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Thread: this is "grapicly" gross but a good question

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by PandaCivic
    ...what's the Depo Shot? is that like getting ur tubes tied?
    The Deop Shot is a shot (injection thru needle) of a birth control substance. It will keep you infertile for a period of up to, but not limited to, 3 months. I think the shot is the best way to go. 1 shot every 3 months - I seriously doubt a woman is gonna forget a doctors appointment, especially since the doctor will call like a week in advance to remind. And you dont have to worry about whether or not you took your pill for the day or not... It is no safer/worse than pills. 97% effective, just like the pill and the condom.

    One thing: I heard it ****s with a womans emotions like crazy. Yeah your periods will get irregular. Most women's period will weaken, some women's stop completely. But even tho your period is lighter, or your not having any periods at all, you still have the emotional faze, but worse.

    So, with the Depo Shot you get:

    1) No Bloody mess each month
    2) No cramping of the women
    3) 97% chance you wont get her pregnant
    4) A woman going thru so many emotions its not even funny (and you thought when she was on her period was bad...) !

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    wrong on some accounts here Billy! I dont know where you got your info from but let me correct some things k?

    1. Depo doesnt **** with your emotions...youre actually more inclined to be LESS ****ed in the head because youre hormones arent fluctuating like a mad dog. You DONT get PMS! Hence no craziness. (due to levels of hormones in the deprovera)

    2. Depo is more effective than ANY other form of birth control not 97% but 99.?% so much more effective than anything.

    3. After one shot some women experience a complete stoppage of any period, and or will have some spotting. As you receive more shots-your spotting decreases.

    Ive been on this twice now...and know these things and know several people who are on it and DONT have the craziness you think comes from it. The cramping isnt there so I do agree with that comment.

    Depo is the way to go-but for some women its not. I have recommended every friend of mine to consult their Obgyn on it-I happen to enjoy not having monthly periods, no pms, no cramping, no buying damn tampons, its such an easy method of birth control but doenst protect against ANY STD'S, which sucks, but use a condom nonetheless.(if unsure about your partner)

    Overall its great!!!!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Mingin'. I'd be a bastard and tell her to **** off!

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Well you are one of the lucky few that dont get all emotional. So far everyone I know on the depo (about 15 people) has had really strong mood swings, and none to light periods.

    You fall into a statistic that is a rarity. A Lucky rarity I might add.

    And the Depo shot is 97% effective. I dont know where you got YOUR information, but there is NO b.c. that is above 97% effective. NONE. Zilch. Nada.

    Condoms (if they dont bust)/pill (if not forgotten)/depo (if shots are regular) are all 97% effective.

    I get my information from books/internet/tv (educational tv like Discovery Channel)/friends/family/teachers. I pick up on things even if not interested.

    But this is one of the subjects I was very interested in when with Destine. We talked to many doctors about it, but turned out her body (since she is so small and she is Rh-) would not accept the shot. I know more than you all think I do. And I dont pass along information I haven't any strong evidence its true.

    And I will agree with you that the Depo IS the way to go if the woman body will accept it.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Canada RULES!
    Also, one of the most effective contraceptives is [URL=]norplant[/URL] system. Which is 6 tiny plugs placed in your arm. It has a 97% effectiveness and can last for 3-5 yrs (depends on which country your in). The system is a progestin-only contraceptive. It can have similar side effects of some birthcontrol pills and can be removed whenever you want to have them out.

    I was thinking of using this system. On the pill I could never remember to take it, and from what I understand the procedure doesn't take long to do either. hmm.. I'll have to do some more checking up on it... but overall I'd recommend it from what I've heard about it..

    Evil School!!
    May not be on LF as much, due to unforeseen circumstances.
    Blame College and Homework for Everything!!

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Hey Fawn I had a friend who did the Noraplant thing-ewwwww very gross you could see them. And uh she got pregnant on that! OMG what the hell right? Well she had them removed and is scarred from it.

