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Thread: Your paranormal experiences

  1. #61
    Gribble's Avatar
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    Mish, you are awesome. Thanks for posting that.
    God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, so attractive in the New--the Jekyl and Hyde of sacred romance.
    -Mark Twain

    If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
    -Albert Einstein

  2. #62
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    i am amazed by nature and perfectly happy with it.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  3. #63
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    What a lost thread...

    Thank you, Bluesummer for your comments... to those unbelievers who contributed nothing but critique, I could have made another thread entitled, "Disbelievers' thread about paranormal experiences - Come and deny the existance of what you've never had opportunity to experience"

    Still waiting for your proof, Indi..

  4. #64
    Gribble's Avatar
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    Sorry but I seriously question that sanity of anyone who claims to have been "physically assaulted by unknown entities" and who summoned a "transparent barrier" to hold them off. Tell me something, did you play Dungeons and Dragons frequently as a kid?

    I know it's the politically correct thing to pretend a statement like that isn't batshit insane and that the person making it isn't either mentally challenged, delusional or under the influence.

    Unfortunately for you I don't do politically correct.

    Either you're nuts or you're lying. Take your pick.

    But in the interest of contributing to this thread let me share my one brief encounter with the "paranormal". I was a kid. It was a cold November night. Dark. My parents and I were going to a restaurant or something. I was trailing several paces behind my parents when I felt the sudden urge to look up. At that very moment a UFO swooped overhead. I remember it clearly. It was a black saucer with rectangular lights or portals set into its hull. It hovered above my head briefly and then shot through the night like a bolt of lightning never to be seen again.

    When I was a kid I was obsessed with UFOs. I read books about them. I watched Unsolved Mysteries. (Oh my god, that was such an awesomely stupid show). I wanted desperately to meet extraterrestrial life. I was also an extremely imaginative kid.

    I have no doubt, assuming that evening wasn't simply all a dream, what I saw was the illusion of a young mind. None whatsoever. I would absolutely love to believe otherwise. If only I could. Unfortunately I'm not a seven year old boy anymore.
    Last edited by Gribble; 21-06-09 at 10:13 PM.
    God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, so attractive in the New--the Jekyl and Hyde of sacred romance.
    -Mark Twain

    If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
    -Albert Einstein

  5. #65
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    Stay off the pingers.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post
    Sorry but I seriously question that sanity of anyone who claims to have been "physically assaulted by unknown entities" and who summoned a "transparent barrier" to hold them off. Tell me something, did you play Dungeons and Dragons frequently as a kid?
    Never played games like that, no.

    And I didn't summon the transparent barrier... I prayed... one of the few times in my life where as an atheist, I prayed anyway and with conviction. The transparent barrier materialized, I believe, because of that earnest prayer. I may have to one day concede becoming an agnostic.

    I know it's the politically correct thing to pretend a statement like that isn't batshit insane and that the person making it isn't either mentally challenged, delusional or under the influence.

    Unfortunately for you I don't do politically correct.

    Either you're nuts or you're lying. Take your pick.
    Doesn't work like that, tiger.

    Your statement is false, and the choice within it... loaded for showboating's sake.

    But in the interest of contributing to this thread let me share my one brief encounter with the "paranormal". I was a kid.
    AKA - Get your digs in, and have them remain when you point out that you contributed something else on-topic?

    It was a cold November night. Dark. My parents and I were going to a restaurant or something. I was trailing several paces behind my parents when I felt the sudden urge to look up. At that very moment a UFO swooped overhead. I remember it clearly. It was a black saucer with rectangular lights or portals set into its hull. It hovered above my head briefly and then shot through the night like a bolt of lightning never to be seen again.
    Is that the best you can do?

    When I was a kid I was obsessed with UFOs. I read books about them. I watched Unsolved Mysteries. (Oh my god, that was such an awesomely stupid show). I wanted desperately to meet extraterrestrial life. I was also an extremely imaginative kid.

    I have no doubt, assuming that evening wasn't simply all a dream, what I saw was the illusion of a young mind. None whatsoever. I would absolutely love to believe otherwise. If only I could. Unfortunately I'm not a seven year old boy anymore.
    Nor much of a fiction writer...

    But by all means, continue... Indi needs the support while she's either futilely searching for contrary proof or attempting to lump my beliefs into a religious catagory to suit her contempt for the paranormal.

    I just hope for your sake, you don't have any beliefs in the afterlife, the existance of a supreme god, or the events transpired in the Holy Bible, for if you vocalize such beliefs, you and Indi's backscratching affair might prematurely end.

  7. #67
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    I think the problem with beliefs is that they enter a very gray, personalized, subjective area of people's psyches. I think it's good to believe in something outside of cold conventions of the modern world which gives hope and encourages personal growth not just on mental, but also on spiritual level. Although there are a lot of positives that beliefs can offer, they can also have a very negative streak which is embedded exactly in the reason that they are subjective and virtually "unprovable". The problems that arise with them when they enter mainstream is when people take them as truths and start to base their lives around them. Suddenly what was suppose to be something deeply subjective, personal and growth inspiring turns into utter madness.

