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Thread: 3 month old relationship, in trouble already?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    3 month old relationship, in trouble already?

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 and a half months now. He is 24 and I am 20. We barely knew each other for 3 weeks and we hit off completely and decided to get together.Those 3 weeks were perhaps the best time I had with him. He was a completely different person then.

    He is an entrepreneur and a complete party-boy..he is just starting his own business and he loves to party. I have never stopped him from doing anything.. I dont even have a problem if he flirts around with other girls as long as it is only verbal and not physical.. He is only 24 and I dont want to restrict him from anything just because he is in a relationship with me..

    Before him I had been into 3 relationships which had failed miserably. I told him everything about my past and he was completely okay with it and promised me to love me like no one else and never change as a person and never hurt me..He would message me since the time he woke up and was still in bed and then would keep in touch the entire day till we slept. He would drive me home every evening, message me within 20 mins of it.. Ask me to lie at home at weekends so that I could meet him.. and I loved doing everything.. I began to fall for him. Finally we got into a relationship and we kissed.. and that day was weird, he dropped me home but didnt msg.. I msg and he didnt reply..He went to a party..he came back at 2am and called for a minute..The next day, no msg in the morning, so I messaged him..there was no reply for a couple of hours and then just a "i'm busy" and then his phone got spoilt and it switched off the entire day and night. He got a new phone but things were never the same again.. He barely spoke to me.. Kept saying that he was busy..

    Earlier when he used to go party he would keep messaging me from the party.. but then that stopped but he used to call and talk..

    I had to go to another city for 2 months because of a college internship. Things were "kind-of" okay even then.. we started to talk or skpe every night..and the days we wouldn't even speak for 30 seconds.. I began to get okay with it thinking he was busy..

    Last night on skype he was talking cheesy stuff and I am a shy person.. I didn;t know how to react to it.. He got a little upset and said he wouldnt talk these stuff as he felt he was feeling desperate..I guess he got a little pissed and he very rudely cut off my call.. He didn't call me the entire day today and I called him up in the evening he spoke very weirdly so I cut off the call.. He was going to a party, but he just messaged whereas he used to call me to tell me that previously.. Along with that he messages me "Ya goodnight and from now I am going to party every night, so I don't think I will be able to talk to you in the night anymore".. I messaged him back saying when I am going to get his time and he just replied saying I dunno.. It hurts.. It kills.. I called him a million times and then he answers and says he wasn't being rude and he wasn't pissed..

    I really don't know how to react..What to do.. I don't understand.. I feel all soo messed up.. I really wanted this to work. I have never put in so much effort or given any of my relationships as much importance as I have given him.. And I really really really wanted this to work.. I feel all soo messed up..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Twin Cities
    This is who he is. Everything seemed perfect at first because you were both infatuated and on your best behavior. Now the masks have slipped and it turns out that he is a freak. You didn't do anything wrong, but it's clear that this isn't going to work out.
    Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

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