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Thread: is he interested or am i wasting my time?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    is he interested or am i wasting my time?

    I think I like a friend of mine, but am not sure of his feelings for me. I know we're friends, but I wish we could move past that. I see him at the gym all the time when I'm there, but we don't really talk because we're too busy working out. But we see each other and wave.

    Today, we supposedly left the gym at the same time, and he called out my name. We started talking on way to class. He accidentally elbowed me and jokingly said "I didn't elbow you" and I nudged him back and said "Yeah right" jokingly of course. Then our conversation returned to normal friendly conversations. My roommate, who also happened to be walking to class and saw me talking with him, told me that I was really obvious that I had feelings for him.

    So what I want to know is if there's a chance that he may be interested in me or not. We might have a class together next quarter, and if we do, I'll try to spend more time with him. Any advice would be appreciated. thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    Hard to tell and with so little information.

    At this point, it seems to me like he's just being 'friendly'.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Yeah, there's not much info here, just one encounter like that is hard to judge by.

    But if all you guys do is wave and make small talk, it sounds like you can hardly call him a friend. I have conversations with most of the bank tellers girls I see because of my work, we joke around sometimes, ask about each others weekends, etc. But I wouldn't call them my friends, I just know them. Over several years there have been probably 20 different teller girls that I've been like this with (they come and go). Sure half of them are cute, I might have even been interested in a few of them. But most of them not.

    Sorry if that bums you out. I guess my point is, don't get caught up on this guy.

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