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Thread: Who will or would you vote for in the USA elections?

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    This election, just like all the ones before...it is meaningless. If it makes you feel you are important and that your vote matters and you actually have a choice in who is at the top, then by all means, VOTE! From a psychological standpoint, that is the purpose of the shit show after all. So you think you have a choice and that it matters.

  2. #122
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by parabola View Post
    This election, just like all the ones before...it is meaningless. If it makes you feel you are important and that your vote matters and you actually have a choice in who is at the top, then by all means, VOTE! From a psychological standpoint, that is the purpose of the shit show after all. So you think you have a choice and that it matters.
    Maybe you should move to another country if you don't believe in the American foundation and politics. I'm sure they can use someone like you in Russia or China.

  3. #123
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    British Columbia, Canada
    https://www.facebook.com/ajplusenglish/videos/vb.407570359384477/800533326754843/?type=2&theater&notif_t=video_reply&notif_id=14744 60440297536

    Check the link for a great response to those who say they aren't going to vote this year, or that their vote doesn't matter. Barry doesn't usually point like this, so he really wants his message to resonate here!
    Last edited by melancholia; 22-09-16 at 07:28 AM.
    "Caring is not an advantage."

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    I was born here, thanks. I do plenty for this country by following its laws, not being a nuisance to society, and not living off other tax payer's dollars. Think of how great our America would be if more people would focus on improving from within instead of being distracted by a farce circus show? There are way more important things to *making America great again* than placing it all on Trump or Clinton.

  5. #125
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    Jun 2014
    ^^^ Really? At this point of the game, what choice do you really have? Not voting? And how is that supposed to help America? You are a classic example of a citizen who refused to exercise her rights because you are too complacent. All you do is complain but do nothing to be part of the solution.

  6. #126
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    Sep 2016
    What makes it a circus? In several small time elections, your local, it sometimes does come down literally to one or two votes. Remember Iowa? Hillary and Bernie had to flip coins because of how close it was. In those cases, literally a single vote can shift the entire thing. Look at Russia for a farce. Putin won. Because he always wins. We have video evidence of his cronies stuffing the voting box for him. That's how Putin politics play out. Are we a farce in comparison to that?

  7. #127
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    Aug 2014
    Why are people saying Obama will get another term, that is not even possible is it? This election for all in the U.S.A seems confusing to someone not from your country or culture.
    “The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.”

  8. #128
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    Aug 2016
    I believe they (theorists) are saying that because it doesn't seem plausible hillary or trump are going to be acceptable to be the next president. The other theory is, and it isn't my thoughts or ideas, is that something major will happen to cause obama to stay on for the 3rd term. Now if this does come to pass, which none of us know what is going to happen, but if it did...it would appear to be staged. The whole hillary being sick deal, and trump being so hated to the point of violence leads many to believe they aren't going to last. Lastly, you must note the ongoing divide with every single difference with people within the US...and how it is constantly fueled by the media. (((?))) I don't know what is going to happen but it seems a bit ridiculous to me what is being shown on the news. Things are too random and it logically does not make sense. Clearly it seems to be leading up to something....imo.

  9. #129
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    For those of you with the opinion that Clinton would not make a suitable candidate for POTUS, what is your reasoning behind that theory? This is in no way an attempt to shame or ridicule anyone with that opinion, I'd actually like to find out why you think that way, and how you came to that conclusion.
    "Caring is not an advantage."

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    [MENTION=77017]lovebroken[/MENTION] people saying that probably mean Hillary is going to get elected and since she's almost a carbon copy of Obama then we're going to get another 4-8 years of Obama. [MENTION=81312]melancholia[/MENTION] my point to lovebroken is exactly why Hillary is not a suitable POTUS. The way she and Obama have been circle jerking each other this entire campaign makes it blatantly obvious. Obama himself was (is) a crony capitalist corporate shill - all that talk about supporting the middle class and yet here he is granting special immunity to Monsanto, Obamacare and the waivers/exemptions granted to any corporation that had "democratic" connections, breaking his own "no bid contracts" vow in favor of any corporate machine in the left's good ol boys club (siga technologies comes to mind). And now we have the sudden ban on kratom - not only a ban but a move all the way to schedule 1 - in the name of "protecting America from dangerous drugs" (aka maintaining the monopoly that various elements of big pharma have on American medicine).

