NOT take our advice.

    basically, you look like a whiney little cunt who's crying about being ugly and poor, and nobody would touch you with a ten foot pole because you are not "nice", if you call the way you call them all whores and try to victimize yourself as being "nice". Something a very bitchy and manipulative whore does, ironically.

    If you want to be a man, then change your attitude and quit acting like the whores you pay to ****. it's that ****ing simple. Obviously being a flake "nice" isn't going to get you anywhere, so being dominant and very assertive by not taking no for an answer is your best bet. find 1 girl, and wear her down to a maybe or even a pity date if you must, and just work on it from there. If you go from girl to girl and ask "will you go out with me?" just smells of failure,weakness, and that they're just a last resort girl. better yet, find some gutter slut, who's self-esteem is in the tolet and be very assertive to her. at least you would have alot in common with her in that respect.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I don't need diapers anymore. I think that's pretty decent.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Thelovedoctor View Post
    You're whining you are having no luck, and yet the way you type, you make it very obvious why.

    And the advice the board gave you, you pretty much nitpicked it and refused to take anything with a grain of salt, so chances are, you did NOT take our advice.

    basically, you look like a whiney little cunt who's crying about being ugly and poor, and nobody would touch you with a ten foot pole because you are not "nice", if you call the way you call them all whores and try to victimize yourself as being "nice". Something a very bitchy and manipulative whore does, ironically.

    If you want to be a man, then change your attitude and quit acting like the whores you pay to ****. it's that ****ing simple. Obviously being a flake "nice" isn't going to get you anywhere, so being dominant and very assertive by not taking no for an answer is your best bet. find 1 girl, and wear her down to a maybe or even a pity date if you must, and just work on it from there. If you go from girl to girl and ask "will you go out with me?" just smells of failure,weakness, and that they're just a last resort girl. better yet, find some gutter slut, who's self-esteem is in the tolet and be very assertive to her. at least you would have alot in common with her in that respect.
    Maybe I do need to adjust my attitude towards life in that I need to become less upset about things.

    However that doesn't change the fact that

    a) Republicans are assholes.
    b) Girls don't like me
    c) A lot of girls are sluts, bitches and just a shallow as men.
    d) Women make it damned hard to form a relationship with because they can basically get a lot of choice.

    I can go be positive and nothing will change.

    Rmember I wasn't always such as jerk...

  11. #71
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BoredGeorge View Post
    Rmember I wasn't always such as jerk...
    Yeah but now you are and you have to live with it. Furthermore it doesn't improve your mood right?

    Self inflicted

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Basically.. I am emotionally ****ed. Not have a relationship by my age (mid 20's) means you're ****ed.

    In todays day and age. I haven't been at war or anything excluding me from girls.

    I went to college and everyone rooted like crazy. But no one wanted me......

    So yeah, its pretty much lights out. Sometimes I tell myself this is normal and that I am giving up too soon, which would probably be fair enough if I was 21.

    Lots of other sad pricks like me but that doesn't make it normal.

    You can be positive and keep on doing what everyone tells you to do but when the result is always the same... its kinda, over.

    My options are a fat ugly chick, wait till I'm 30.. or give up and try not to worry about it.

  13. #73
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BoredGeorge View Post
    Basically.. I am emotionally ****ed. Not have a relationship by my age (mid 20's) means you're ****ed.

    Lots of other sad pricks like me but that doesn't make it normal.

    My options are a fat ugly chick, wait till I'm 30.. or give up and try not to worry about it.
    You're only mid 20's. You still have plenty of time.

    Strange as it may sound, the way one thinks, affects the way one acts.

    By thinking it's over and you won't find someone and all that nice stuff, you're basicaly setting yourself up for failure.

    Not sure if you're aware of that.

    I don't think you're a bad guy, you just gota change your attitude towards a few things a little.

    OK, maybe you've ran into a few to many disapointments. So what? Is that really a reason to become a jerk?

    Happiness comes from the inside. Be happy with yourself and your life and the rest will come all by itself.

    One of the things I have learned early in life is that you usualy get what you want once you stop desperately looking for it. Strange.. but... for some reason, that's how it is.

    Anyways... I'd say, get your mind out of the gutter and start appreciating what you have.

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I starting dating my gf at age 16. She was my first gf, first kiss first everything as I am hers. We are going on 3 years now and are getting married soon. Never broken up, cheated or anything.

    I like to think I am a decent guy?


  15. #75
    crazylovebug's Avatar
    crazylovebug Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by BoredGeorge View Post
    Basically.. I am emotionally ****ed. Not have a relationship by my age (mid 20's) means you're ****ed.

    In todays day and age. I haven't been at war or anything excluding me from girls.

    I went to college and everyone rooted like crazy. But no one wanted me......

    So yeah, its pretty much lights out. Sometimes I tell myself this is normal and that I am giving up too soon, which would probably be fair enough if I was 21.

    Lots of other sad pricks like me but that doesn't make it normal.

    You can be positive and keep on doing what everyone tells you to do but when the result is always the same... its kinda, over.

    My options are a fat ugly chick, wait till I'm 30.. or give up and try not to worry about it.

    I am writing to you today to implore you to not give up. YOU have the power to do whatever you want. Nobody is holding you back except yourself. I don't have much of basis to give advice but what I can say is that even though God didn't create me with the perfect body or the perfect face I am still thankful that I have two arms and two legs, that I am not retarded (although sometimes I think I might be!), and that I am blessed with the opportunity to wake up every day and live another day. Just because other people have nicer cars than you doesn't mean you stop driving. Even a bad looking car can still get you from point A to point B. Ok, not the greatest metaphor. But point is that you shouldn't be unhappy about what you don't have. Be thankful for what you do have (which is probably more than you think!)

    Also please don't infer that fat girls are automatically ugly and not worth having. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and I think you need to start seeing that in yourself first.
    Last edited by crazylovebug; 04-07-09 at 02:52 AM.

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