have u ever experienced LOVE REJECTION/S IN UR LIFE??..
what if u've felt it successively? what would u feel??..
well..based on my experience
successive rejections in love made me forget LOVE, as it is..
when i was still in high school i tend to fall for someone whom i had just texted a while ago.. i easily fell for someone who is caring, thoughtful, and has a humor..
honestly, ive never been in to any relationship, at all..
when i was in senior .. there was this guy named 'J'
well..actually,.. 'J' is my classmate.., 'J' texted me if we had a class...but i told 'J' that the class was suspended due to the typhoon.. and to make the story short..
'J' and I texted each other for the whole rainy day..
i guess that rainy day seems to be one of the happiest days of my life ever.. and so.. days, weeks, and a month had past..
i noticed that i was gradually falling in love with 'J'
i was scared of that kind of feeling..
as a result..i gave 'J' to my friend..
i pushed 'J' to someone whom 'J' didnt like or love at all..
i was stupid because i was so scared to feel that kind of feeling..
guess what??..my plan worked..
'J' and my friend went good together..
my heart was grieving by the pain that time..
it felt like i was left alone by my own will..
and so..
a year had past now..
im in college now..
studying as a freshmen student..
im still searching for my heart..
but i guess..
love has its own way to patch up things...

rejections in love caused me not to easily fall again for someone or for somebody ..

my heart is weak..my vulnerable point..