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Thread: Who will or would you vote for in the USA elections?

  1. #106
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I cannot see Powell using the word ... dicking ... but if it is a false statement I am sure he will speak up and say so. I am sure her ratings slipped after that 9/11 health mess.

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I don't know why you guys are focusing on Clinton when Trump is clearly more screwed up than her. Talking about transparency, WTF, he disclosed his medical records on national TV, only for Dr. Oz to see, (who in my opinion is a quack doctor who has been investigated for his practice by endorsing drugs to be effective when clearly, has not been approved by FDA because of the lack of research). He lied about his weight. He obviously looks obese to me and he made it seem like he is only overweight. Worst, he says he feels the same like when he was 30 y/o when he's now 70? Seriously??? I am way much younger than him and yet I can't say I feel the same when I was 10 years younger! He is clearly full of shit!

    And what about his taxes? He won't disclose it because it will show that the middle income Americans had paid more taxes than him. It will also expose his real net worth which is not billions of dollars as he claims, and that to him will be a huge embarrassment. He over exaggerated his charity donations which were only worth a little more than a few million $$$ in comparison to the tens of millions of $$$ Clinton has donated. And lastly, his foundation is being investigated for fraudulent activities by the attorney general of NY. Do you really want this fukchead to lead the nation together with his dick wad sons?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh, and do you want the next president to be the leader of the birther movement, who to this date, won't admit in public that the current president of the US is not even an American? What a hypocritical piece of shit.

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by dontaskme View Post
    I don't know why you guys are focusing on Clinton when Trump is clearly more screwed up than her. Talking about transparency, WTF, he disclosed his medical records on national TV, only for Dr. Oz to see, (who in my opinion is a quack doctor who has been investigated for his practice by endorsing drugs to be effective when clearly, has not been approved by FDA because of the lack of research). He lied about his weight. He obviously looks obese to me and he made it seem like he is only overweight. Worst, he says he feels the same like when he was 30 y/o when he's now 70? Seriously??? I am way much younger than him and yet I can't say I feel the same when I was 10 years younger! He is clearly full of shit!

    And what about his taxes? He won't disclose it because it will show that the middle income Americans had paid more taxes than him. It will also expose his real net worth which is not billions of dollars as he claims, and that to him will be a huge embarrassment. He over exaggerated his charity donations which were only worth a little more than a few million $$$ in comparison to the tens of millions of $$$ Clinton has donated. And lastly, his foundation is being investigated for fraudulent activities by the attorney general of NY. Do you really want this fukchead to lead the nation together with his dick wad sons?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh, and do you want the next president to be the leader of the birther movement, who to this date, won't admit in public that the current president of the US is not even an American? What a hypocritical piece of shit.
    As opposed to Hillary? Lied about trying to join the marines, lied about her financial status after being in the White House, lied about her private email server being in accordance with national cyber security laws and guidance, lied about Bernie Sanders clean power plan, lied about being against the war in Iraq, lied about her health (ironic that you would attack Trump for this without so much as a mention of Hillary), lied about her grandparents immigration, lied about going carbon neutral….need I go on?

    You're absolutely right that Donald Trump is completely untrustworthy and one of the worst presidential candidates in history but your apologist undertones toward Hillary are just flat out wrong.
    They see indoctrination and they call it "morality", "professionalism", or "maturity" depending on the context.

  4. #109
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Trump is actually good just too old and unsensitive. It seemed like he cared more about US when he was younger. I would like to see Oprah as a president.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

  5. #110
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    [MENTION=76442]dontaskme[/MENTION] ..I can't speak for others discussing Hillary Clinton but I don't think of Trump as a real candidate as much as a joke that might now slip into the role of president because for some reason Hillary screwed up in the last legs of this election...what are your thoughts on the lies being told about the state of her health? She must have plenty of money to have the best doctors and healthcare so what is now going on with her? Did you see that after 9/11 collapse some news stations reported her as dead, WTF? I think since we were previously discussing Colin Powell above I feel he would have made a solid choice for president but out of respect for his families privacy he wouldn't run.

  6. #111
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    Jun 2014
    Whether you like it or not, there are only two choices left in the presidential election, it's either Trump or Clinton and the polls being so close between the two, at this point, any votes for the independents will be a vote for Trump and it's a scary thought to even think of Trump running this country.

    Yes, she didn't disclose about her pneumonia but I don't find it to be as big of a deal. Pneumonia for crying out loud is pretty benign and highly treatable with antibiotics. She's disclosed more the the Donald Duck whose given a one page disclosure of his health status by a quack Doctor.

    I do agree that none of the candidates are desirable but to choose between two of the lesser evil, I'd rather have Clinton on the White House than the other undesirable option who is a bigot, a racist, egocentric who seem to have this love affair with Putin, and knows nothing about foreign policies.

    Yes, Clinton may have lied and failed to disclose some things but that's nothing in comparison to the everyday lies that Trump puts out in his campaign every single day. He denied ever supporting the war in Iraq, he said Clinton started the birther movement and he only finished the job, lied about his charitable contributions, lied about stating that Clinton doesn't support the second amendment, etc.

    Since when is it okay to pick a fight with a gold star family, make fun of disabled people, call Mexicans rapists and drug dealers, tell the world that the current president of the US is not even an American (for 5 years he questioned Obama's legitimacy as US citizen but only took him seconds to announce that now he believes Obama was indeed born in the US), to say that Putin is a better leader than Obama, to have NATO allies pay to get America's support, make fun of women and make them feel inferior, use foundation money donated by donors to buy a 6 foot self portrait, etc. and not apologize for all those atrocious comments and actions?

    If any of the decent republicans have managed to do even a single thing that Trump has done, they will be crucified forever, but since Trump being Trump, most of his deplorable supporters think that there is nothing wrong in his actions.