    Obama passes himself off as this progressive liberal socialist. I guess parroting feminist rhetoric a couple of times a month is all it takes to get that choir to accept you as one of them because he's every bit as - in some cases even more of- a corporate shill than Bush/Cheney before him were, because none of his actions line up with any of his liberal rhetoric. He's done everything for corporate elites and nothing for the upper-middle class on down.

    Hillary has been either supporting or making excuses for all of this for years now, all of the above is going to repeat itself with her as POTUS.

    And this isn't even getting into her scandalous side.

    With all of the above having been said, Gary Johnson has been frustrating lately. He got up to 13%, only 2 points away from the debates. Then all of a sudden oops don't know what aleppo is, oops glad "nobody got hurt" in the NY/MN attacks where dozens of people got badly hurt, oops scaring a reporter by talking with my tongue out, oops jews should be forced to bake nazi cakes, oops we're eventually gonna get swallowed by the sun anyway so fukk global warming…..all of this one after another after another after another

    I don't know if he even wants to be POTUS, I'm starting to wonder if he just wants to be that guy who's too pure and honest and principled for the corrupt system to give him a fair shake. After this is all over he'll go back to being serious and level headed.
    Last edited by dickriculous; 25-09-16 at 10:05 AM.
    They see indoctrination and they call it "morality", "professionalism", or "maturity" depending on the context.

  11. #131
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Thank you, parabola and dickriculous for answering. I found it very confusing to read and listen to that being spoken about by commentators on this election. I don't think if I was in the country as a citizen I would feel compelled to vote for either of the top candidates either.
    “The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.”

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I'm voting Jill Stein over Hillary Clinton because she aligns with myself more and I trust her more and she is closer to the candidate I wanted to be President ( Bernie Sander's) I have to do what feels right for me.

    [MENTION=77017]lovebroken[/MENTION]... I hear you on that!

    - - - Updated - - -
    [MENTION=84175]Magnitude[/MENTION]... are you living in The United States, just because your flag says so doesn't mean you are so am asking, because you never said who you are voting for since that was the premise of Jffs24's thread. Curious.

  13. #133
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    Aug 2013
    [MENTION=81312]melancholia[/MENTION] - i honestly just don't like or trust her is all it boils down to for me and i can't give my vote her way. i think trump should never have slipped in as the rep. nom i almost feel something was being set up with that. i felt the same as dollhouse and wanted sander's( who got screwed out of his chance in favor of hillary) as the dem nom and as of now i still have no idea whom i will cast a vote for. why did you want to know?
    When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do.
    William Blake

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter19 View Post
    [MENTION=81312]i think trump should never have slipped in as the rep. nom i almost feel something was being set up with that.
    Considering the fact that Trump was a democrat his entire life all the way up until it became convenient for him to be a republican for the purpose of this election, and the fact that Trump and the Clintons have been besties longer than most of us have been alive, this would not surprise me in the slightest. It's entirely possible that Trump is there to make sure Hillary becomes president as a favor to them.
    They see indoctrination and they call it "morality", "professionalism", or "maturity" depending on the context.

  15. #135
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    British Columbia, Canada
    ^ Trump and the Clintons are not besties. They hadn't been in the same room together since his wedding, up until the debate. Which was the oddest, most awkward and strange debate I've ever seen.
    [MENTION=70896]Exeter19[/MENTION] I am curious. I have a lot of American family (my mom, her parents, and aunts/uncles on her side of the family are all American) and I follow the elections just as closely as I follow the Canadian elections. I've followed them since the Bush/Gore election and find it interesting, especially hearing from US citizens, who actually live there and have the power to vote. It's simply out of curiosity, and to spark conversation about it.
    "Caring is not an advantage."

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