    I guess we all hear different stories about all the birth controls-some good some bad.
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I've heard about the norplant also - I havent much info on it because I am a kind of thinker that will put two and two together to see the results. And sticking something foreign into your body just doesnt seem like a very safe way to go.

    What would happen if you fell on your arm just right ? YUou could seriously **** up something. You or the thing.

    And plus. Its a natural bodily mechinism to fight off foriegn object by squeezing them out of the body.

    There is just too much I can list that just totally set me off of that one. So I really didnt get into researching it.

    Depo all the way ! No surgury, no scars, no possible accidents like messing something up inside your body... And it ast 3 months. 3 months last a bit longer than you think. And its cost effective. $100-150 every 3 months. That aint bad at all. And I believe certain insurance companies will cover it.

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Billy what insurance's would cover any form of birth control? Most of them dont-Ive never heard of one insurance company that would cover it.

    Its cost effective youre right about that too! Its almost less expensive than the pill. And the noraplant just scares the hell out of me. MY gawd-its gross looking and feeling. eww factor there!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Canada RULES!
    lol. Well it depends on who places the Norplant system in you, because if its done wrong, the product won't even work effectively. But I just found out that its not provided in Canada anymore since it was not "popular." Weird how they get rid of things so easily.

    I don't think I'd do depo. Since I know alot of friends of mine that went on it had bad experiences. One had her period for 3mths. One never got her period again after getting off of it. One got pregnant and another one had an odd reaction to it.

    Although I wouldn't mind trying that new pill that you can take. I don't remember what its called, but you only get your period 4 times a year.

    Evil School!!
    May not be on LF as much, due to unforeseen circumstances.
    Blame College and Homework for Everything!!

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Yea like I said the depo might not be for everyone-thank goodness we have options and choices!!!

    Billy-my info came from the Health Department-they have a huge poster with ALL the forms of BC theyre effects and their effective rate. Depo was listed as the highest at 99% effective rate. So Im sure that depending on where you go you or I might find different rates. But still its damn near the most effective.

    As far as my moods-yea maybe Im one of rarity-yea thats it-Im rare! But the depo has different effects on everyone...I havent found one other person with the same exact side effects if you will as mine.

    Fawn-like i said depending on what you hear from your friends is usually a factor when deciding on what you want to do-but no one at the time I started the depo even knew what it was...i went with what my PA suggested, and Im thankful. But I have heard of the pill youre referring to-what about the patch? Thank goodness theyre coming out with more options for us women!!!!!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Canada RULES!
    Options, Options, so many options *ponders*

    The patch is a good one, but I'd have no idea where to stick the damn thing. lmao! I mean what place is not going to be touched or seen when your having sex? lol

    Evil School!!
    May not be on LF as much, due to unforeseen circumstances.
    Blame College and Homework for Everything!!

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I think the patch is a joke - I havent looked into it but damn... it just has pun written all over it. I joke about "slapping one on her ass before sex" all the time. lol. I dont think its very effective seeing that things take a bit longer to pass from patch thru skin to bloodstraem to whereever it goes. A shot seems more effective. The most effective.

    I so agree with squirrley. Depo is the most effecgive one and if it works with your body, you ant go wrong. Just stick in in and shot up. lol. And on top of that a doctor does it so its not like you have to do it yourself and screw up. Even if your deathly afraid of needles this needle is only like half an inch long. And its very thin. Painless needle if you ask me.

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Red Wings

    Ok i have been in this situation before. My guy and i have known eachother for 9 years since i was 14, he got his red wings with me, he went down came up and his face was all bloody . We still talk about it. he says that i led him to it without telling him but thats bullshnit! I loved it. I think if the situation were to come up again he would do it again he likes to get down ditry like that. Whats the worse that can happen?

  14. #89
    Join Date
    May 2004
    97 to 99, that's not MUCH of a difference! Who cares? It's 2 percent, come on, it's not enough of a difference to make a note of.

    "Don't let your memories kill you"
    I express my emotion by shooting things....

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I've earned my red wings - not much difference if you ask me. it just has a sort of metalic taste to it when the blood is present. weird. idk - i didn't mind it.

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