    Consider my own run ins with this in a form of a relationship with someone who grew up in deeply "paranormal" household. I found that, all of the events had to have some kind of deep spiritual meaning with her being the sole interpreter of their truths. Relationship had to be structured according to a psychic's advise, flights canceled if they don't correspond to the right numerology, daily events must revolve around "astrological interpretation", various items must be disposed off if they bring "bad energy" into the house. And you dare not question these "truths"! She has no way of explaining why these truths are truths, but question it and she will tear you a new arsehole. This is where the beliefs in supernatural fail dramatically. This is why I believe, beliefs are beliefs. They should be held, but they should not be forced onto other people. And if others disagree they should have a chance to disagree and ultimately it is up to the believer to acknowledge that even though their beliefs are very important to them, they have no way of proving it as a truth. Which is okay. People have a responsibility not to demand of others to abandon their beliefs because on some level most people believe in something which can't be explained. But likewise believers have a responsibility not to push their beliefs on others and especially not to call their beliefs a verifiable truth (until such a time of course that it can be verified and explained).
    Last edited by Mish; 22-06-09 at 07:38 AM.
    Don't cry, don't regret and don't blame
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    In warm hands you are given
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    God or the Devil
    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Thanks Mish. As we said before about religion:

    Facts are not beliefs. Apples and oranges. One can be tested by independent, reproducible experiment by anyone. The other cannot. So to argue whether its real is pointless.

    Doc, you may as well have made a thread about one's cool dreams or nightmares. Same thing, really.
    Keep fishing...

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Thanks Mish. As we said before about religion:

    Facts are not beliefs. Apples and oranges. One can be tested by independent, reproducible experiment by anyone. The other cannot. So to argue whether its real is pointless.

    Doc, you may as well have made a thread about one's cool dreams or nightmares. Same thing, really.
    I agree. Though I agree with Doc as well to certain extent that there is definitely a room for beliefs and for people to practice them. For example I'll support someone who wants to help others due to their Religious or spiritual convictions over a hedonistic non believer (not to say that all non believers are hedonistic) any day.

    I think what needs to happen is for both sides in the equation to become less militant in their expressions.
    Don't cry, don't regret and don't blame
    Weak find the whip, willing find freedom
    Towards the sun, carry your name
    In warm hands you are given
    Ask the wind for the way
    Uncertainty's gone, your path will unravel
    Accept all as it is and do not blame
    God or the Devil
    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

  10. #70
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    May I repeat for the benefit of those who are lumping my experiences into the religious bin, that I was not and am not religious.

    The incidents happened exactly as described.

    Thank you

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post

    I think what needs to happen is for both sides in the equation to become less militant in their expressions.

    on the very same page as me darling it's about having a balance
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  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Yes and I will repeat also: your proof-less experiences are figments of your imagination. Exactly as described. LOL. I can make sweeping statements based on my belief, same as you.

    Sauce for the goose is just as tasty as for the gander, don't you think?

    That is all. Thank you for viewing the thread.
    And your beliefs about my beliefs are still without evidence.

    Thanks for playing.

    Better luck next time...

  13. #73
    Gribble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Durian View Post
    Indi needs the support while she's either futilely searching for contrary proof or attempting to lump my beliefs into a religious catagory to suit her contempt for the paranormal.
    Contrary proof? We don't need contrary proof. There's nothing to prove. You're making up bullshit or you're insane.

    If you want us to believe otherwise YOU provide proof.

    I'm sick unto death of liars, idiots and maniacs (whichever category you fall under) who spout nonsense like you and yet they can never, ever provide any tangible evidence to back their bullshit. Why should anyone take you seriously? Why should anyone respect you?

    It's not anyone's obligation to prove you wrong.
    Last edited by Gribble; 22-06-09 at 12:43 PM.
    God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, so attractive in the New--the Jekyl and Hyde of sacred romance.
    -Mark Twain

    If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
    -Albert Einstein

  14. #74
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    He won't read the article I posted. The explanation (or at least, an explanation) is in there, he just doesn't want to read it. He already said 'he doesn't care'. You can't reason with religious folk. There's nothing there to argue.

    Doc, you have "seen Jesus", so yes you are religious. Its all the same. SSDB (same shit, different belief).
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  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gribble View Post
    Contrary proof? We don't need contrary proof. There's nothing to prove. You're making up bullshit or you're insane.
    Your proof of that would be?

    Otherwise, I suggest you zip it for lack of anything relevant to say towards the thread's stated intentions.

    If you want us to believe otherwise YOU provide proof.
    My statements stand on their own merits. You disprove them if you've got the hankering to continue making an arse of yourself.

    I'm sick unto death of liars, idiots and maniacs (whichever category you fall under) who spout nonsense like you and yet they can never, ever provide any tangible evidence to back their bullshit. Why should anyone take you seriously? Why should anyone respect you?
    I'm sick of message board twits with mod panels who can't stay on a thread's stated topic, and who run at the mouth with indemnity stating "we. anyone, liar, idiot, maniac, etc"

    It's not anyone's obligation to prove you wrong.
    Nor is it anyone's right to disparage another's experiences because they've got an axe to grind with the subject matter.

    He won't read the article I posted. The explanation (or at least, an explanation) is in there, he just doesn't want to read it. He already said 'he doesn't care'. You can't reason with religious folk. There's nothing there to argue.
    Red herring duly noted.

    Doc, you have "seen Jesus", so yes you are religious. Its all the same. SSDB (same shit, different belief).
    I have never seen Jesus before. In a moment of panic, I prayed for any help from anyone, and I amazingly received it. As to where that help came from or how it was possible, I still don't know either.

    If you two are finished your reach-around, would you kindly take your circus somewhere else?

    I'm sure there are others who would like to share their experiences of the paranormal without being harangued and labelled religious by a pair of desperados.

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