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Thread: Please help, just give me some input!!!

  1. #61
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    I am done, she is being a totally different person and is just down right unfriendly. I don't even feel the want or need to talk out of work anymore, when my phone goes off I used to hope it was her every time and I don't have that now. I guess I let myself feel too much for her, just a very very weird situation. She has changed so much in a little over a month, and not just to me. She is doing this to others as well, not as bad as she is to me but enough for others to think something is up. I guess we are kind of close because I saw it that long ago before anyone else did. Hopefully she can figure it all out and a friendship can be salvaged, things seemed very promising and turned so quickly to the wrong side.

    I have been trying to get out and date but I am out of practice I guess, one girl said no, it appears that was just a bad timing thing though, and one girl has yet to give me an answer after four days, I take that as a no. I may just need to start building models in my spare time, just kidding, I like the ladies so I'll just keep trying, 1 out of 10 should say yes so I'm up to 3 now technically. So 7 more to go until I can have a horrible awkward date, I did not miss this at all over the past 8 years.

  2. #62
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    Ok, so I have a foot in my mouth right now. I was distancing myself from my coworker (no calls/texts/emails/less personal conversations and focusing on other women to get over my feelings for her. I felt things were weird and different because she knew how I felt and it was creating tension because she may not of had feelings for me and she was just trying to spare my feelings and use work as an excuse. So I figured I would tell her about the girls i was trying to date and ask for advice to show I was over her and was moving on. We were talking on the phone and when I told her she said "oooh, you've been busy", she was clearly taken back and after an awkward pause she gave some advice. A few days later on a night we were working together, we were with a group of other coworkers talking about sex (in a joking way, very normal for the group) and i stated that I would do anything with Eva Mendes (millionaire movie star), everyone laughed as well as her. When we were out working she was distant and snippy, i became very irritated after awhile and asked what was wrong with her. She then began BALLING her eyes out and said that things were different and that she was upset that I told her I was dating and that she didn't want to know, and further stated that she was upset about my Eva Mendes comment (yikes!). I was completely taken back and in shock, she ended up going off alone for about 45min to cry. She found me about 30min before the end of her shift to give me a work cell phone and was still crying. At first I let her walk away but considering her outward show of feelings I decided to go after her and try to talk. We talked and she cried the whole time until her shift ended, I texted her the next night and told her that i did not intend on causing her any hurt and that my intention was to show her I was over her and was moving on so we could be friends. She said she was happy I was, and that we both needed to move on. I then told her I didn't want to and that we could try, we went back and fourth for a bit, here is a bit of actual text from her and I,

    I'm not convinced its a good idea while we still work together, it got tense and awkward yesterday because of everything (she was talking about her crying episode), it will get like that if it doesn't work out ans we still work together.

    i disagree, I think we will understand each other better and things won't be awkward because we will be able express ourselves rather than holding it in.

    We don't have to hold it in then, but I really don't think anything can happen while we work together.

    Why not, we keep it to ourselves and just keep things separated. why cant we just try and see, and if we have to put it on hold or stop we will.

    Keep things separated?

    work stuff stays at work and personal stuff stays out of work.

    Yeah I guess, just not that comfortable with that

    So we have talked a bit more and have started to plan a date, it was pretty easy to persuade her considering it was all texting so I think she must have some string feelings for me? And since that day she has been texting me when she gets home from her shift before she goes to bed, and to be honest it feels like we are in a relationship now. Nothing bad or obvious shes just acting like a girlfriend a bit with comments she has been making. Case in point i compromised on where we would eat because of a specific problem she had and she compromised on the movie we would see even though she first stated that she would only see two movies that were out. She doesn't usually compromise, it's usually her way or nothing, so I see this as a good sign.

    What do you all think? I was done but the way she acted just makes me not want to give up.
    Last edited by syrup; 02-11-11 at 02:34 PM.

  3. #63
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Cliff notes?
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

  4. #64
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    Huh? I don't understand?

  5. #65
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    I'm wondering if you could post a short version of your situation. Assuming you are still looking for advice.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

  6. #66
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    Was writing a synopsis but there are new developments that are helping me understand her and the situation better. We talked the other day and she explained why she behaves the way she does. And then after work we talked and she became very upset about another issue. I fully understand what that issue is and why she was so upset, we hugged and cuttled and she opened up a bit more about us/her as well. After a bit she cheered up and we just talked and cuttled and we KISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think things are set in any way and she is still apprehensive about being together. Before I was unsure of how true her feelings were but i am getting a much clearer picture now and can see much better. I just have to keep working at it and wait for her I guess.

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