View Poll Results: Ref:My girfriend stopped having sex

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  • She's cheating

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  • She want me to marry her

    10 45.45%
  • Should I cheat because I want her too

    2 9.09%
  • Should I leave her

    4 18.18%
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Thread: My girlfriend stopped having sex

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Guys & gals I have good news, but I can't type now. When I get to work and sit down at my desk I'll let you all know the news and downfalls.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    oooo downfalls. that's not good.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Says the expert to the person who actually has a degree in psychology?
    Yeah actually; what would be my godmother's brother (Ph.D in Criminal Psychology), great guy, very interesting, I mostly talk to him to get tricks/games out of him (psychoanalysis stuff).. but I think everybody in the world knows what reverse psychology is.. but it's ok.. when you're upset (which you clearly are), you trip..

    Aside from criminal psychologists; you get the pleasure of hearing more psychology mumbo-jumbo in your Torts classes; "all emotional distress is a sham".. but that's not the issue..

    Where is there a proclimation of me being an expert? On the contrary, there are actually two poster (you being one of them) which have attacked me; because THEY feel like they are the experts on this issue.. I'm sorry, I didn't know psychology was your niche'.. and I applaud your awkward familiarity with wikipedia..

    Now, I hope you're done with your rant.. I really can't wait to hear this guy's "good news" so this drama can finally end..
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra View Post
    oooo downfalls. that's not good.
    he probably means "no sex yet, or ever".. just imagine that he did all this because of sex.. I envy you if sex is really that great for you that you'd go through all this just to get it back..
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    Yeah actually; what would be my godmother's brother (Ph.D in Criminal Psychology), great guy, very interesting, I mostly talk to him to get tricks/games out of him (psychoanalysis stuff).. but I think everybody in the world knows what reverse psychology is.. but it's ok.. when you're upset (which you clearly are), you trip..
    Idiot. You can't claim someone ELSE'S education as your own, haha.

    And LOL, your godmother's brother?? That's not even a genetically related relative! Haha, getting really desperate, are we?

    Okay, now even I'm starting to feel embarassed on your behalf... you are making this too easy for me.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra View Post
    oooo downfalls. that's not good.
    He said 'good news' too tho... ?

  7. #127
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    Where is there a proclimation of me being an expert? On the contrary, there are actually two poster (you being one of them) which have attacked me; because THEY feel like they are the experts on this issue.. I'm sorry, I didn't know psychology was your niche'.. and I applaud your awkward familiarity with wikipedia..
    Ahahaha! I read this & was actually planning to try and help you sort out your issues about why various ppl here (Vash, Fras, Math, myself) find your tone of argument so offensive, but then I saw this & I can't help but laugh:

    Are you sure? I could swear this guy said he was from Turkey; I even checked my earlier posts where I told him about Greek women vs. Turkish women.. (the first post on this thread is "edited", and two paragraphs+ are cut out!).. I haven't been living in the US THAT long to confuse the bird with the country!
    Yes, I am sure. You are wrong. This sort of thing wouldn't be tolerated in Turkey.
    And all that after you had insulted Vash's intelligence & claimed your pristine (undergrad?) transcript. Gosh, that was cute.

    PS, I edit stuff on wiki for the same reason I argue with ppl like you: because I can't stand poor explanations. And yes, I am an expert, but I don't claim to be one on relationship. I *always* put my comments in their proper context for the reader & let them decide for themself.
    Last edited by IndiReloaded; 14-01-08 at 12:53 PM.

  8. #128
    anachronistic's Avatar
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    Man, I can't believe this thread is still alive. I think it's made an age record in all threaddom... except for that damn Asians thread, maybe.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Idiot. You can't claim someone ELSE'S education as your own, haha.

    And LOL, your godmother's brother?? That's not even a genetically related relative! Haha, getting really desperate, are we?

    Okay, now even I'm starting to feel embarassed on your behalf... you are making this too easy for me.
    Not at all claiming it as my own.. (but that's obviously were you lead it; because you felt the need to lead it that way, because there would be nothing else to say if you didn't.. you really feel compelled to keep this going.. simply amazing).. anyway..

    He's a really great guy.. comes over often. He actually met his wife during my birthday party.. It was one of my mother's friends, and we introduced them, and now they're having a baby.. But he always talks about his work, and gets into why people behave the way they do (mostly talks about criminals).. and he plays games/tricks on people; kind of like Darren Brown (if you don't know who that is; google/youtube him)

    So no; i'm not claiming his credentials; that's retarded, that makes no sense, I don't even know what would make you imagine that.. In fact, nothing would compel you to imagine that.. you REALLY pushed it too far; beyond plausability.. you made yourself look foolish just to push your case and make an excuse to throw something at me? (i'm flattered; but just realize to what low you're starting to stoop down to)

    Cut it out; seriously.. you're the only one who's throwing insults right now.. I could honestly care less; i'm not the one who's looking bad here.. and I don't want you to look bad either.. this ISN'T you at all.. just put it aside.. common, seriously..
    Last edited by GrkScorp; 14-01-08 at 03:27 PM.
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilwing View Post
    Man, I can't believe this thread is still alive. I think it's made an age record in all threaddom... except for that damn Asians thread, maybe.
    I would say it's ego gone too far; but i'm actually looking ahead to having this pointless flame die out..
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    Not at all claiming it as my own.. (but that's obviously were you lead it; because you felt the need to lead it that way, because there would be nothing else to say if you didn't.. you really feel compelled to keep this going.. simply amazing)..
    Oh yes? My mistake, then, lol. Of course you only brought that up as a complete non-sequitur, wanting to change the subject... not related at all to my comment about my psychology background--you are, of course, too inexperienced to realize that you invoked an 'ad verecundiam' (of the unprovable source) albeit without your knowledge (and yes, go ahead and look it up).

    and I don't want you to look bad either..
    Awww, how sweet. Believe me, GS, this argument would look FAR better on your resume than mine (ouch). I'm hardly worried, but am touched by your concern.

