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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by MVPlaya View Post
    You're flogging a dead horse many days after it died.

    It's obvious that you think I'm a moron on this issue and I'm sure you're sensing a similar opinion directed towards you.

    So, whatever.

    Ultimately, we'll never agree and I'm over the rampant quote fest and the digs.

    It was fun for a spell but it has dragged on.

    Good luck with the whole global warming/climate change caper. You're doing the One World Government lobby a great service.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Durian View Post
    Global temps have begun to drop.
    Show me your evidence if you're going to claim that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Durian View Post
    I don't care about your mock human interest statement. People die. Get over it and move on. It's not like you or I do anything real to help the needy. The difference though between us is that I don't pretend to care.
    So you don't care at all about people dying, but you are so concerned with government control, a one-world economic power, and the oppressiveness of the grid. Your rampant hypocrisy, ideological inconsistency, and shortsightedness is duly noted.

    Oh and unlike you, I do do something real. I do economics research for NGO's on infrastructure development, thats why I'm going back for my Ph.D's, so I can carry more weight in my field. I get that you're sarcastic, never contribute anything to life, and think that because of your lack of success everyone else is like you, but you'd be surprised. Selfish as I am, I contribute a lot to my community. Hopefully it will make up for all the shit I do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Durian View Post
    It's easier than you would think... but that's hardly a surprise now is it.
    Again, your incapable of defending your argument. You made this idiotic grid argument for several posts, and when called out that the grid is ubiquitous and not at all specific to hybrid vehicles, you dodge. You can live off the grid with a hybrid as well. If you're willing to be that drastic, the discussion is not at all related to hybrids anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Durian View Post
    It's obvious that you have some psychological screw loose which compels you to adhere to Greenie leaps of non-logic for whatever reason. :rolleyes:
    Snide comment, no response to my argument. Clearly you can't respond. I'm just going to repost the chain of arguments to show where you drop out of the race:

    Doc says:

    "Thirrdddddly, They are more efficient at energy transference than anything else we have or could expect to have for some time."

    I respond:

    "3) This is untrue. Firstly, renewable energy sources like solar reduce the impact of lost transferred energy, unlike in oil refinement. Secondly, oil has a high cost to extract, refine, send, consume. Thirdly, oil vehicles are less efficient at utilizing the energy generated to travel equal distances as electric or hybrid vehicles. Fourthly, oil is increasingly becoming less efficient (see moving to shale, tar sands, most liquified coals). And fifthly, energy grids can improve with technologies."

    I gave you four responses to your unfounded assertion, you can't answer me, so you make a snide remark. Clearly you have some serious psychological screws loose that you can't admit when bested and resort to playground tactics. So so transparent...

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Durian View Post
    America is propped up by OPEC. Watch your words... you may get an unwelcome visit. lol

    Yes, corporations are fockwads. No, the continued evolution of the internal combustion motor doesn't require capital investment, proprietary non disclosure agreements, or infrastructure. Corporations have realized that the battle has been lost, so they've started a new game with all the pieces stacked in their favour. Governments have been quick to latch onto the wave since stable wars can be more efficiently waged economically through supposed carbon taxes. They're in bed together and you're they're future adopted son, MV. I feel your impending death bed shame for you, brother.
    Actually, the USFG benefits most greatly from carbon power industries, we've waged wars for them, overthrew governments for them (Iran), given them billions, and they are a large part of our economy. These industries are vastly opposed to the wave of green technology.

    I just don't understand how you can be so dumb that you would pretend that industries that are completely against green technology somehow are all in bed together to use it as a conspiracy. You don't even make sense. They hate green tech. How did they create the environmental movement? Don't bother trying to explain. I'm sure your next response will be just as stupid as the last.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Durian View Post
    AKA: If you're not part of our solution, you're part of the problem?

    Like I said earlier, actually analyze the world around you. Don't wait to have your head further filled with muck.

    The truth is out there, Corn Dawg.

    A guy who never does any research, makes dumb arguments on oil that even the biggest proponents of oil would never claim, claims the environmental movement is created by the people who actively hate it, oh my god, its too funny for words.

    Its impressive that you are so oblivious and so arrogant all at once. You must have a really big dick or something to give you so much confidence to make up for your general lack of intellect. Maybe you're a male model, I bet thats it. That confidence is genuine, I can tell. Its just so hilariously misplaced.
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  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Durian View Post
    Good luck with the whole global warming/climate change caper. You're doing the One World Government lobby a great service.
    The one world government, which is proppped up by OPEC, is trying to force environmentalism down our throats.

    The stupidity of your argument is too funny. Really.

    You don't have to respond, Doc. Really, your arguments are all equally unresearched, and you always make a dumb claim, then when I call you out and argue it, you say something snide without ever defending yourself. Its clear you have nothing to contribute. But at least try to read it. There is much you could learn from your intellectual superiors. Or at least try to mimic so that another might think you have some merit of your own.

