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Thread: Friends with benefits, confusion, and my ex-girlfriend of 8 years

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Friends with benefits, confusion, and my ex-girlfriend of 8 years

    Please forgive the length of this post. My story is a bit complicated.

    Let me give you some back story.

    About 8 years ago I found this girl on a forum. Our conversations on MSN messenger turned into talking on the phone. This went on for about 2 years without ever physically being with each other or seeing each other (although we did see pictures of each other) because she lived in a different state. We used to talk to each other every single day. We used to say we loved the other every day. Anyway, we finally met after those 2 first years and started to actually date. This went on for about 5-6 years. We would go to the beach, out to dinner, to the movies, etc. But we would always return to our homes in the end. We never lived together.

    Before we finally started having sex with each other, which was about 4-5 years ago, we were both virgins and neither of us had ever been in a serious relationship.

    Alright, so here's the thing. For the past 3 years this girl has been dumping me and then getting back together with me (partly because she missed me and partly because I pursued her after the breakup). We would have some sort of argument over the phone, and it would end with her saying something along the lines of, "I no longer love you; and I don't want to talk to you ever again." Then a week would pass and we would make up and be back together again. This would happen every 1-5 months (for the past 3 years). She would also sometimes say to me that the only reason she makes up with me is because she feels guilty about how much she hurts me when she does leave me. She has pretty mush said everything under the sun for why she breaks up with me, "I no longer love you," "I don't see you that way anymore," but then when we would get back together she would say, "I didn't mean what I said," "I'm flighty," "When I break up with you I notice you try harder," "I missed you," etc. These explanations are over the course of years.

    Regardless, just recently, we broke up again. She didn't talk to me for a week (wouldn't return my calls), but instead of doing nothing but trying to call her (and waiting to see if she would call back), I decided to drive to where she lived to confront her (150 miles away). I brought flowers and I apologized. When she saw me she was shocked and took me aside to talk. She told me she loved me and even missed me, but that our relationship was unhealthy. She also told me that she thinks there may be something missing between us. There's also a few other things, like the fact that I've been unemployed for years and that she's more educated than me. I also have no money and live with my parents (she lives with her parents too, but it's out of convenience rather than necessity). Put simply, I'm a loser. A man child. Although she didn't say this to me in such a direct way.

    However, she invited me to stay at her house (because she said she would feel bad about me driving all the way back) for the night. I stayed at her house and we had sex. We also discussed our relationship in bed and we had both agreed that from now on we would just be friends who "occasionally had sex with each other."

    Even more recently, we just saw each other again. We went out for the day and when we came back we had very passionate sex. She even remarked that it was the best sex we have ever had. In the moment, when we were having sex, I said "I love you," to which she gave me a conflicted look and began stuttering out the words, "I love you," but before she finished, I kissed her and said she didn't have to say anything. Then she said, "I love ****ing you though." To which I sort of jokingly replied, "Good enough." Before I left to go back home, we made plans to see each other again. By the way, during my stay, we would frequently kiss and embrace. And when we were out together, I told her how she could easily find a handsome guy if she just put herself out there (she was complaining how nobody has ever asked her out). She replied to that by saying she was in the car with a handsome guy already. The reason I said she could easily find a guy is because I didn't want her to think my feelings would be hurt if she started dating other people (which I expect is going to happen), even though they would be. I did this because in the past, when I told her how much I was hurting, it would push her away. So now I'm just keeping things to myself and watching what happens.

    One last thing. This girl has put up with me not being employed for years and she and has told me how much she didn't like it. Even so, she once told me that even if I did get my s*** together, she still felt that there might still be something missing between us. I don't know what to believe though because her feelings seem to be all over the place.

    My question is, what the hell should I do? I'm confused. Does this girl still love me? Should I move on? Should I get my s*** together and then see how she reacts? I just don't know what to do and the pain I'm feeling right now is horrible. I'm just afraid that we have passed this point where she is thinking about looking for somebody better, but will in the meantime have sex with me until she finds that somebody. I think she may be desperate and lonely, so she doesn't want to completely let go of me until she finds somebody else. Additionally, for your information, when we were together I know for certain that she wasn't cheating on me or anything. She isn't that type at all. I'm not saying I don't think it's in her, but rather, she's too insecure.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    The Same thing happened with me...
    I have just made feel her important person in my life by gifting her a Diamond Neclace on her b'day...
    I also proposed her for marriage..
    She accepted!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Langley, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by siinyt View Post
    The Same thing happened with me...
    I have just made feel her important person in my life by gifting her a Diamond Neclace on her b'day...
    I also proposed her for marriage..
    She accepted!!
    Um no, I think this must be a bot because it is shitty advice.

    OP, you need to get your life together, unemployed means you're not a provider, not someone who many women can consider seriously if they're looking to move forward in life. I think this girl is conflicted, but I also think she is a bit of a flake. I think you should try getting a job, and then try to find a relationship. (with her or someone else)
    "All is fair in love and war." - Francis Edward Smedley

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