    Has anyone looked at his actual policies? He's going to revamp the current tax code so billionaires like him will pay less taxes. He can't even disclose his foreign policies because he has none. He claims that all the generals serving the nations now are "reduced to rubbles" (another insult to which he's never apologized for just because he thinks he's the "Donald" and there is no need to be sorry for his stupidity) and that he will hire his own generals when he's at the White House. Really? I thought generals earn their rankings/promotions and it isn't something that is just handed to them (sarcasm)? Ivanka talks about her father planning to provide family leave, meanwhile the Trump organization doesn't even provide family leave to their employees... what a bunch of hypocrites!

    I can go on and on about all the cluster****s that the Donald has been guilty of but the list will never end.

    The comparison of who's more qualified as a candidate between those two is pretty crystal to me.

    One has a very long history of public service, knowledgeable of foreign affairs and public policies, has enough humility to admit of her mistakes, the other just plain stupid.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And did I mention that the other candidate is not only divisive, but also loves to spread fear and hatred, which has been pretty much the foundation of his campaign. His slogan being "make America great again" as if we are not the greatest nation ever.

  7. #112
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    It's a shit show people. There are 3 choices here, dem..repub...and not voting. Voting for anyone is a sham. Don't buy into this nonsense. All those at the top want is to divide us all, that is the real truth. That is how they keep you distracted to the real truth of the real deal. Does anyone ever question WHY things don't make sense? Random shit, out of nowhere...bombs, hate crimes...all of a sudden we don't accept race, sexual pref, gender, religion? It is a facade. Please people rise above the media and question everything out there. Ridiculous.

  8. #113
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    i am out when it comes to reading about the election from this point until election day, the dirty tricks end game is in play and all the ridiculous conspiracies happening. no thanks. i am not voting for either of the two main ones and am sick of reading about both of them at this point.
    When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do.
    William Blake

  9. #114
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by dontaskme View Post
    Whether you like it or not, there are only two choices left in the presidential election, it's either Trump or Clinton and the polls being so close between the two, at this point, any votes for the independents will be a vote for Trump and it's a scary thought to even think of Trump running this country.
    This is the main part of your post I disagree with. The republocrats OWN America because of this line of thinking. It's dependent on this exact thought process in order to maintain its power and deliberately censors any other candidate for that sole purpose. And the more the baby boomers start dying off (kind of a sh1tty thing to say I know but it is a fact, I mean, imagine if all the old timers who believed in slavery never died) the better our chances become, but not if we create the exact same precedent that's had us enslaved to this fraudulent system for God knows how long.

    Gary may be primarily taking votes from Hillary now but if we can just get him in the debates, those who are voting Trump not as Trumpiteers, but as classical conservatives who just don't want to vote for Hillary will see that Gary is a lot closer to their ideals than Trump and he'll start taking more votes from him.

    Btw, Hillary currently has about a 2 to 1 electoral lead on Trump so the only way voting for Gary is going to have any chance of robbing her of her presidency is if enough voters vote for him to where he actually does have a chance of getting elected president.
    They see indoctrination and they call it "morality", "professionalism", or "maturity" depending on the context.

  10. #115
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Politicians are not the owners of America. They are simply a circus show to make Americans feel we have choices and have true freedom. It isn't so, sorry to burst your bubble but it just isn't the truth. Stop watching your news channels that have done a piss poor job at looking legit. Watch it from the outside in and take a real hard look at it. Makes any sense? No! It doesn't, so use your mind and figure it out, stop watching what the government feeds to you and use your brain. It is an absolute shit show and everyone is buying it. Why? It isn't about Trump or Hillary. It is simply a distraction....division...and they have used it before in history.

  11. #116
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    Sep 2012
    What the fukk about anything I've said in this entire thread makes you think I've gotten any of my opinions from watching blatantly partisan news programs and gvt/crony capitalist funded broadcasting? Hell, your out of nowhere change of heart from supporting Trump like a week or two ago would indicate that I figured out how fraudulent that whole system is a good decade or so before you did.
    Last edited by dickriculous; 21-09-16 at 05:52 PM.
    They see indoctrination and they call it "morality", "professionalism", or "maturity" depending on the context.

  12. #117
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    You get info on them from somewhere...anything at the top is corrupt. Give it up, because they own it all my friend. And yes I did change my mind, I started to think on my own outside of what is fed to me thru gov controlled media. Is that unheard of these days or WHAT!

  13. #118
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by parabola View Post
    You get info on them from somewhere...anything at the top is corrupt. Give it up, because they own it all my friend. And yes I did change my mind, I started to think on my own outside of what is fed to me thru gov controlled media. Is that unheard of these days or WHAT!
    Yes yes, gvt controlled media and corruption and such and such, none of this is breaking news sweet thing. Like I said, I figured all that out over a decade ago and have adjusted my political opinions accordingly over that time span.
    Last edited by dickriculous; 21-09-16 at 06:45 PM.
    They see indoctrination and they call it "morality", "professionalism", or "maturity" depending on the context.

  14. #119
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    TWO Choices! Wow! It is so great we have 2 whole choices to choose between! Clinton or Trump! And wow what too great choices we have here to review and think about and we can all make a real difference by making a choice between these two! Wow, what a big choice it is for me and me only to make in my great American World as I see it. Yes, the American dream it is allright, because you have to be asleep to believe it.

  15. #120
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    ^^^ Whether you like it or not woman, someone will sit as the commander in chief at the White House. If you can stomach and not spit out Trump, sure, by all means, don't vote (although I don't know what you are trying to accomplish by not voting).

    You and all your conspiracy theory, perhaps you're not even living in this world but an alternate universe. Have you seen a psychiatrist lately?

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