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Thread: Bothered by a guy (loooooong!!!)

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    New York
    Lol you say this guy's not stalking you but he sure is causing a lot of unhappiness and interference in your life.

    You're too nice for your own good qwerty lol.

    I would've gone bonkers by now.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Brooklyn, NY
    How on earth has this guy not been fired from your workplace? Workplace harrassment would be pretty good grounds for dismissal at most places. Did I miss something in the thread?
    “Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist”--George Carlin

  3. #123
    qwertz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanctuary View Post
    Lol you say this guy's not stalking you but he sure is causing a lot of unhappiness and interference in your life.

    You're too nice for your own good qwerty lol.

    I would've gone bonkers by now.
    I know
    I will probably snap and kill him one day

    Quote Originally Posted by starbuck View Post
    How on earth has this guy not been fired from your workplace? Workplace harrassment would be pretty good grounds for dismissal at most places. Did I miss something in the thread?
    Well ive known him from before i started work there..my boss has been good and given a warning, but he has stopped bothering me at work now and im not gonna tell them any more about the other stuff...i dont want him to lose his job over me.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  4. #124
    qwertz's Avatar
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    Well the fcuking psycho has reared his anus ugly head again.

    Things have been quiet for a long time- i havent even seen him for ages. Tonight I was at a class with my friends and who is there..he is- no problem i thought, this doesnt have to be weird so i just carried on doing as i was doing and stayed out of his way.
    At the end of the class he waited until he thought i was alone(my friends had noticed him hovering) and he laid into me calling me everything he could think of(which wasnt much tbh the stupid mother fcuker) my friends intervened and he stormed out shouting abuse- he then stormed to his car and slammed the boot shut with such force that it smashed his window!! (that bit makes me smile now)

    A mutual friend then went out to calm him down and he started saying how i am such a bitch for not talking to him and that i led him on..all he wants is to be friends and it annoyed him that i ignored him.

    He is a absolute c u next tuesday that has no social skills whatsoever. Well i'll make the bastard more angry tomorrow when i report him. Dickhead.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  5. #125
    Join Date
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    It's a Jersey Thing
    so i just joined this forum and read through all the posts on this thread (bored at work haha) and i am completely speechless. so there weren't any altercations since december and this guy out of no where, freaks out again? was he invited to this class or did he show up because he knew you would be there? are any of your friends still communicating with this guy? reporting his ass is definitely necessary, but i can't believe over the past 3 months of nothing really happening, that he would suddenly freak out. maybe he was just embarrassed and didn't want to be friendly with you, since doing that would sorta say that he was in the wrong all along. maybe this outburst was him trying to save face (even though it made him look like even more of a crazy person for still holding onto the feelings he has). i don't know what to recommend to you, other than what has been said a million times already, there really isn't much else you can do. make sure that your friends are backing you up on this, and all the way. not some half fast job where they say things to not upset him when they talk to him alone. you really need their support, and if all of your friends step up to this guy and say "enough is enough, if you continue down this crazy/obsessed/childish route, none of us want to have anything to do with you" it might get him to finally give up. make sure your friends are making it clear to him that they've seen everything from the beginning and know that you in NO WAY led him on. that his behaviors are obsessive and are frightening, completely abnormal, and that it might benefit him to go to a therapist and talk it all out. he can try spewing out his garbage to the therapist, but they will know a crazy person when they see one.

    sorry i couldn't be of anymore help. stay strong, keep your real friends close, and just keep doing what you've been doing... good luck!

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Los Angeles, California
    this guy is whacked. there is a reason why a 32 year old man is single with no experience. he scares all the women off!
    be careful.... this guy is obsessed.

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