    Maybe you have something intelligent to contribute on another issue that I might learn from, I don't discount that. But you've proven that energy policy is absolutely not remotely your forte.
    Last edited by MVPlaya; 01-03-10 at 12:11 PM.
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  4. #64
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    What are you? The Energizer Bunny? lol

  5. #65
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    It actually takes no energy debunking your nonsense.

    By the way, still laughing about OPEC propping up the world and forcing environmentalism down our throats. You should've gone to college, they could've taught you about intellectual consistency.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Durian View Post
    It's obvious that you think I'm a moron on this issue and I'm sure you're sensing a similar opinion directed towards you.

    So, whatever.
    The difference here is that you are actually a moron and if you read the post you would see it. Your arguments just conflict with eachother so much its hilarious.

    You say that global warming is a hoax, but then say that wind power will change atmospheric temperatures much worse than oil.

    You say that environmentalism is a ploy of the one world government, but that the one world government conspires to keep oil prices high.

    You say that "the grid" is a terrible evil and your reason for opposing hybrids, but you then say (on China's coal) that people die and you don't care.

    You are never consistent.

    So whatever. We obviously won't agree. But you need to be able to see how dumb the words that are coming out of your mouth really are.
    Last edited by MVPlaya; 01-03-10 at 12:21 PM.
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  6. #66
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    ...and going, and going, and going...etc ...

    This has become personal to you, MVPlaya.

    Have a cookie and milk.

  7. #67
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    I'm upset. I ran out of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia episodes to watch. You make for easy entertainment with all the stupid shit you write, but you dodge whenever you're called out on it. Your entertainment value lacks. I need a new show. Heard 30 Rock was good...
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  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by MVPlaya View Post
    In terms of risk and magnitude nuclear power does less damage, kills fewer people, and has fewer negative side effects than widespread carbon power. Look to France, France derives 74.5% of its power from Nuclear Energy. They've never had an industrial accident, they have much lower emissions, and they do less harm to the environment.

    In a risk/magnitude calculus, well-managed nuclear energy is far better than current carbon efforts.
    It is really nice to read this coming from someone like you, MVP. Scientists in my family has been some of the few vocal ones who are very pro-nuclear, whose voices of reason (and data) has been falling on politician's ears deafened by those who are full of fear and naught of knowledge. This heartens me to read coming from the next generation.

  9. #69
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    I'm not biting, kiddo.

    You have no issues with misrepresenting what I said or believe to be true and coupled with your need to beat this dead horse debate instead of part ways demonstrates to me that you're emotionally and intellectually incapable of having a reasonable and concise exchange of ideas.

    Others have disagreed with my stance but you don't see them behaving as you're behaving.

    So, let it go. Get those milk and cookies into ya.

  10. #70
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    Yeah, the problem is that the impact of nuclear energy is dramatic and easier to see, so people cling to that. The silent deaths of 100,000 people from cancer isn't as easy to pinpoint as one single nuclear catastrophe. But Chernobyl plus 3 Mile, and all the nuclear accidents of the past 50 years haven't done as much damage as a single year of carbon power.

    I think green energy advocates will all eventually understand the importance of uranium or thorium-based power. (Personally a big fan of thorium power.)

    I do think there are problems in nuclear waste disposal. Sending nuclear waste by train to Mt. Yucca is a recipe for eventual disaster, train collisions / accidents happen all the time, but even that disaster won't, on a risk/magnitude level, rival what goes on today.

    So, properly regulated, I can stomach nuclear power.
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  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Durian View Post
    I'm not biting, kiddo.
    You never bit, Doc. From the very start when I called you out on arguments you hid behind snarky asides instead of engaging the arguments. Its been obvious for a while that you're incapable of having this discussion, in every disagreement whether with me, Indi, or Mish you've never been able to back your arguments up. My post was just to point out how stupid what you're saying is. I couldn't let it go unresponded to, but saw no value in having a discussion with you. Eventually ego won out and I responded.
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  12. #72
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    Don't patronize doc with logic, reasoning and consistency MVP. Those things are dangerous, they can ruin a perfectly good illusion.
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  13. #73
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    Hey, it's your fable... spin it like you wrote it.

  14. #74
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    heh... poor Mishi. Trying to get in and gather up some dog pile action.


  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Durian View Post
    Hey, it's your fable... spin it like you wrote it.
    I'm curious now, is your confidence produced by your success in different areas of life, or such a wilful ignorance to your own shortcomings. I'm really thinking its the latter. Thats not a bad trait actually. Usually, the guys I know who are best with women are completely incapable of noticing when they screw up, and, therefore, never feel embarassed or self-conscious, they are ignorant and it works out great for them.

    That trait will serve you well with women, serve you ill in a discussion.
    I gave you my heart
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    at the Center for Disease Control

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