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Thread: Should we give up?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Should we give up?

    We like each other alot but in these past 2 months (our first 2 months), we've only seen each other 4 times. Or maybe 3... Twice at the movies, once at the mall. I don't have my license (March 18) and we're still in school so yeah... Only on the weekends. And sometimes stuff comes up on the weekends and we (or I) don't have time for each other. It's wack.

    And now I have a job. I have little time now. This weekend I am off Sunday (today). But now something sprung up (at church today) that we have to go back to church at 5pm for service. So now I'm like "damn, now I gotta tell her this". I'm beginning to see that it's usually me that can't find time for her.

    We've talked about the "us" a few times. Last week she said that "we were doing good" and I said "we could be doing better by seeing each other more". Well last night she said "we could be doing better if we could see each other more but I know that's hard to do". She's told me that she likes that fact that I make an effort to see her unlike her other bfs.

    What can I do? I work in the evenings usually. This is aggravating. Our relationship has alot of potential (we haven't fought yet, and I don't see us doing that in the near future). But I'm afraid she is going to give up on me soon. But what am I to do? How do you see your gurl while you're in high school and have a job?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Dublin, Ireland
    Do you think that in those 3 times we're together ? Did you both enjoyed ?

    So far, for what you tell, she doesn't look very upset with the present situation, she knows you're really busy, and you try to be with her, i think she'll understand, that it could be a temporary situation. Keep being honest, and try to reward her, when you're together. Try to not get busy with more stuff, than what you've school, job, church (can the church get off scene ? you might get some free time, i don't know)

    Good Luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I'd rather spend a little time with someone that I like A LOT than a lot of time someone I like only a little.

  4. #4
    Ellynn's Avatar
    Ellynn is offline Love Gurus
    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Somewhere out there...
    I agree with Clynn....

    I mean....if you were around each other every day......honestly after awhile it would get boring and you would probably fight more. At least now you have that space and you learn to appreciate the time you two DO spend together...

    Plus....your are getting your License soon....and when that happens..Im sure it will be a bit better for meeting up and not having your parents have to take you everywhere. So I say to hang in there......and wait awhile and see how things go before making any big decisions.
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

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