    But yes, I release you. For now anyway, as my point is past made. I think it will see its target eventually whether you like it or not. Plus its past my bedtime.

  12. #132
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    Sheesh, finally.. lol.. things are back to normal

    I hate arguing, that's why it's a JOB, not a HOBBY..

    Yeah, I should go to bed too; 5am, I have to stop this Ludlow St. business, my eyes are starting to get red..
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  13. #133
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    Well folks I had to read all the threads/post that were posted first before I reply. Remember I'm new to the forum thing. I've never used a forum before until my delima. Is it over yet dunno but were do I start. One thing I'm glad that you all mentioned, was the crim psyc edu. That was my major and now I'm a cop for 5 yrs. This job has a huge impact on the relationship being that I have rotatiing shifts. 7-3/ 3-11/ 11-7 every 28 days (working doubles if someone calls off). Girlfriend works 7-4 only. So depending on the shift I'm on spending time is out the door. You allllllllllllllll help me out of getting through my days since I posted this thread and I thank you all. Is this the end only time can tell. I hope it is. You all brought smiles, laughter, taughts, inlightment, of course not tears ?? But I was still feeling like what did I do. You guys gave me opinions, different views on what to do and they all came from different personalities, even though it made it harder to choose from. But there I've read all them. GS, INDI, LIL AND MORE TO MENTION LATER. But let me send this one and tell everyone what happened.

  14. #134
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    Could you PLEASE include why the resistance to marrying her?? Especially given your career choice, both she and your child deserve a little security, don't you think?
    Last edited by vashti; 15-01-08 at 12:11 AM.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  15. #135
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    It was friday morning at apprx 8tish, I call her at work and told her that she was ruining our relationship by us not being intimate. She replied "thats a mess up to here that early in the morning". I had told her during the week that we are going to the movies after she got off work. Mind you that I'm on midnights with off days being Mon & tues. So I told her lets not talk about that and just enjoy our evening later. Later finally came, I picked her up and we went to the movies. After the movies we picked-up something to eat and we brought it home. We didn't eat. We talked about how we need to communicate more while sitting on the couch well lying on the couch each on oppistie ends. I told her that I do listen to her and that I just don't know how to say what I feel in words. She started tickling my feet and vise versa I did hers. I told her let me give you a massage (via massager that I bought her). We went into the bedroom, she laid on flat accross the bed on her belly, plugged the massager and began massaging her back. While doing that I'm kneeling over with her inbetween me. To make the long story short, we began kissing next thing you know she's taking off her under garment and pulling my pants off. I didn't stop her at all. Now we both are naked and still kissing. I'm very hard and I could feel the steam coming from her. She tells me put it in, I replied I want you to want to not just because you're in the mood. Of course she says I want you too. So we had sex as normal. And as far as satisfatison she's the type that like to squirt and she squirted. Afterwards we went to sleep next day Sat everything seemed as if were back to normal. Thats my only ???????????? Is it. Indi made a comment which I liked, GS made mannnnnnnnnnny comments that I liked but indi"s was

    (take it easy and relax. Her resolution will not last. She will beg you to have sex with her again. Just act as if you are respecting her decision for the time being).

    Well she broke my delima now is that I feel guilty. I think that I just pressured her to do it. Or she just felt that she was gonna loose me. Which one is it??????????? I didn't meet anyone else nor have sex with anyone. This was and is hard for me. Dunno why she cut me off. Obuviously its something that I said and or did that she is not telling me. But yet she was using the spritual and or Godly thing on me. Hmmmmm. It's not over I'm going there tonight and not gonna ask for it should be period time anyway. Is it back to normal?? Dunno

    The picture is some eles's but it fit what I'm going through.

    I've just looked at the views on this thread. Its a lot but real thank you all. I never my life at 27 would be a soap opera, but what made it hard is that my son is involved, and I rather make it work with someone that I love and that I have a child with. Because if it wasn't for our son, this situation would not have bothered me not one bit. I tell her all the time that we our joined together for life only if I choose to be in our childs life. Because me personally marriage is nothing if you look at it non-spritually. If me and her were married today and we get divorced tomorrow, we both could go our separate ways and never see each other again. Now if you turn the table that we are not married but we have a child and I want to be there in that childs life, we are gonna cross paths forever. ex: kindergarden, 8th grade graduation, high school graduation, college, wedding, God forbidden that my son gets into an accident who will she see? ME. my point that I am trying to make and that I tell her is I'm not going no where with or with out you, and knows that. So whatever magic book that she is using, you all help me a whole lot. I know I write in broken english that is because I am also bi-lingual and I hope you all understand my part of the situation. But for now only time can tell.

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