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Thread: If your sig. other had some loathsome disease, would u be there?

  1. #1
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    If your sig. other had some loathsome disease, would u be there?

    The woman caught me off guard with a wild @ss question of if she was ill with something not quite terminal but debilitating (that may become terminal in a decade or so to come), would i still be around for her? Mind u I'm barely 20 so this seems kind of a far out question to me. After a certain age, sure I'm okay w/ sticking around but this was really unexpected. I thought back at some times where i saw this exact thing happen and saw how unhappy one or both parties of the relationship were and it made me seriously think about the question.... imagine your work, family, and other goals in life.... would u set those aside for this person? Or what?
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  2. #2
    Ellynn's Avatar
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    If I really connected with the person ....and wanted to be with them....then I would definately do it. I think its best to love then not love at all. I would rather have a short time of happiness then none at all.

    I mean people go into relationships not knowing what could happen. I mean their spouse/bf/gf could die at any time. There are no guarantees we will all live to be old and gray.......

    My dad married my mom knowing her kidneys weren't in the best shape. She was lucky to be able to have two kids....but after that the doc told her no more... He still married her and they had many happy years together. They did divorce for other reasons after 20 yrs......but he still stuck by her side(after her kidneys failed and she found out she had bone cancer).....up until the day he died.. The ironic thing is that she outlived him........and it seems like hes up there looking down on her keeping her alive for us.

    Things happen for a reason....sometimes it doesn't make sense.....but honestly if I knew a guy I was really into had a disease that possibly could be terminal someday.....I would still want to be with him. I think if you honestly love someone....it doesn't matter what would happen........but that you make the most of it and make some great memories.
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  3. #3
    Illusional's Avatar
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    well i'll tell you this much, if i were your age, i probably wouldn't have waited around because i had that "i'm young" train of thought. there are many other girls out there so why should i wait for just one??

    however, now that i've matured a bit (maybe i haven't) but reguardless i would answer totally different to this question.

    as for arty..i'm still waiting for my unborn child...

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  4. #4
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    If I loved someone, nothing would chase me away from them.

  5. #5
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    singularity2006----Loaded question. Would hate to be in your position.

    Reminds me of the movie Lola Rennt (German film). There's a classic scene in there where Lola is having a conversation with her boyfriend Manni. Manni keeps pressuring her and saying, "What if I died, would you still love me? You'de cry for awhile and than go off and find a new boyfriend etc etc".

    And Lola tells Manni, "You're not dead yet".

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illusional
    as for arty..i'm still waiting for my unborn child...

    so, how many kids are you planning on having?
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  7. #7
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    If your SO loved you, she wouldn't expect you to wait around, at least if her disease were terminal.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lloyd95
    If your SO loved you, she wouldn't expect you to wait around, at least if her disease were terminal.
    For real dude.

    She sounds selfish.

    You should feign death and see what she does.

  9. #9
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    It's kind of an unfair question, considering your age. That level of commitment is something you grow INTO over the course of a lengthy relationship, and you guys aren't even married.

    That being said, I would take care of my husband, and I know he would take care of me. I would allow him to date if I were ill, however, and might even help him try to find a "replacement" so my kids wouldn't have a witchy step-mother.

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