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Thread: How was your day

  1. #106
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Yeah Rocco is a handsome lil devil. You shoulda seen him on prom night. He looked like some 50s movie star with his hair slicked back haha. And thank you for the compliment on my new do..I shaved my hair off once before and swore to never do it again but was bored and drunk and well..shit happened. Gf gave me the pouty face when she seen me. She loves my hair. I was grounded for not telling her before I did it. She's over it now though. Constantly rubbing my head haha.

    Hope you had a nice dinner with your dad Anya. I imagine the holidays might be tough for you all. Keeping you in my thoughts and sending positivie vibes and love your way.

    Today was good. Spent the night with the gf's family. Got beat up by her lil nieces, made my legendary linguini with basil and mushrooms, in a lemon sauce, and watched home alone. Ready for some zzzzzzs.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ps here's a random pic of me and my momma's dog wearing my beanie:

    Sweetest dog in the world. Besides my chickens..

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Oh, the dog has your? cap on? LOL is that one of your dogs, or maybe your mom's? Looks like a good dog.

    LOL on your gf not loving the new hairless look, she loves what she loves, that being your hair, it looks good on you though. Is your head cold, I know it gets cold where you are living?

    TY, nico. We had a nice dinner that night and Christmas too. Had mom's picture up at the table, and we even set a place for her, since it's our first holiday without her. It is hard but you get through it best you can, doesn't mean no tears but you try to hide them from dad. Thanks for saying what you did. ((hugs))

    Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! x
    It's not what you have, it's what you do with what you have that matters.

  3. #108
    Join Date
    May 2014
    That's one of my mom's dogs. He's a beast but sweet as can be. My head did get a lil cold the few days I was back in NY but I'm back in LA now so the weather is nice. Can go without a hat and not feel like my brain is freezing ha.

    Glad to hear you family had a nice Christmas. That's awesome about putting your mom's picture up at the dinner table. I'm sure she was touched looking down upon you all.

    So far today has been a good day. Meeting up with a few of my friends for lunch in a few. Haven't seen em in a few months so it'll be nice. Oh also got new glasses a few days ago:

    Feeling like an old man haha.

    Hope everyone had a great new years celebration!

  4. #109
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    hey, nico, you have a good new years eve and on? read in anya's random thought thread she thought the new year ate you, me and somehelp4me because none of us had been on. did you wear glasses before, or had to start wearing them now for certain reasons? your mom's dog is a cool looking dog, giving us a mount rushmore look there, lmao. hope 2015 is good to you, your gf, dogs and family.
    When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do.
    William Blake

  5. #110
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    bump. to maintain your thread being open, nico, didn't get on to keep hatesthis open, not sure where you all went.
    When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do.
    William Blake

  6. #111
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I hope everyone is doing well out there in cyber space land. I'll contribute a little.
    How was my day? huh.
    Anyone ever get the feeling there's another realm around us all the time, seeing all we do? Wondering if we'll do the right thing or put it on the next generations to fix?
    I do.
    Maybe this should have gone to Random Thoughts but, hey, i'll leave it here.

    anyway, hope all's well in the World of Wo&Man today. Happy thoughts to all

  7. #112
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Thanks [MENTION=70896]Exeter19[/MENTION] and [MENTION=72336]woody[/MENTION] for keeping my thread open. I got a new job recently and it has been keeping me busy as ****. Sucks about hatesthis thread tho. I msg'd admin to try and get in unlocked. It's been a few good months tho so I kinda have my doubts she'll be back but I wish she would. Miss that lil bugger.

    Anyways hope all is well with everyone. All alone for vday kinda sucks but I got a pizza and a 12 pack and a few new books so I'll be pretty well occupied while the gf is gone for the weekend..

    Any one have any good plans for the weekend?

  8. #113
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Exeter hasn't been on and just saw lovebroken's puppy thread got a lock, I think she'd still want that open & I don't think I have posted in here before, so Hi ! Thread here's a bumping : ]

    Going away with my bf next tuesday for 4 days to a wedding ~ it should be fun, or stressful, or maybe both.

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