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Thread: how much does size matter?

  1. #106
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    Hey Rosebud, you don’t believe that women don’t want their guy to know that they please them eh. Then why do most women fake it. And as far as crying during sex, yeah some women do that because of emotional issues, I admit it but that’s when things are uneasy for them like doing something they’ve never done before that makes them feel bad for some reason. I have had women cry during sex not for other reasons though, one almost cried during oral sex, I used my strength to keep her from pulling away from me to end it at the most intense moment. She almost broke the bed backing.

    Most of the women I’ve been with never say “wow that was awesome.” partly because when it is awesome it really doesn’t need saying because it takes two to do that. That’s more “consensual awesome sex”, not the “you did a good job sex”.

    When it is awesome they never say crap because sometimes they are afraid to admit they like it a lot. Sometimes it is because they actually feel it is wrong to like it. How insane is that? Other times they just don’t want you to know that they really like the sex between the two of you. I have never been married though and the longest relationship that I have been in is two years, so my experience is kind of one sided in that almost all of them have been short term relationships. The trend is that as the relationship develops obviously as you feel more comfortable with each other you will talk more about things and try new things and so on.

    But I can’t tell you how many women never tell me anything until after I break up with them and then I hear about it on the phone. I can think of times right now when women tell me after the relationship is over that they really liked it and want to do it again basically. I always say the same thing, “why the hell didn’t you say something before” they just shrug their shoulders and eventually admit that they didn’t want me to know they liked it. Usually when an x-girlfriend calls me after 3 months the main reason that they call is to have some quality time and try a sex only relationship while they continue dating someone else or are still married and crap.

    So don’t tell me what women do and don’t do because I see it with my own eyes over years. I can bet your ass that I’ve dated and been with more women than you so don’t tell me that what I say is crap.

    It works both ways too though, if the sex is bad they never say crap either because they don’t want their man to feel bad. That’s why you can’t listen to what they hell women say about performance because if it is good they don’t say so, if it is bad they say it is good. It is only until after the relationship is over that you find out if they liked it or didn’t like it.

    It is not always that way of course I have been with a few women who were extremely honest about things like that. Usually older women and married women. When it is a one night stand or an understood sexual only relationship then they will communicate. When it is a serious relationship that’s when they don’t say crap, go figure but I know what the hell I see with my own eyes.

  2. #107
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    [QUOTE=Hugo Pickle]
    I can bet your ass that I’ve dated and been with more women than you so don’t tell me that what I say is crap.
    Well woman yes, but guess what I have had several upon several relationships myself, and I never said what you said was crap I said I DISAGREE! chill out!

    That’s why you can’t listen to what they hell women say about performance because if it is good they don’t say so, if it is bad they say it is good. It is only until after the relationship is over that you find out if they liked it or didn’t like it.
    Well again sucks for you, because Not all woman are like that! And you really need to get a better perspective on woman if you want to have a healthy relationship with one.

    When it is a serious relationship that’s when they don’t say crap, go figure but I know what the hell I see with my own eyes.
    Huh, Intersting considering i'm in a serious relationship and I speak my mind good or bad! And I'm honest about it.. Why lie? It's not going to do me any good?

    LOL Hugo you made me laugh! Considering I'm a woman maybe you should take some things I say into perspective considering I know a hell of a lot more about us then you EVER will. Like I said before I don't know what kinds of woman you have been with but they seem pretty stupid! I have never faked an orgasm for the mere factor that I want my guy to know what to do instead of misleading him. I know there are woman out there that do it but those are the ones that have a lot ot learn about sexuality.

    Ever since I can remember I have expressed myself during sex and this isn't just me either. I don't know where you get "They feel it is wrong to like it" You have obviously been with some very strange woman and I feel sorry for you. But then again you have never been in a longer realtionship than 2 years so that's understandable (that was not an insult to you).

    I'm in no way attacking you aside form the factor that you have KNOW IT ALL attitude about woman!
    Last edited by Rosebud; 09-12-05 at 09:06 AM.
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I don't know what this is about...I'm too tired from working 14 hrs straight...so...I will say this...Rb, hottie, you are right! lol
    -to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.- e.e.cummings

  4. #109
    Rosebud's Avatar
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    LOL... Thanks Asip! Sorry you had such a long day!
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  5. #110
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    I agree, RB. I've always let my SO know if it was good or not. Why fake? What do we get out of doing that? Nothing. Hugo, I think you're just with the wrong women. Women usually cry during sex for emotional reasons like RB pointed out and not just because they are doing things they have never done before. Some feel that sex is dirty or wrong or they've been sexually abused or they don't actually want to be with the person they're with and just gave in to having sex because the guy wouldn't leave them alone about it. And once I have broken up with a guy, I don't go back and talk to him about the sex. How many long term relationships have you been in?

  6. #111
    Tone's Avatar
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    I always find it amusing when a MAN is arguing against a WOMAN about what WOMEN like and how WOMEN think.

  7. #112
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    Hugo Pickle, you can't be for real! And I sure hope you are smart enough to know that it is possible that a woman might cry during sex because she isn't enjoying it. Damn, why the hell would you force anyone into oral sex? I would have bitten you hard.

    I think that if women aren't telling you they enjoyed the experience, you ought to work on your technique.

  8. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    I always find it amusing when a MAN is arguing against a WOMAN about what WOMEN like and how WOMEN think.
    as if women as a collective knew anything about themselves. they don't. they are fickle and capricious....and their tastes and preferences are as numerous as there are women in the world. (probably same for men.)

  9. #114
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    I give you a 2/10... it's just too apparent you're just tryin to stir up trouble - and you fail as a "Hugo/Neo imposter"


  10. #115
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    lol Tone. You see why I hate men?

  11. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    I give you a 2/10... it's just too apparent you're just tryin to stir up trouble - and you fail as a "Hugo/Neo imposter"

    who the heck is hugo/neo? and i'm not trying to stir up trouble. i'm just speaking the truth. do you possibly think you can speak on the behalf of all men? or course not. neither can a woman speak on the behalf of all women. whatever she posts/says pertains to her and her only. doubtlessly, there will be many women that may agree with her...but it's not a far cry to say many women would agree with me as well.

    it's not like i'm making some sort of revelatory statement. stir up trouble? hardly...

  12. #117
    vashti's Avatar
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    It looks like neo's friends have joined the forum!!

  13. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti
    It looks like neo's friends have joined the forum!!
    alright...i'm serioulsy confused. obviously, this neo guy was not very liked in the forums. i'm relatively new here...and i'm looking to piss anyone off. what have i said that's either wrong or offensive or both?

  14. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by funsounds
    i'm relatively new here...and i'm looking to piss anyone off.

  15. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junsui
    lol freudian slip! you know what i meant

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